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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Okay first u suck. Then let me congratulate on your best buy this decade I bet. +1 Even if it comes back a 9.4 it's still a $700 book. -J.
  2. Please post your ASM 678 VenoMJ pics in this previously existing thread. Thanks ! -J.
  3. This book already has its own thread: (thumbs u http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6070892&fpart=1 -J.
  4. Mighty fine copy indeed. Welcome to the club. -J.
  5. Batman 1 new 52? ASM 1, vol 3? We're basically talking about a spin-off title in a re-booted "what if?" universe here. This is not a new character. This is not a new or original concept. It is merely a mash up of existing characters and ideas. This is "what if Gwen Stacy was (a) spider-woman?". There is very little substantively to support this book long term at these artificially high speculative prices. Same spider-time. Same spider-channel. But with a neat costume. -J. Batman and Spidey weren't hauling in these prices for the regular issue #1. Not even close. All the more reason to run for cover. -J. fair enough. Like I've said, I have my one. I'm just curious to see where this ends up in a year or so. Me too. As a spider-variant maniac I actually looked at the variant. Just wasn't feeling the artwork at all on it. Maybe I'm too spoiled by Campbell, Dell'Otto, and Granov. I think the regular cover is actually slightly better. My 2 pence. -J.
  6. Say wha---? With all due respect to your opinion and your obvious enthusiasm for the character (and not to mix my metaphors, or anything here) but I find this statement to be downright batty. -J.
  7. Batman 1 new 52? ASM 1, vol 3? We're basically talking about a spin-off title in a re-booted "what if?" universe here. This is not a new character. This is not a new or original concept. It is merely a mash up of existing characters and ideas. This is "what if Gwen Stacy was (a) spider-woman?". There is very little substantively to support this book long term at these artificially high speculative prices. Same spider-time. Same spider-channel. But with a neat costume. -J. I agree about the mash up which is exactly what Deadpool reminded me of when he first appeared. I look at him and I see similarities to Spidey and Daredevil costumes with the Punisher's weapons and Hulk/Wolverine healing powers. He also looks like Spawn under his mask. X-23 is a copy of Wolverine and I'd say things have held up pretty well for her first appearance. If you don't like it, I wouldn't sweat it. They'll create somebody you do like somewhere along the way. (thumbs u We're talking apples and oranges here again. All the characters you cite above are actually "new" characters. Even if they may be swiped, ripped off, or homage, they are still new. They are not simply a rehashed (resurrected) character dressed up in a neat new costume. Although she's just a fictional character this just seems like a cheap marvel cash in on a dead girl's name and likeness to sell a few books. But I get it I really do. Give me a different blonde girl with a different name, and it's just another chick with spider powers. -J. Nobody stays dead at Marvel...except Captain Marvel. -J.
  8. Batman 1 new 52? ASM 1, vol 3? We're basically talking about a spin-off title in a re-booted "what if?" universe here. This is not a new character. This is not a new or original concept. It is merely a mash up of existing characters and ideas. This is "what if Gwen Stacy was (a) spider-woman?". There is very little substantively to support this book long term at these artificially high speculative prices. Same spider-time. Same spider-channel. But with a neat costume. -J. Batman and Spidey weren't hauling in these prices for the regular issue #1. Not even close. All the more reason to run for cover. -J.
  9. Batman 1 new 52? ASM 1, vol 3? We're basically talking about a spin-off title in a re-booted "what if?" universe here. This is not a new character. This is not a new or original concept. It is merely a mash up of existing characters and ideas. This is "what if Gwen Stacy was (a) spider-woman?". There is very little substantively to support this book long term at these artificially high speculative prices. Same spider-time. Same spider-channel. But with a neat costume. -J. I agree about the mash up which is exactly what Deadpool reminded me of when he first appeared. I look at him and I see similarities to Spidey and Daredevil costumes with the Punisher's weapons and Hulk/Wolverine healing powers. He also looks like Spawn under his mask. X-23 is a copy of Wolverine and I'd say things have held up pretty well for her first appearance. If you don't like it, I wouldn't sweat it. They'll create somebody you do like somewhere along the way. (thumbs u We're talking apples and oranges here again. All the characters you cite above are actually "new" characters. Even if they may be swiped, ripped off, or homage, they are still new. They are not simply a rehashed (resurrected) character dressed up in a neat new costume. Although she's just a fictional character this just seems like a cheap marvel cash in on a dead girl's name and likeness to sell a few books. But I get it I really do. Give me a different blonde girl with a different name, and it's just another chick with spider powers. -J.
