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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. This is my fave WH cover, I think it epitomizes the title IMHO.
  2. Very nice! I'm assuming you have Strange Suspense Stories # 19 which is one of my favorite E. chair covers, (not that I have one)
  3. Really hard time finding this guy! Seems like each BA Horror title had a go with a swamp creature story at one time or another. BTW: There is really something way off on the perspective on this cover!
  4. Gotcha. I can't always afford the HG stuff so I try to keep my collection at VF-NM for now. Although I did just order some books from Metropolis and will post here when books are in hand. Meanwhile here are two issues I had a hard time finding in HG. Not saying for sure they are definitly hard to find issues, but they were for me!
  5. Your books do seem to get around! Now that WP copy is a real
  6. Thanks greggy! Glad to see you back safe and sound!
  7. HighVoltage, Your DC Special 9.2 is a beaut! I fully agree this issue just shot to the top of my favorites list also. I do have the Super DC Giant 20 which is also a killer book along with this issue IMHO!
  8. awe4one, Very nice late issue Charlton's! Haven't seen the others except the Prof. Coffins!
  9. Cool, just don't snatch 'em all up, I still need a HG copy! Good deal on your HOM return grades! I have never submitted a book, pregrading costs more? BTW: Here is a book that I've had for years in a lower grade and upon upgrading it found it contained this cool one page ad/promo for HOS. Issue dated 1969 came out a month after DC Special # 4. 2nd mention HOS? House of Secrets promo page...
  10. Most of you into BA Horror probably already know of this issue but for those of you that don't, I was first turned on to it in this thread. I just received my first ever copy of this book and all I have to say is WOW! This is such a cool book, not only for the Neal Adams cover and the first appearance of Abel, but it contains the whole BA Horror Host "crew". The Mad Mod Witch and Judge Gallows from The Unexpected, Cynthia, Mildred, Mordred and Egor from The Witching Hour, Cain from HOM, Abel from the soon to be released HOS and a suprise appearance by the Phantom Stranger at the end to tell the last story! While the stories themselves are quite tame and sometimes border on the bland, the issue itself is strung together nicely by a group of kids that are holding Egor ransom for some goulish stories from the hosts. It also explains why Egor ran away in the early issues of The Witching Hour. I highly recommend finding a copy of this book if you are a fan of BA Horror! The BA Horror Hosts...
  11. Forgot about the Phantom Stranger! I guess I was thinking more modern stuff, and yes the anthology style books were the norm. The rhyming Demon was ok in spurts. When he got his ongoing title I remember an all-rhyming issue with notes to his rhymes saying: "Sung to the tune of..." VERY annoying!
  12. I tend to consider any continuing character book to have fallen off the horror line and into the superheroe - at least the way they have been presented. But I tend to equate horror to anthology so... My thoughts is that the demon Etrigan started as a horror-based superhero (complete with cape) but he did drift back into horror during the Alan Moore run on Swampy. This was about the time he became a rhyming demon? When he got his ongoing series he fell back to fighting superheros such as Lobo and Supes. I think the verdict is still out at DC also where to classify him. Pov, an exception that comes to mind of a continuing character that is well horror based is John Constantine: Hellblazer. I am not a constant fan/reader but the title is still going strong with 200+ issues. Jonah Hex also especially in the more recent Tim Truman mini-series. Preacher too I guess as I (gasp!) never read the series!
  13. You could never trust that Scarface now, couldja? Terrific comic!
  14. OK - seriously - no bubble to break here. But having been in the printing biz for a decade or so, and seen this type of thing happen as a mistake more times than I can count, I just have to wonder if it was intentional. So what do you say? By this weekend will list my copies with the odd-color slugs and let's see if you, and anyone else who wants to contribute, have the same. Am genuinely interested in if these are intentional, errors or what. Also, if DC did decide to just let the run go - who at DC could we ask that would have an answer? Seeking the real backstory here! <- obligatory happy face so you know I am not arguing but seeking. <- obligatory sad face to express I have to even MENTION an obligatory happy face. <- yada yada Hey! We may be treading on new ground here! Pov, I can't say for certain but I believe the changes in the coloring had more to do with a conscience decision by an art director to help set the mood for a cover or balance the color/composition of the cover rather than a production error or a rushed mistake. obligatory happy face uh, I mean...
  15. A recent purchase to upgrade my original "first" ever HOS I owned. This issue will always have a special place/memory in my collection.
  16. Could you be more specific in what you mean by the layout? The triangular corner and the small circular logo, I'm not clear on what you mean exactly?
  17. Wow! That Dr. Graves # 74 cover Rocks! I really like horror covers with reaching/grasping hands, nice! Does anyone remember what the "M. T." stands for again in Dr. M. T. Graves?
  18. Paul, really great book but I think it's the best that you are sharing some of those fabulous interior panels! More, more!