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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Seriously dude.. Just stop. You hate the character. And the book. We got it. Now have a drink on me and smile a bit. We can all get along I don't "hate" the character or the book. The production team behind the show? There may be a certain degree of disdain there. I don't care if the book sells for $50 or $5000. I have no vested interest either way. I just want to see good adaptations that are actually good, and I don't think I should have to constantly be told how "good" a show is if it really is a good show. Frankly I think this thread is morphing into just another pump thread that's trying to keep this book on life support for as long as absolutely possible. We can get along and be friends, but that doesn't necessarily mean we will always agree in our opinions. -J.
  2. What did you dislike about the show compared to the book ? The writing was atrocious, the fight scenes were poorly choreographed and boring, the depiction of Luke Cage and their alleged "chemistry" was embarassing , character motivations were weak and random as was the depiction of her powers, the subplots about her friends were extraneous and unnecessary filler, too many repititious sequences involving kilgrave, and overall the show was about 9 episodes too long (4 would have been enough, those who are saying 8 would have been better are still being too generous). -J.
  3. Quite simply , this show has drafted off the success and (actual) popularity and acclaim of daredvil and traded on the good "Marvel Brand". There is much, much dissension with how "good" this show really was, and that is reflected in how it is already fading into oblivion (along with the book). That's not a knock against the book. But the show itself was a poor adaptation of what was already an obscure no-name character. If anything it proves that you can only scrape so far down in the barrel before you're just getting rust under your fingernails. If there was any chance of a second season , it would have been announced by now, just as marvel announced Daredevil season 2 a week or so after season 1 dropped. There is simply no reason for marvel to force out another season of this thin material about this genuinely unlikeable character and her annoying, enabling friends. As it is the prospect of her possibly showing up in other shows that I might be interested in is making me personally a little nervous, and even a tad turned off as to what may happen with those shows if marvel should feel the need to have her gratuitously popping up all over the place. -J.
  4. I actually think that this won't get a second season. BUT I do think there will be a Heroes for Hire tv season at some point, like a true detective show with Luke and Danny investigating a weird case that keeps crossing the path of Jessica Jones. It is funny you mention the JJ issue, I have several non-comic friends and family who loved Daredevil but hated JJ. In fact, I just had this discussion with my sister-in-law about this subject today. I know several people here on the boards have raved about it, but how many non-comic fans liked that series? My sister-in-law just said it was dark and none of the characters were likable. I haven't watched it yet and so far I'm being told it was not good. I never read the comic, only have a passing familiarity with Daredevil when he crossed over with other MU heroes, and I did enjoy the first 5 or 6 episodes of Daredevil (another series I have yet to finish.) Is JJ a series I will enjoy? If you don't like dark, skip it. It isn't a "happy" story. I personally liked it but I like all good material whether it be lighthearted, middle of the road, or ultra violent. The villain in the TV show was much better than the same guy in the comic and I really liked how bad he was in the book. Everybody that has mentioned it to me had mostly positive things to say. These boards are the only place I've seen negatives. Rotten Tomatoes reviews are very high http://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/jessica-jones/s01/ As are IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2357547/ If you already have netflix, it won't cost anything to give it a try. Merry Christmas Agreed... Everyone outside of these boards loved it. Including my wife who doesn't care for anything comic related. Yup. That is why JJ will have a role in Defenders and Luke Cage......which will help build momentum....and more plot lines to explore in tandem...for a 2nd season of Alias. The book is seeing a slump now, not surprising as she is not presently being shown on other Netflixs shows but that will likely change soon enough. There's not going to be a second season of this show. You can feel free to rub this declaration in my face if I should be proven wrong. (I won't be). The book isn't in a"slump" right now. It is at the end of its speculative cycle and the masses (speculators) are dumping all their copies now to move onto the next "thing". -J.
  5. Missed that. Seems like a strong price, particularly since the other guys had a 6.5 go for $20K recently. I'd like to know which seller submitted that info to GPA. Unfortunately it's subject to all kinds of shenanigans. Just ask miffybunny (among others). There was a copy on eBay, same grade and page quality. Seller was asking $37,999.99, but ended the listing early because the item was no longer available. No way to know if it's the same copy, but it's possible. That book was sold by slab pro via ebay. -J.
  6. I actually think that this won't get a second season. BUT I do think there will be a Heroes for Hire tv season at some point, like a true detective show with Luke and Danny investigating a weird case that keeps crossing the path of Jessica Jones. I believe this is the far greater likely scenario as well, not to mention the one that makes the most sense from a creative standpoint. -J.
  7. What material will they be using though ? They didn't even have enough for one "season". And the character was wearing pretty thin even by the end of it. I think Marvel/Netflix is smart enough to know what shows and characters really did work and translate well (Daredevil), and which ones were noble experiments that didn't quite pan out (Jessica Jones). -J.
  8. Looks like somebody got tired of waiting for another, better copy to turn up and bought it (a PGX 9.2) for full price... http://www.ebay.com/itm/191746132298?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J. $168.50 -J. Does seem a little high compared to what others have sold for recently, but there are none out there now that I see. So, I think you were probably right with your assumption. There was a 9.6 SS on the boards a few weeks ago that sold. Don't think it went for a a crazy price though. The last copy (raw) sold for $160 in September. Since then, all copies- raw or graded- have dried up. No 9.8's have been offered in over a year. That PGX 9.2 copy was the only copy for sale for months. It seems the total lack of supply of the book on the market coupled with the awesomeness of JSC has caused it to appear on more collectors' radars recently. -J.
  9. Looks like somebody got tired of waiting for another, better copy to turn up and bought it (a PGX 9.2) for full price... http://www.ebay.com/itm/191746132298?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J. $168.50 -J.
  10. Missed that. Seems like a strong price, particularly since the other guys had a 6.5 go for $20K recently. I think the word is out on those "other guys". -J.
  11. Looks like somebody got tired of waiting for another, better copy to turn up and bought it (a PGX 9.2) for full price... http://www.ebay.com/itm/191746132298?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT -J.
  12. You can't make it into the club with that, but at least you can enjoy the story without worrying about damaging the book. So in that regard, nice copy! -J.
  13. That's true it could actually be a restored copy. Won't know until they post the pic and update the listing accordingly. -J.
  14. +1 I was surprised to see how rarely they're offered on ebay, and how few 9.8's there are on the census (19). Even fewer than the 648 colour (21). -J.
  15. I purchased a book from Paul for a nice price , and it was perfectly packed and shipped immediately. Thanks Paul ! Regards, -Jay
  16. Agreed. In an industry where Wolverine can be seen in full view and yell his own name at the Hulk in Hulk #180... it's still Hulk #181 that's the big one. We get nothing remotely close to that in MOS #17. The Web of Spider-man #18 (or #24) example for Venom is a perfect comparison. Actually it makes perfect sense. Comics tell stories and Wolverine is not a part of the story in hulk 180. If a person wants to know how wolverine's story first began they need to read hulk 181. If that same person only wants to see a meaningless picture of Wolverine in the last panel at the end of another story openly enticing the reader to buy the next issue so they can actually see his first adventure then they can save a ton of money and settle for a hulk 180. -J.