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Everything posted by W16227

  1. What grade do you think it is? It looks to me like a 4.0 or so without the pink drawing on it, so I'd say Meeklo wasn't far off. Yes I'm grading it as a 4.0/4.5 because I don't see anything in the grading guide that says otherwise I'm not going to hold back on this post but do you have a freaking clue at all? That book is not even close to a 4.0 WITHOUT THE PINK ALL OVER IT. You've been here for years and think that could possibly be a 4.0/4.5. You don't have a clue how to grade at all. Without the pink it's a 2.5, 3.0 at best. It's a 1.8/2.0 with the pink. Stop wasting your money. Sell video games or stick to graded books, but you sir have no idea how to grade. If I got that book in a collection I'd put it out for $5.00. Jim I agree that with the substantial writing on the cover this grades out to be a 1.8, 2.0 at the most. Gabe, you really need to reconsider this a side job or whatever you call it because you are not only a horrible business person but you clearly do not know what you're doing. I disagree I may not be perfect at grading but I'm not terrible at it as you say. When I come across these things I still struggle deciding what grade they are but if if has common defects then I don't. You call it writing and I'm calling it something else maybe that's why we're apart on the grades. You don't know what you're doing unless someone guides you along and even then you find ways to screw things up. If you don't call that substantial writing then what do you call it? I call it amateur color touch and I've graded it at what I feel it is. in less than 10 minutes - I was able to find three books that sold in the price range you think you can "flip " this for - and all were better than your book without the ink. I was also able to find a couple in this range for sale - that are better. Exactly what research are you doing? - what I was able to do - required ZERO grading skillz - just being able to compare was enough to see that this is not a flipping opportunity.
  2. What grade do you think it is? It looks to me like a 4.0 or so without the pink drawing on it, so I'd say Meeklo wasn't far off. Yes I'm grading it as a 4.0/4.5 because I don't see anything in the grading guide that says otherwise I'm not going to hold back on this post but do you have a freaking clue at all? That book is not even close to a 4.0 WITHOUT THE PINK ALL OVER IT. You've been here for years and think that could possibly be a 4.0/4.5. You don't have a clue how to grade at all. Without the pink it's a 2.5, 3.0 at best. It's a 1.8/2.0 with the pink. Stop wasting your money. Sell video games or stick to graded books, but you sir have no idea how to grade. If I got that book in a collection I'd put it out for $5.00. Jim I agree that with the substantial writing on the cover this grades out to be a 1.8, 2.0 at the most. Gabe, you really need to reconsider this a side job or whatever you call it because you are not only a horrible business person but you clearly do not know what you're doing. I disagree I may not be perfect at grading but I'm not terrible at it as you say. When I come across these things I still struggle deciding what grade they are but if if has common defects then I don't. You call it writing and I'm calling it something else maybe that's why we're apart on the grades. no matter what you call it - the book has pink ink all over the cover. Several locations. Lots of it. Stands out like a sore thumb. This is bone-crushing to the grade - and to the desirability of the book. This book is pretty common - and not a big first appearance by any means. I hope you at least got a deal on shipping...........
  3. Around 60-75 dollars sold 1 sold 2 sold 3 all in that range --- all look a LOT better than your copy - BEFORE pink ink....... I don't consider P@X as anything graded but yes you have a point, that only means I'll have to be patient. Examine the P@X book - structurally it is in MUCH better shape than the one you just bought - not including the VERY LARGE BLEMISH OF PINK INK. P@X or not - this is what you say you will be trying to sell your book for,,,,,, http://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-101-Oct-1971-Marvel-1ST-MORBIUS-MID-GRADE-/302110448123?hash=item46572f99fb:g:~2wAAOSw8gVYBDKB MCS has one in better shape - for 79 and a VG for 90..... http://www.ebay.com/itm/AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-101-VG-3-5-1st-apperance-of-Morbius-/122072685702?hash=item1c6c195c86:g:jGoAAOSwt7ZXo9wM this one is probably more of a 2.5-3.0 - but no big pink blemish You should be patient with your purchases - not your sales. This means that you overpaid again for a book you somehow though was going to flip for double what you paid. . This research is not that difficult to do.
  4. Around 60-75 dollars sold 1 sold 2 sold 3 all in that range --- all look a LOT better than your copy - BEFORE pink ink.......
  5. Ummm.... Don't worry I have a plan for this one. Does that plan have anything to do with trying to find someone else to buy a "pink variant"? Gabe - you realize that the seller was kidding about it being a variant (at least I hope so) ------- look at ebay - better copies without pen all over them go for $40.......
