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Everything posted by ygogolak

  1. November seems to have been released early. 13 titles over 100k and another biggie for the year, DKIII 440k (still only half of Star Wars #1). 1 Dark Knight III Master Race 1 440,234 2 Star Wars Vader Down 1 384,969 3 Deadpool 1 180,565 4 Secret Wars 7 177,019 5 Extraordinary X-Men 1 133,716 6 All New All Different Avengers 1 128,570 7 Star Wars 11 $3.99 Marvel 126,780 8 Uncanny X-Men 600 126,447 9 Star Wars 12 123,133 10 All New Wolverine 1 119,786 11 Darth Vader 13 113,448 12 Mighty Thor 1 112,053 13 Batman 46 106,989
  2. How do you know this worked "well" though? Seems there were definitely some production issues. Also, I would consider this just another one of the themed months that they have been doing for quite a while now. The only difference is that they are just slighty incentive based.
  3. Doesn't matter what month it is, it's still the internet.
  4. Look at the bottom of the cover... it looks like it's a store exclusive. It looks like it's his own store's exclusive, but I can't tell. Whatever it is... I want one too, so if you find out where I can get it, let me know. EDIT - I sent a message on their "contact us" link to ask about it. I'll post something if I get a reply. Are you referring to the Magik cover? No, the one that's in the image posted. It's got the JSC logo on the cover.
  5. Print run is WAY HIGH BRO. Long enough to see this on Midtown's shelf when I travel there, once every 2 years. Very few Midtown variants have risen in value.
  6. Yea If a book moves because a "spec" site likes it, that's a bad reason to invest. If a book moves because of a media deal, key issue, or rarity, that's a good reason to invest. If it's a comic book that's a bad reason to "invest". +1 Every time someone uses the word 'invest' in regards to comics, I can't help but chuckle. And 'movement', that's another one. 'Movement' "Some sucker on eBay bought a copy! Get yours ready!" This +1000. Traditionally, an investment is something that generates income while it is held and speculation is something held in anticipation of gains when it is sold. So, comics, gold and tulips are not investments they are speculation. Bonds are an investment. Stocks could be either one. Neither is a bad thing, but the strategies for maximizing returns are different for each. This is a great article, that helps explain the nuances in the distinction: Investing vs. Speculating QFT- "So, if you buy something with the expectation or hope that you can eventually sell it to someone else for more than you paid, that’s a speculation. ... Overall, we can describe ourselves and the way we participate in the market any way we want. It’s more important to be aware of what exactly we are partaking in, and are honest with ourselves as to why we’re doing it. " The key is that neither are "wrong" just different and apply different rules. If you look at your comics as a financial instrument, then you need to understand what sort of financial instrument they are and how best to maximize your return. For me, I don't see comics as a financial instrument. They are a hobby. However, I don't have a problem with people that do see comics as a financial instrument and behave ethically toward that end. I like them because they buy my comics in which I have no interest. For me, my investments are in my portfolio and my comics are in my closet The article talks in circles really, basically how the author chose to phase things. Investing: Pay yourself first Well, the old way was easy to tell. An investment is something that pays you. So is real estate an investment? It can be. If you purchase a house or a building and then rent it out, the answer is yes. Of course, if the income doesn’t cover your expenses, then it’s a bad investment. ... The same can be said of buying artwork, or any other collectible, and yes, even an education. You may get back what you put in, and maybe more. And then again, you may not. On the other hand, buying a business fits the classic definition. The caveat, of course is that that how “good” an investment depends on how much profit is derived from owning it.
  7. Why is pre-selling bad? Are you going to be able to fill the Near Mint / Mint orders that were placed?
  8. Interesting, Harleys head is cocked differently between the pencil and color.
  9. /\/\ How many did you presell? Seemed to be moving pretty good. Also, first Harley JSC is Batman / Danger Girl one shot.
  10. Almost everything we already knew..... The best part is when the writer mentions 75 selling for $15. I click the link and it says "unsold".
