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Everything posted by W16227

  1. You didnt say how the books were ACTUALLY shipped.... I could package 3 slabs in such a way that it cost $27 to ship them. If he just crammed 3 slabs into a flat rate box, and that's what you got, neg him. but isn''t that what OP wanted? Three slabs in a flat rate box - does not leave a lot of room for packaging/protection. It can be done - but I would rather be safer with slabs. My standard rates on three slabs would end up being $28 and would have to ship in 2 separate boxes ( I also combine shipping without hassle, ) ---- Also a big part - what is the value of the shipment? - insurance is not free and is part of shipping expenses. If these were $50 slabs - not a big contributor - but $500 slabs eats up that $$$ pretty quick.
  2. You mean we have to be responsible, c'mon man Last year, someone complained to me that I didn't PM them every round. They then withdrew from the competition. I expect a PM every time someone post's in here! Is that to much to ask? ---- imagine the onslaught of PMs if everyone took you up on this........
  3. can't wait........ have to see if my was the real and it is only the 1st round..........
  4. John offered me $100 to perform topless. I'm still workin' on my fitness for that C note. might get more $$$ to keep the shirt on.......
  5. I'm having troubles understanding this post I have a Tec 1 and 27 plus a Bat 1 you follow that. I did not want to send the books thru the mail for the reason Wayne-Tec posted lost lost and lost. I drove to pgx 500 miles away to get them graded rather than take a chance of lost in the mail. Is that better MetalPSI You lost me at PGX With books of this value any 3rd party grade is better than the seller only opinion right. I think the general opinion is that PGX is about 75.2 party grading - You probably would have had a better return if you flew to Florida and did walk through service........
  6. cool - for your TEC 359 a couple suggestions - 1. Get GOOD full front cover and back cover pictures for the listing. These should be the 1st 2 pics on the listing. To see the whole FC - I have to combine 4 images. Also 2. Set one grade. Your listing is confusing - the title is confusing - and in the text you list 2.0-3.0. If the staples are attached - then go with the 2.5. Or - maybe bettter for you - jsut state low grade and give any internal or unseen defect detail ( like centerfold detached, cover detached 1s - or whatever). 3. Examine the price - there is a 3.5 CGC book for sale now at 285. Raw 2.0-3.0 as listed = nowhere near 250. Might get a GOOD front cover image uploaded - then consider dropping the price down to $200 in a month if the image does not help.
  7. already have them, they don't buy. they bring their own snacks get a cute girl (but not too cute, don't want to scare them) at the cashier. It will improve your candy sales and the general hygiene of the D&D crowd... can i conduct the interviews for this position? What would the positions be for the interview?
  8. - if I were only in that area I would help......
  9. The real question is are there companies that still offer dial up services. I remember them back in the day. People trying to contact you on your phone could never get through. Remember these bad boys? One of my first designs
  10. Plustek - has a CCD scanner that is a lot less than the new CCD epson - http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/530697-REG/Plustek_Technology_Inc_261_BBM21_C_OpticPro_A320_Tabloid_Flatbed.html but I do not think anyone has tried it yet.......
  11. silver boards - 7 x 10.5 8.5 x 11 chippers work just fine - if you pack out properly Paired up with uline box - S-342 with bubble wrap. for that box - a 9 x 12 would probably be too big for the way I pack - the book/cardboard "sandwich" is surrounded by bubble wrap.
  12. I'm with you on that. I bid on an inexpensive book on eBay once that had free shipping. I bid something like 20 bucks, but I was the only bidder, so I won at the starting bid of $5. Book came First Class in an envelope, nothing more. Seller said, "Hey, it was 5 bucks with free shipping, what did you expect?" I expected you to spend the extra 20 cents it would have cost to put a couple pieces of cardboard in. I don't even leave it to chance now. Unless they specifically state how they ship I always ask and then I almost always offer extra money for better packaging. What size and thickness do you use? I buy in bulk and it's under .20 a sheet, but you may use better quality stuff than I do. the uline 8.5 x 11 sheets do pretty well and are ~ .07 cheaper not sub .20 - but getting close ( .24 each if ordering 500) - uline also has free ground shipping if you spend enough.