  6. Sorry to Leroy - did not notice my 30 days were up - Same as OP - I will ship worldwide to any boardie - only catch is that you will have to do the same after 30 days (ship to another boardie)........ Post here if you are interested
  7. If you hate this thread so much why bother to read it much less comment on it? But to answer your question I'm not sure ask a mod. I tend to agree. Nobody is forcing anyone to read this journal. People who're asking for it to be shut down are the ones with the issue IMHO. That's not entirely fair Casey. I only suggested closing it for a bit as the topic switched to Gabes physical medical issues. Surely that should be 'out of bounds'? Gabe just isn't self aware enough to understand the ramifications of putting his entire medical history up for all to see and mock. What happens if he names his medical specialists in this thread. Keep it to comics and it's fair game. Medical issues should remain out of the public arena, and certainly not a subject of ridicule. Not suggesting for a second that you would mock someone with a medical condition, but Christ on a stick, there are enough here who would, and do. What next - mocking Hector because of his height? I think if Gabe brings it up it's a fair topic of conversation, if he's uncomfortable with a topic I think he's self aware enough to ask people to stop. Agree - also agree with gabe - if people do not like it - stop reading it - gabe is well capable of stating if things cross a line.
  8. How is buying anything reducing debt? Because he can make money with what he sells. I'm really getting the hang of this
  9. The small budget - never a way for him to get out of the hole quick. IMO - it was a great learning tool for him to not chase bigger deals and lay out $$$ and assume more risk. I would rather have seen him actually stick to the budget for several months - and learn the basics. Would help him a lot with money management on a small scale. Then - increase the budget slowly. As it stands - he only followed the budget for 2 books - then jumped off of the page and started making "exceptions" to justify his spending. Hope the IH180 deal does work. Until book is in hand, always a risk given some of his past transactions. He wasn't/isn't ever going to follow a budget (regardless of the amount). Did anyone really think that was going to be the case? But he is following it. New money earned from the part time job is only allowed to contribute $11 per week for new stock. If he sells already existing inventory he can use that money to buy what he wants as long as he can afford it. If he somehow loses all that money, he'll have nothing left to spend and will be just using the $11 per week for comics. Yes 100% yes! you understand what I'm saying. I would say the majority of us understand what you are doing - but you are simply justifying using money on hand to fund purchases. This is not setting and following a budget. This is spending what you have - which allows for you to make impulse purchases. This leaves you nothing left for other expenses once you spend it all- and teaches you no self control.
  10. then that is not really following a budget........ That is him using his free cash flow or his savings to make opportunity buys. This was not budgeted money. It was never stated that he could use savings or incoming cash as part of his budget,. ( I believe - that was like 900 posts ago). The 11 a week was extremely limiting - but he still has yet to show any real self control so it could have been very valuable of a lesson for him. While some people can handle that (and have flexible budgets). Gabe needs to learn the fundamentals. So far - seems he as not shown consistently that he has learned much of how to own a business. Sure the IH 180 deal looks good - but until the book is in hand, there is no way to tell if this is a real deal or not-- and he is making other higher value purchases at the same time. Not off the charts high- but I would bet that pretty soon he will drain all of his paypal $$$. Then what happens if he has to process a return? --- dip into savings???
  11. The small budget - never a way for him to get out of the hole quick. IMO - it was a great learning tool for him to not chase bigger deals and lay out $$$ and assume more risk. I would rather have seen him actually stick to the budget for several months - and learn the basics. Would help him a lot with money management on a small scale. Then - increase the budget slowly. As it stands - he only followed the budget for 2 books - then jumped off of the page and started making "exceptions" to justify his spending. Hope the IH180 deal does work. Until book is in hand, always a risk given some of his past transactions.
  12. How much? I recently moved $210 from PP into my real account and they took $3.20. So,I ended up with $206.80 . Might be missing something here--- do Canadians have paypal fees on a transfer? - according to the paypal website - this should be free (though they do have a disclaimer)..... Might be a simple fix, no?
  13. For $11? For 191 dollars Nice pick up. That's almost half price compared to last sale and I'd have definitely pulled the trigger at that price. Good seller so no chance of scam? - 325 was the last on on ebay ( not recorded on GPA) - still not a bad deal on paper if all the information is correct.