  10. Batman 1 new 52? ASM 1, vol 3? We're basically talking about a spin-off title in a re-booted "what if?" universe here. This is not a new character. This is not a new or original concept. It is merely a mash up of existing characters and ideas. This is "what if Gwen Stacy was (a) spider-woman?". There is very little substantively to support this book long term at these artificially high speculative prices. Same spider-time. Same spider-channel. But with a neat costume. -J.
  11. Not at all.. You guys look at it from a story point of view.. Im looking from a "hot cartoon-girl that sells at the moment" point of view.. Yknow.. like squirrel girl, livewire, rat queens etc.. I'm not a seller publisher, but if I were, I could get behind that. At least for the next 3-6 months. decade -J. Fixed Pipe dream my man. Even the original Spider-Woman only lasted 50 issues when she actually was a new character (if not a new concept). We're looking at a flash in the pan here, based on a recycled character and concept that is also currently duplicated three different ways right now even in modern comics. -J. If its a flash in the pan, why is it duplicated tenfold? Maybe cause it sells? Give it time. But it is already following the trajectory of similarly bloated, front-loaded "hot" moderns, right down to the familiar mantra of fans proclaiming that "this one will be different". Past performance is always the best predictor of future behavior. (thumbs u -J.
  12. Not at all.. You guys look at it from a story point of view.. Im looking from a "hot cartoon-girl that sells at the moment" point of view.. Yknow.. like squirrel girl, livewire, rat queens etc.. I'm not a seller publisher, but if I were, I could get behind that. At least for the next 3-6 months. decade -J. Fixed Pipe dream my man. Even the original Spider-Woman only lasted 50 issues when she actually was a new character (if not a new concept). We're looking at a flash in the pan here, based on a recycled character and concept that is also currently duplicated three different ways right now even in modern comics. -J.
  13. Not at all.. You guys look at it from a story point of view.. Im looking from a "hot cartoon-girl that sells at the moment" point of view.. Yknow.. like squirrel girl, livewire, rat queens etc.. I'm not a seller, but if I were, I could get behind that. At least for the next 3-6 months. -J.
  14. yeah I gotta agree... HQ is nothing like the Spider-Gwen phenomena I'll be sure to vacuum tube that memo to Jessica Drew. -J.
  15. That's just your standard "first to market" tom-foolery right there. Speaking of gifs, anyone have the one of a bucket of money being dumped into a toilet lying around? -J.
  16. Yeah but people REALLY love Gwen.... 40 years ago Right. Are people not realizing this is neither a new character nor concept. This book is about as significant as Uncle Ben becoming the new Ant-man in an alternate universe. -J. What about Peter Parker becoming Spider-man in today's day and age? Not a new character, nor a new concept. Yet Ultimate Spidey sold like hotcakes, and is still beloved by many. I think it is way too early to disregard Gwen and her universe. Yes Ultimate Spidey was a creative and commercial milestone. But it's not the same. Peter Parker IS Spider-Man. It all begins, ends and comes back around to him. Gwen Stacy is his dead girlfriend. This other stuff smacks of high concept gimmickery meant to sell books. For the moment it's working. For the moment. People are free to get into whatever they want. But let's try to break -script at least once and not elevate it to more than what it is or will be when it's barely a month old and all the hundreds of copies at CGC haven't even started flooding the market yet. -J.
  17. Yeah but people REALLY love Gwen.... 40 years ago Right. Are people not realizing this is neither a new character nor concept. This book is about as significant as Uncle Ben becoming the new Ant-man in an alternate universe. -J.
  18. This was a mildly interesting watch. That is, until the requisite shill bidding started. http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=121515141179&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565 -J.
  19. Nice pick up! Someone has been on a spending spree as of late! -J.
  20. Last sale was $25k last April. The book has moved since then. This one is already at nearly $25k with an unnecessary amount of time left to still go in the auction. At this point I would be surprised if it didn't break $30k again. -J.
  21. Looking good! You need to add that one to your sig line! +1 Awesome pick up. Let's see that bad boy in the sig line. -J.