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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. There's only one public sale of that book in a 9.8 for $1200. Not enough to make the Dirty Dozen at this time. Speaking of which , another sharp looking copy of the ASM 678 VenoMJ just closed for ~$2500: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-spider-man-678-variant-mary-jane-venom/152800484316?hash=item23939e5bdc:g:bsEAAOSwiQ9ZR8pq&redirect=mobile -J.
  2. This is really good. I'm sure this only will be available as a virgin. -J.
  3. I don't need to see an Aquaman movie and Warner dumping $160MM into that movie with that character played by that actor is just more incompetent film making that will more likely than not end up costing them more money. And I really do hope Boscoe will stop knowingly posting false figures for this film's budget in his chart. While those charts are certainly helpful and provide a convenient at a glance look at how our latest and past super hero movies are faring, not so much when false data is being provided. To wit @Boscoe685: here is an article from November 7, which cites a Wall Street Journal article (that I cannot fully access because I am not a paid subscriber ) also citing the correct budget of $300MM. The WSJ cites sources directly at Warner for that article. Is that good enough for you , or do you need the sources to be "named"? http://m.ign.com/articles/2017/11/07/justice-leagues-budget-reportedly-revealed That article may in fact be the genesis of the $300MM figure. Look man, nothing personal I am simply asking for truth in analytics. That's historically what I have seen you be about generally, and I like and appreciate that. Even though it's obvious you are partial to DC films you have (at least until now) mostly impartially reported the box office facts in all of your charts. Long story short, the act of posting and spreading false information is worse than simply posting nothing if you should somehow really believe you just don't really know the budget of this movie , despite the dozens and dozens and dozens of articles that have discussed it. -J.
  4. Point taken but the "bickering" as you call it is largely one sided. Correcting someone who is seemingly insistent on repeating false information does not constitute bickering, trolling , hating or whatever incendiary epithet someone who is trying to shut down a debate might try to use against someone else who is making a counter point. -J.
  5. This article is from three weeks ago and virtually every credible news source since the day this film came out puts the figure at $300MM. There are probably 50 articles since this one that all say $300MM from deadline , to imdb, to multiple contributors on Forbes , to even google when you just type in "justice league movie budget". Truth in analytics please. Or don't bother with a chart at all for this particular movie. -J.
  6. That nice looking 2.5 on comic link is starting to look like a relative bargain at full ask. -J.
  7. Here's even DC mega fanboy Mendelson at Forbes begrudgingly resigning himself to the true budget of $300MM for this film. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2017/12/03/box-office-justice-league-zooms-past-565-million-worldwide/amp/ Which puts its actual multiplier at 1.896. Truth in analytics please. -J.
  8. His pastels on black paper are gorgeous. Only a true master of lighting effects could pull these off so consistently well. I would love to get one by him of Spider-man in his black suit. -J.
  9. It's Brock. And I hated "Agent Venom" I hope that's definitely NOT what they're doing (and it won't be if they're really following the Lethal Protector story line). -J.
  10. Is this thing going to catch Homecoming and end up being the biggest hero movie of the year? That would be nuts. -J.
  11. Since we are talking budget numbers again, $250MM was the number floated BEFORE the re-shoots, so to get to the $300MM that is the consensus figure now, that means $50MM was spent on re-shoots. That's what you call "incompetent film making". -J.
  12. Hey guys, So in case any of you have ever wondered what a knock down, drag out, white knuckled, no holds barred, anything goes version of the Dirty Dozen list would look like if all the original criteria used was thrown out and everything was considered and the list was expanded to 100, well here you go: https://www.sellmycomicbooks.com/variant-comics.html Everything is considered here, foreign books, reprints, books that just came out last week, everything. -J.
  13. This is just plain unreasonable. I don't care what people like, and I haven't seen anyone trying to change anybody's opinion about this movie (what would be the point of that anyway?). But you are keeping your thumb on the scale for this movie for some reason and you're creating charts with the obvious intention of creating dialogue and discussion, yet when the dialogue or discussion doesn't go the way you like you pitch a tantrum about it. I think I've been very clear what my one and only gripe is and it is that you clearly aren't seeking to have an honest conversation or analysis about this film's real performance because you are knowingly and repeatedly posting false data in a fairly transparent attempt to skew perception, which really is pointless when you think about it, because it's not actually changing reality. So what exactly is the point of doing that, I just don't get it. -J.
  14. ...and IMdB has it listed at $300MM. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0974015/?ref=m_nv_sr_1 Warner will never fess up to what exact amount they really spent (not that any studio really does) but ALL recent credible sources are citing the $300MM as a valid estimate. Putting some other number other than that at this point is simply being dishonest. -J.
  15. So then where are you getting "275" from ? Wishful thinking? -J.
  16. Just the latest article to confirm the budget at "upwards of $300MM". Let's get that chart with the proper budget figure @Bosco685. -J.
  17. Maybe my drastically reduced expectations caused me to enjoy it. I found it quite engaging by the third episode and Karnak ended up being a standout. It did have a somewhat rushed feeling to it and they really copped out with Medusa's hair in the first episode, but, like most things if you enjoy the characters you will always find something to like, even if it's just the Easter eggs. -J.
  18. I see you're still refusing to post the correct budget of $300MM for this movie for some reason... -J.
  19. They are Canadian EDITIONS, not "variants". -J.
  20. Erm.... This girl's head is bigger than her butt. Sooooo not impressed. -J.
  21. Wanting to keep the conversation honest still doesn't constitute "troling". I'm not trying to imply that you are a bad person because you prefer DC or really want their movies to succeed either so if that's what my last post implied, I apologize. The rest of my post I'm going to PM you. -J.
  22. Could I say the same to you then? What's the reality in the world of Boscoe today anyway? It seems to change from thread to thread. We already know you believe Wonder Woman made more money than Homecoming, because some chart from some unnamed source told you that. And we know that in another thread you have disavowed same said chart as being "wrong" about GOTG numbers based on some other article you saw somewhere else. And in a third thread (Justice League) you completely ignore the numbers on the chart and quite literally have made up your own to make that movie's performance look 10% less awful, after not posting it at all for several days. I have said many times that I appreciate the time that you put into preparing your charts. But more and more you're exposing yourself to be a partisan DC fanboy and apologist, tipping the scales when you believe you need to (Justice League, Wonder Woman) and putting your finger on it when you want to (Homecoming, GOTG). Instead of just posting the numbers that we do know that are in the public domain as they are generally accepted to be and leaving it at that. That's called spin, spin, spin. -J.
  23. The "truth" is, the person who compiled this chart at "Pacific Bridge Pictures" doesn't know this information any more authoritatively than anyone posting on these boards. Homecoming was and is and will remain the #1 highest grossing hero movie of the year and topped your favorite participation trophy winner Wonder Woman by a whopping $60MM. But keep on spinning Boscoe! -J.