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Posts posted by s-man

  1. On 9/21/2022 at 11:17 AM, Axelrod said:

    I will say that the multiple time jumps they've already done do tend to take me a little out of the show.  I like it, but it makes it feel more like the cliff notes version of the story.  

    I hope that with this next time jump the cast gets stabilized and the story mores forward more evenly from here on out (though maybe that's not the case.  I don't know how long this civil war that's coming lasted in Martin's history.  Maybe we'll be jumping forward multiple years all the time)

    I hope it settles down as well.  These first few episodes feel more like a prelude to the main event.

  2. On 9/19/2022 at 8:54 PM, ADAMANTIUM said:

    Part of me wants to state that it is legal mumbo jumbo, but when the description of the sketch on the form is like 3 sentences long lol

    I can't fathom trying to get it all in, I had trouble with just a Jim Lee sketch, but I agree, it would be tempting if I had the funds ha!

    I can see if you get to overly wordy on what you want, but you should be able to put something like 'Wolverine leaping with extended claws' and expect to get just that.

  3. I'm done.  I got about 15 minutes into ep 4 and had to stop when she was yet again in another bar with a date she met through a website.  Why should I be interested in this cliche of a "comedy" show that's not even funny?  Its a shame because Tatiana is a good actress and if it were done right this could've been incredible (pun intended!)

  4. I am enjoying the series thus far.  I didn't particularly care for the time jump, but I guess nothing of major importance happened (other then the king knocking up the queen twice).

    One main difference for me between the original series and this one is GoT felt like it was in real time and visceral, whereas HotD feels more like a dream.  Not sure if that is done on purpose because HotD is "past" history and they want it to be portrayed in a dream/memory like way.

  5. On 8/23/2022 at 10:56 AM, media_junkie said:

    I know this will be considered blasphemy, but I have a hard time going back and watching the old Chris Reeves Superman movies (1 and 2).  Don't get me wrong, he did a phenomenal job and much like Connery is to James Bond, he is the measuring stick that all Superman actors will be held up next to.  However I personally don't find they have aged well.  Maybe since I am aging up (51 this year) I find Chris Reeves Superman a bit too unbelievable.  

    I like the fact that MoS and Snyder's DCEU were a bit more realistic (granted we are talking about comic movies, but still).  I mean look at MoS, Superman and Zod fought and Metropolis looked full on like a warzone at the end.  Billions and billions of dollars of destruction, and no idea how many actually died, but to me that is realistic.  You get two guys that can life Mount Everest going after each other there is going to be some serious collaterial damage.

    Where-as in Superman 2 when Superman fought the three Kryptonians in NYC there was hardly any damage.  Yeah a Coke sign got busted and some cars and busses were blown around but that is basically it.  That just isn't believable to me.  

    In my youth Superman (Chris Reeves) was my favorite Superman movie, however in my adulthood, to me, MoS (Henry Cavill) far outshines the original (2) Superman movies.

    And as far as Brandon Routh goes, he did a good job cosplaying Chris Reeves being Superman, but that wasn't a good movie.

    Agreed about some parts in the movies, like the fight in the fortress of solitude.  From the saran wrap S thrown at Non, to the multiple supermen (two you can go through, another was stone?).  But what he says to Lois is totally confusing:  "Used to play this game at school, never was very good at it."  When the heck did he do that, because I just can't see him splitting into multiples in elementary school here on Earth!


  6. On 8/25/2022 at 7:20 PM, COI said:

    Mine is an exception to this. Not that it matters.

    I do think there should be some fanfare for those of us who hit the 20 year mark and are still around; like putting our name in gold or glitter or something. Not sure if we're masochists, total losers, or a testament to man's ability to endure and adapt, but we're definitely "special" and should be labeled as such, so that everyone knows it.

    Gold and glitter. That's all I ask.

    And a Dunkin Donuts gift card would be cool :foryou: