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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Ironically, it is the same kind of thing people were saying about the book and sellers back in Feb. 2003 when the book was selling for less than one-tenth the price at $300.... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/106578/site_id/1#import -J.
  2. We know for sure what at least one boardie bid. You'll definitely know if you see it re-listed right away.... But I think you'll be more likely to see another copy come up, based on this sale. -J.
  3. Were you the winner of the 608 that ended this morning? Jerome It would be ironic if it was your nuclear bid that pushed up his nuclear bid that caused him to think the sale was "fake". -J.
  4. $3000 for a green label 9.8 and $3450 for a yellow 9.8 both recently. Price is strong compared to a year and a half ago but seems about right now. -J.
  5. He has listed it a few times before reducing the opening bid every time. It has been the same book. He evidently found a couple players this time. -J.
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/141933427348?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J.
  7. ..or not. After reviewing the SOLD history, looks like this book is on its way down. Looks like I paid the top price! -J.
  8. The 2.0 on C-link ended up selling for the $45k that I predicted. -J.
  9. I was hoping this link would help. It doesn't. It simply links to another thread where you state you've spoken to several Diamond account holders who say Marvel prints variants up to case amount. ...and Chuck said it as well. Here you go: -J.
  10. That's another one of my favorites. Almost impossible to find until very recently. It's a perfect example of the cover to the second printing being much better than the original. -J. I have to ask. Why was this hard to find until recently? What changed? Its a second printing and the book didn't have any significant value until people started looking for "everything Dell'otto". Once it started selling for $50+ copies started popping out of the woodwork, as is usually the case. -J.
  11. And you still have nothing. NOTHING. Just stop Chuck. It's done. -J.
  12. Thanks Revat, as usual you offer a concise and we'll rounded take on matters. As to those who continue to ask where the information that (at least Marvel) as a rule of thumb prints its variants to the nearest case, as close to the ordered RI, well that came from Chuck (and it has been echoed by other diamond account holders): http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9141896&fpart=7 Now granted Chuck also thinks that Marvel is "lying" about this as well, but given his obvious and repeatedly stated biases on the subject, I don't think it really matters what Chuck "thinks". Oh and this is also the same thread where he posted the entire list of offernings of marvel variants that happened, four pages long : http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9141896&fpart=3 Not so sure why he's being so shy now. I have already screen shotted his posts in case he tries to delete them. -J.
  13. I NEVER SAID THAT THEY DO NOT "SOMETIMES" OVERPRINT A VARIANT... AND SPECIFICALLY "EVENT" BOOKS, LIKE, OH I DON'T KNOW, THE ANAD TITLE RE-LAUNCH. But post the whole list Chuck like you have done before or just stop talking. Prove that my own LCS is also a "liar" when he described the bulk of un-ordered non-RI that he essentially told me wasn't even worth taking the time to come down to the shop and look at. You may not even realize how many potential customers you have already cost yourself with this latest vitriolic and nonsensical tirade against variants. You have made it EXTREMELY clear that you don't like them and resent having to up your game to get them. But it's seriously time to change the channel my man. -J.
  14. ^ Read what Paul said. He's already answered your questions . -J.
  15. Dude are you for real ? -J. You have nothing. You have zero proof. You have nothing. I'm done toying with you, boy. It's not even a debate. Because you have nothing. Dude are you for real ? -J. You have nothing. You have zero proof. You have nothing. I'm done toying with you, boy. It's not even a debate. Because you have nothing. Dude are you for real ? -J. You have nothing. You have zero proof. You have nothing. I'm done toying with you, boy. It's not even a debate. Because you have nothing. Are you really a business owner? Ive been to his store I can assure he is. Frankly I was wondering the same. Though that was obviously a rhetorical question based on his extreme conduct on these boards. But I gather you knew that already. -J.
  16. Do you know what a Marvel 'pallet sale' is? Every so often Marvel offers retailers, through Diamond, the opportunity to buy Bulk Pallet's of their trade paperbacks, 2000 books for a special price - AND at an even better price if you buy 5 or MORE PALLETS. These are overstock. On books that retail at $19.99 and up. In PALLET quantities. If they can do that with $20+ books, they can do it with comic books. No one has shown ANY proof, that Marvel rounds up to the nearest case on variants. There's NO proof. It's an unfounded theory. And yet here, is another example, of Marvel over ordering on product. Where did the theory that Marvel rounds to case amounts on variants come from? Jay, of course. Funny, how all three of us came up with the same thought. Don't be a clown. It came from a Diamond account holder. One who doesn't have a preposterous agenda to advance. But yeah, you're right. The idea that publishers regularly over print variants that no one ordered just so they can store cases and cases of single copies of them in a warehouse and sell them off at half cover price is a much more likely scenario. -J.
