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Everything posted by Architecht

  1. If you leave feedback, link to the thread where you purchased something. If you did not actually purchase something from an individual, do not leave feedback. Thanks.
  2. I'm not following your logic. A feedback thread is just a container for people to leave feedback. The reason people can start them for themselves is that it reliably creates one for those who are interested in having them, and helps that person know about and locate said thread for linking in their signature. The fact that the person who receives that feedback is the one who starts the thread is no different than if I started the threads for everyone. Either you get kudos or you do not. I do think that we will need to declare an end to the general historical "dealt with him in the past" types of statements shortly and start restricting feedback to posts with links to actual buy/sell threads to keep things verifiable. However, that hasn't got anything to do with who starts the thread. The biggest issue with this format will be keeping it kudos focused, as people will see a thread with an individual's name as an invitation to comment generally on that person. The kudos thread was generic enough that the temptation to slam a particular person was lower. Why? Because people who wanted to deal with that person would be less likely to see those negative posts in the big generic kudos threads. The effectiveness of the personal threads in terms of buyers and sellers being able to find positive feedback on a person is the same thing that tempts those with negative feedback to violate the posting guidelines. But that's just par for the moderation course.
  3. This kind of defeats the entire purpose of feedback, no? No?
  4. Retiring / locking this thread in favor of the new individual threads. But we will, of course, keep this around for the history.
  5. More instructions! As a person leaving feedback on newer transactions, it would probably be really cool to link to the selling thread that you purchased from. This helps to establish the credibility of the feedback. That having been said, I know a bunch of people are leaving generalized feedback about past transactions right now. I think that's fine. No need to go back and dredge up past threads. But on new stuff I think it would help alot.
  6. Simple: Make a thread for feedback for yourself. Yes you can start your own. Link to it in your signature line and/or add it to your profile. Encourage people you buy and sell with that had a good experience to post a kudos in your thread. If you edit your profile, I have added a field for linking to your kudos thread, which will then show up under your name on posts you make.
  7. Note that I agree with what others have said regarding the fact that this does NOT address new comers in any substantial way. The reality is that people know a new comer when they see them, and they choose to take a risk by swooping in and buying anyway. More obvious feedback won't change that. Basically, people develop a rep either by selling to those with higher risk tolerance or by buying alot before selling. Some people will live up to the word "risk" by having an unsatisfactory transaction.
  8. Feedback forum experiment. Restricted to replies only for now while you all think about it.
  9. These chat boards are extension of the CCG|NGC/NCS/PMG/CGC collecting community at: http://comics.www.collectors-society.com Members of the main Collectors Society site have a number of fun collecting tools available to them, including the registries, AND collector journals. Collector Journals are an easy way to blog about your collecting experience. Recently, we've added a new feature to the Collectors Journals that allows posts made to the Journals to show up here on the chat boards so that people can respond to and discuss journal entries if the original author allows it. Members who turn on this feature for a journal entry have the choice of either providing their chat board login so that the post will show up as made by their chat board account, or skipping that step and letting our automated "CS Journals" account post it for them. The Journal feature is designed to allow our members to share their collecting journey with other members. We hope that over time our members find that they've been able to use the journals as a way to share a kind of diary with other collectors, and can look back over their entries as a road map of their collecting adventure. This is different than general posting on the message board because there is a single place to view the collection of journal posts for each member. Use the Journal feature to: Share your experiences and thoughts Share your unique acquisitions Share your knowledge with other collectors To check out more journal entries (with and without discussion threads attached to them) look here: http://comics.www.collectors-society.com/MoreJournals.aspx?tab=RecentJournals
  10. Disallowing Personal PayPal Payments ---------------------------------------------------------- The point has been raised that this isn't exactly an above board practice and also deprives people of recourse. I'm disinclined to allow this to be an advertised method of payment for a variety of reasons. I'm thinking about adding that to the guidelines. Discuss?
  11. Well, semi-manual. It's possible to query people by post counts and add them in bulk.
  12. You can set up groups that limit posting like that, yes - but you cannot automatically grant membership to people based on post counts. It would be a manual process to add people.
  13. It's important to note that part of the considerations here from a moderation stand point are whether the auction format is good for the boards at all, regardless of the technology choices. I will stress again that this is being allowed on a trial basis. Anyone thinking of spending excessive time and effort on tech upgrades for this needs to know that they're making a bet they may lose.
  14. Well, I guess we'll let it roll for a little while and see what happens.
  15. I'm not really worried about CCG... but I wouldn't be for it unless it was approved by the powers that be at CGC. I had to be a dork and go for it.... It's really just the jealousy of custom titles CCG is the parent company.
  16. Also note, this is a format that: 1) Is controlled by someone other than the collectors society - i.e. welcome to their mailing list most likely. This is not an entirely altruistic move. You may (or may not) think of it as a win-win, but consider the issues. 2) This particular implementation is not restricted to the boards. It's possible to find that auction web site outside of the post it was framed in. The "intent" of the tool is boards only for comicwiz, but the reality is that it's not boards-only in point of fact. Given that fact alone (going counter to the not entirely altruistic goal of building and maintaining traffic on this web site) it may be disallowed. 3) This could lead to a proliferation of multiple people each hosting their own auction style format like this. Personally, I'm still mulling it over. I'm also considering the fact that CCG may simply want to limit the sophistication of the marketplace to keep it swap-meet oriented. There are other venues for full on commerce.
  17. Discuss: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3539621#Post3539621
  18. No. If you want to sell it here, crack it out. If you want to sell it somewhere else, feel free to do whatever you'd like with it. Sell it for raw and treat the case as just "protection" or whatever. But here it's raw and CGC.
  19. So provide a decision mechanism of expunging the record versus simple reversal of status.
  20. English spoken here, pal. That is English. Architecht's intellect is moon units beyond ours. :whimper: :duh: It's run-on english. (wince)
  21. Added a discussion thread so that this core thread can be cut down to requests to list, list updates, facts, etc.. Peanut gallery can go to the other thread.
  22. Unstuck most of the topics besides guidelines. Since this discussion forum can only have these threads it seems ok that they just rotate to newest on top. The exception is the guidelines thread itself which remains stuck.
  23. This thread is to allow general discussion of the community run probation issues and cases so that the main thread can remain dedicated to the core facts and updating of the list rather than the surrounding debates and speculation.