  11. The last Star Wars that Hot Topic had was an error and stores were told not tot sell it.
  12. It is moving well because it was talked about on that site. Lemmings. Just trying to be helpful, if I see something I think might interest others I try to bring it here. Gotten a lot from others here And that is cool. Not trying to discourage you. Just pointing out why that book is seeing some movement. Cart and horse. No way, not on this site.
  13. 1 of 1 distributed from Diamond. One of those situations that irritates me about grading. IMO it has to be a 10 Gem Mint or a 0. There is not better nor worse. Kind of like that My Little Pony one of a kind that only got a 9.6. The 1 of 1 has nothing to do with what grade it is. What if it got run over by the UPS truck, would it still get a 9.8 just because it is the only one? Grade isn't a relative statement based on the population, or at least it shouldn't be. The 1 of 1 should matter for label color. If DC kept adequate records and the book had some level of serial number or something (not saying they do, saying they could), the 1 of 1 sketches should be eligible for SS. It is certainly a more secure system than that WD 100 debacle from a few years ago that were eligible for yellow labels even though there was zero chain of custody. If DC kept adequate records You are aware that comic buyers that slab their books are a cult minority. Might be 1% of DC's customer base. I hardly think they're factoring the CGC crowd into their marketing. They printed 100 unique comics, had them sketched on by their employee's & are distributing them in an unorthodox fashion. If one of these shows up to be graded, It CAN'T be anything else. CGC should update their policies. Antiquated system. This wouldn't require fingerprints or DNA samples. A simple scan or digital photo of the art would do, along with maybe individually numbered blanks. Nothing that hasn't been done on other promotions. CGC's policies are reasonable. Chain of custody should be preserved if something is going into a yellow label. But in instances where something is 1 of 1 and that can be demonstrated to everyone's satisfaction then the chain of custody should still apply just fine. It can only be the original known to have been sketched by artist X, and should be slabbed that way. Huh? The other guy figured out how to do it. The 1 of 1 has nothing to do with what grade it is. What if it got run over by the UPS truck, would it still get a 9.8 just because it is the only one? Yes, it's the only one. Or give it a 0.0. I understand the logic, there can be no way to determine what shape every book came of the line for 10's of thousands, but if you know there is only one copy, that IS the best copy.
  14. 1 of 1 distributed from Diamond. One of those situations that irritates me about grading. IMO it has to be a 10 Gem Mint or a 0. There is not better nor worse. Kind of like that My Little Pony one of a kind that only got a 9.6. Doesn't release until next week, but the artwork image was released already.
  15. Yeah give it a year or two and it will die down. Those late printings are a nightmare to find. I still have never found a IV, but have found 3 V so go figure. The DC Universe UPC printing for MOS 18 is rare. Is there one for MOS 17? The DC Universes UPC is the 5th print. Also folks, these are Coppers
  16. CGC 9.0 books from 2013 don't typically sell at any price. True, but if you can find that book raw for $30 I would be interested. I'm thinking the CGC 9.0 for $30 was a steal. There was a window in late 2013 where that book wasn't worth much more than about $30 raw. You would know! If only we had the foresight Pretty much. I can't remember if I saw it on here or not, but the CGI company said they didn't do any Doomsday work. So either they lied or someone else did it. I think when they said that it killed any spec. on it.
  17. CGC 9.0 books from 2013 don't typically sell at any price. True, but if you can find that book raw for $30 I would be interested.
  18. Shadowman Black Retailer Incentive I guess the 9.8 makes up for the 9.0 sale 9.8 9.0
  19. They are already moving in bulk. For $1 each.
  20. Nope, comparing a reprint to a reprint. $5 on a $1 +/- investment? Eh, not worth the space and time to sit on them until they get to that point. I would rather hunt dollar boxes for $15-20 books that I can sell right away. To each their own though.
  21. It's been reprinted a few times including trades and such. But, this is the first time as a standalone comic book. The Megazine is fairly hard to find in the wild.