  13. So - a pride and joy book is ( especially AF 15) - is one of those hard to measure buys - as you have to overcome that emotional attachment with $$$ - along with the fact that the seller knows it is worth a lot. My first inclination would be to only make an offer for all of the other books and deal with the AF15 separately. When you have a collection so skewed in value (and I am assuming that the AF15 is much higher value than the others), the best case IMO - for both buyer and seller is to make it 2 transactions. After closing the bulk of the collection as I know you would be able to do with your mad negotiation skills, you then have to look at several things with respect to a persons own experience and confidence. Me - I would most like offer the "restored" rate - maybe 1K more. The rationale being that I am taking the risk so I cannot offer more and eat a big loss. If there is no deal to be made ( and assuming I already closed on the other books) - I would alternately offer advice to them on how to get the book to auction themselves so that they can get the maximum. for the book on their own. I know that I would jump at a 12K for at least 20K return investment - BUT not one with a single comic. Why? - cash! If you have a lot of reserves then it is not a huge hit to the bankroll if it comes back restored. Me? - the 12K represents a big % of available buying reserves. If I tank on this one - lots of work would have been wasted. Also - experience! - for a non slabbed book with possible resto - I am not one of those that can wave my hand over the book and spot trimming. If the money is not critical to the decision ( lets say that a 6K hit is 10% or less of your reserves) - then you can look at it as more of a math/game theory problem. Treat it as an event that happens many times over an over again - and just look at the long term expected return on investment. Note - you have to figure your % here for the different outcomes. A really good grader/resto expert - would easily be able to minimize resto risk. so - investment is ~ 13K ( book plus press and slab) 50% of the time - payout is 7K (grade as expected) 23% of the time - payout is 3K ( oops - you over graded) 25% of the time - loss is 7K ( !@#$@#$# resto) 2% of the time - payout is 15K (joeypost has mad skills) so - over a long term - this kind of purchase ( with the assumed % outcomes) makes you ~ $2700 for the initial 13K investment. This is ~ a 20% return on your money. Not bad. Note that EVERY number up there - is really an estimate except for that initial investment one ( you will obviously know the $$$$ needed for that book). Individuals would need to adjust to what they feel is a fair estimates for the outcomes - and some might add in more categories as well. The basic idea is to look at the potential outcomes and how often they happen. For any dealer- the % numbers can be shifted - it all depends on your experience and expertise. The overage on a book that you KNOW can improve with a press - can pop that last % and maybe even that last row payout. Better graders? - then the undergrade number may drop low. For people who have to think too much about the price and risking that resto loss - then you are probably not tall enough to ride that ride yet. That's ok - just work on smaller books/collections and build that bankroll. For big $$$ transactions like this - you need to be able to afford the loss - or maybe a better way to think of it - you need to be able to make this same purchase many times over so the long term results can offset short term risks.
  14. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: He now has 11 (his collection goes to 11) of them, you just got done telling him what it is, and he says he STILL doesn't know what they are. I wonder how many more he'll buy. who is the buyer - maybe it is time to get that action 1 "treasury" listed.........
  15. I worked at Durty Nellies in Palatine for many years (the ORIGINAL) . After closing -we always had some free time to play while waiting on the manager to count the registers. Always a fun way to burn time - and lots of side betting. Though - most of the ones who were betting on it - probably should not have..... Surprised we did not have a lot of broken/sprained fingers - most would set the backswing - then really SLAM the trackball (like WAY out of control) --- memories.....
  16. I'll take that bet, scrub. Bring it. Oh, Chip, he's hustling you. Really. You'll lose. Somebody knows what I did in my third career after I sold Moondog's... Man, you shouldn't have fessed up, Gary. Hustle him. I have no clue what you guys are talking about. Was Gary a professional Golden Tee player? WTF is Golden Tee anyways? greggy needs to know. golden tee = golf arcade game - played with a trackball. very addicting - there is a networked version of the game that people can play for money now (online tournaments) - and there were ( probably still are) - local tournaments held in bars Gary - (post his comic shop days) - worked as marketing director for the company that designed the game. I do not know him personally - but looking over some of the news releases, I would say that Moondog knows the game pretty well - and was more than a little responsible for the popularity of the game and the contests that resulted from it.
  17. So I guess the goal for friday - is to have every thread on the 1st page be about ebay somehow? won't be too hard - 25 threads now ( not including stickies) - 10 (ish) are ebay related........ :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
  18. remember the store(s) more now - was confused at first got the mental wires crossed and was actually thinking of Fat Dutchies - spend a lot of $$$$ there in the early 90s......... Visited a couple of the moondogs locations as well at some point - but Dutchies was in my back yard so they got most of my drek $$$$
  19. I'll take that bet, scrub. Bring it. Oh, Chip, he's hustling you. Really. You'll lose. Somebody knows what I did in my third career after I sold Moondog's... Palatine moondogs?? Oops - nevermind, - think I was mixing up the LCS from my younger days - Moondogs was in prospect, no?
  20. I'll take that bet, scrub. Bring it. Oh, Chip, he's hustling you. Really. You'll lose. Somebody knows what I did in my third career after I sold Moondog's... Palatine moondogs??
  21. Congrats! awesome - I was thinking that this kind of position would be a good match for you - you do not need experience to get into a entry level kitchen job - and then you can learn a lot and move up - with TIME. Just be positive - realize that it is an entry job so you are the scrub for the moment (you will probable get the less desirable tasks in the kitchen for a while) - work hard and observe/learn everything you can. Be PATIENT about moving up or being assigned new responsibilities - and you should be fine.