  14. For $11? For 191 dollars so apparently no self control or budget anymore You have a pic of the book? - might not be a bad deal at first look - but there alwayss seems to be something - does it have MVS? - is the case cracked? - CGG? Is the grade really 5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  15. This guy gave you the answer Gabe. You mixed up words in your head. There is a person who co-signs for a loan and there is a time when you give something to someone else to sell for a percentage which is to consign a book. Mixing up a word is not the end of the world but a simple google search for your word would help you clear things up. Yet another instance where you have to actually understand what is being said (written) rather then just reacting. No actually this is another instance where you assumed something again, I checked out the word before I responded and was confused why it didn't match what I was thinking. What I view consigns for is a loan for a car, house, school or business. you are joking, right? don't believe 1Cool or Ryan were incorrect in the least...... _____________________________________________ con·sign kənˈsīn/ verb 3rd person present: consigns deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. "he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's" synonyms: assign, allocate, place, put, remit, commit "the picture was consigned to the gallery" I checked dictionary.com and it gave me a different answer but was talking to 1cool about assuming that I didn't check and just blurted out whatever. So you checked dictionary.com before posting your sentence (highly doubt) and it gave you: "co-sign [koh-sahyn, koh-sahyn] Spell Syllables Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com verb (used with or without object) 1. to sign as a cosigner. " Yes that's the definition I got, so I became frustrated because I couldn't find the same thing the other boardie showed me http://lmgtfy.com/?q=consign
  16. This guy gave you the answer Gabe. You mixed up words in your head. There is a person who co-signs for a loan and there is a time when you give something to someone else to sell for a percentage which is to consign a book. Mixing up a word is not the end of the world but a simple google search for your word would help you clear things up. Yet another instance where you have to actually understand what is being said (written) rather then just reacting. No actually this is another instance where you assumed something again, I checked out the word before I responded and was confused why it didn't match what I was thinking. What I view consigns for is a loan for a car, house, school or business. you are joking, right? don't believe 1Cool or Ryan were incorrect in the least...... _____________________________________________ con·sign kənˈsīn/ verb 3rd person present: consigns deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. "he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's" synonyms: assign, allocate, place, put, remit, commit "the picture was consigned to the gallery" I checked dictionary.com and it gave me a different answer but was talking to 1cool about assuming that I didn't check and just blurted out whatever. yau ware tying to stert a bomic consignement busyness seriously - dictionary.com has almost the same definition as I posted......
  17. This guy gave you the answer Gabe. You mixed up words in your head. There is a person who co-signs for a loan and there is a time when you give something to someone else to sell for a percentage which is to consign a book. Mixing up a word is not the end of the world but a simple google search for your word would help you clear things up. Yet another instance where you have to actually understand what is being said (written) rather then just reacting. No actually this is another instance where you assumed something again, I checked out the word before I responded and was confused why it didn't match what I was thinking. What I view consigns for is a loan for a car, house, school or business. you are joking, right? don't believe 1Cool or Ryan were incorrect in the least...... _____________________________________________ con·sign kənˈsīn/ verb 3rd person present: consigns deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. "he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's" synonyms: assign, allocate, place, put, remit, commit "the picture was consigned to the gallery"
  18. but it really is a good deal - less than half of what the CGC one is going for.......
  19. hey - there is a P@X one listed for less than half of yours..... And if that one sells (or he bumps the price up) my book is worth $500 then right cause thats the cheapest copy right? right? I thought about pricing it like this. Regular cover selling for $70 Variant is 1:25 which means variant cover should be 25x more than regular right? there is another one - that I can get for $5 cheaper than yours (with shipping)....
  20. hey - there is a P@X one listed for less than half of yours.....
  21. It's my exception to the rule and I'm not going crazy like I used to. Gabe - you are showing classic signs of addiction. You kept to a budget for what - 2 weeks? Making up excuses for removing limits - is what an addict does. An alcoholic - cannot drink in moderation. They may set limits - and may even stick to them for a short period of time - but the addiction is too strong and then they start making excuses for going over. Hey - Saturday night is for partying..... Just warming up for Saturday night..... just waking up on Saturday ,,,, need to recover from Friday night..... You are doing the same thing -making up excuses to remove your limits - and continue the risky behavior. The good thing ( I guess) - is that you are not risking anything other than your own money and future.
  22. look at the math again- the way you are running your business - they are selling for a loss the MAJORITY OF THE TIME 90% of your hype deals end up with you losing money 90% in school - this would be an A- ....... in losing money Hype books sell - so do others. Ebay --- sales of thousands of comics every day. a couple of books I sold in the last week - green lantern 29 VG 1st etch a sketch guy batman 161 GD the 15 1/2th appearance of bat mite.... X Men 25 FN/VF el tigre baby!!!!!! None of these books sets the world on fire. Nothing special. But they all sold. How long did it take to sell those comics you had? I do not keep track of that in general --- a long time ago I showed you my listing strategy. Basically - I monitor how long a book has been at a given price point. If I feel it has been sitting too long - I drop the price. I track how long it has been since the last price adjustment - not how long a book has been sitting. If you keep the store full up with books - have good listings, grade fairly, price fairly- the sales will come. Before that - you have to make good buying decisions. Well before you list. By full - you need to be able to manage 100+ listings.