  17. Do you know what a Marvel 'pallet sale' is? Every so often Marvel offers retailers, through Diamond, the opportunity to buy Bulk Pallet's of their trade paperbacks, 2000 books for a special price - AND at an even better price if you buy 5 or MORE PALLETS. These are overstock. On books that retail at $19.99 and up. In PALLET quantities. If they can do that with $20+ books, they can do it with comic books. No one has shown ANY proof, that Marvel rounds up to the nearest case on variants. There's NO proof. It's an unfounded theory. And yet here, is another example, of Marvel over ordering on product. And where is the proof of anything you're saying Chuck ? You are generalizing your own biased opinions into "facts". Why exactly are you doing that ? It is not making you look very good IMO. By the way just talked to one of my LCS' and asked if I could come by and look over the variant offerings. His response to me was: "Why? It's just a bunch of that nobody ordered." Touche. He also echoed the bleeding cool article, that it is predominately star wars related with a mix in of ANAD variants some of which are (but not remotely "all") are RI variants- but again, the ones that nobody ordered. This would be consistent with marvel printing up to the nearest case, even if only handful of retailers actually order the more obscure variants after qualifying, that would naturally leave an excess inventory of dreck that we see being offered. Basically what Paul said. But I guess he's another dummy who doesn't know what he's talking about either, right ? Ugh. -J.
  18. There are only 5 sales on GPA. Last 9.8 sale was for $1100 in May 2013. Last 9.6 sale was for $1600 in November 2014 (last sale overall as well). -J. Cheers, my bro has just got hold of a copy as he has been on the lookout for ages. Tell him to make sure he holds that bad boy tight. -J.
  19. There are only 5 sales on GPA. Last 9.8 sale was for $1100 in May 2013. Last 9.6 sale was for $1600 in November 2014 (last sale overall as well). -J.
  20. Again, Chuck has had no problems posting full lists in the past. Just recently, during another one of his foaming-at-the-mouth anti-variant tirades he posted a list of about 300 some odd variants that marvel burned off in a sale. Nobody is saying that marvel doesn't sell of variants every now and then. Obviously they do. The point is that the vast, vast majority of them are not RI based. This is consistent with the bleeding cool article which was originally posted. Chuck is now being challenged again to post the list because he is trying to dance around and condescend to every single boardie who should dare to disagree and/or challenge his broad statements and unsupported opinions. But I doubt he will, because if the bleeding cool article is to be taken at face value, the variants are mostly non-RI based star wars over stock with some ANAD secret wars and post secret wars dreck thrown in, and that does not jibe with the "Chuck Gower" narrative. And no, he cannot now hide behind diamond and marvel terms of sale because he has posted these lists in their entirety in the recent past. If he doesn't want to now, fine. Nobody can force him. But he needs to stop proclaiming how "right" he supposedly is, because as of now, that is (and as always with him) just based on his own biased opinion. -J.
  21. That's another one of my favorites. Almost impossible to find until very recently. It's a perfect example of the cover to the second printing being much better than the original. -J.
  22. I'm on cell phone at a Diamond breakfast, you're lucky to get anything at all. My point is proven and you're exposed as a fraud. No one can even defend you. And how does #1's prove anything? 30% of the list is non-#1's, and if even 1% was a non-#1 or they were ALL #1's, it still shows Marvel PRINTED MORE THAN THEY NEEDED. So far you've shown NO PROOF for your claims. All I've shown you is MORE proof. Seriously, your position is a joke. You have ZERO facts to stand on. ZERO. Time for YOU to show. But of course, you CAN'T. You have NOTHING to prove your side. NOTHING. This is rather pathetic Chuck. Either post the whole list like you did last time and actually prove what you are trying to claim or stop talking. -J.
  23. Then post the list like you did last time Chuck. Why so coy all of a sudden ? Could it be because you are grossly exaggerating as you directly contradict the bleedingcool article that you originally hung your hat on ? -J.
  24. Chuck, either post the entire list of 700 like you did last time or don't post anything. Even a kindergartener can cherry pick one or two examples in a deceptive attempt to prove a point. But as a side note it is interesting that the one example you did choose to cite is a "#1"... kind of actually proving my point again, aren't you Chuck. -J.