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Everything posted by W16227

  1. one more - picked this up at a local con - looks to be in perfect condition - no creasing, tape or thumbtack holes.
  2. have not found much info on the source for each image - but I would assume they were swipes or composite art from the day - There were 24 posters - and one promo poster with images of all (for retail display) - one of the promo posters sold at HA for over $500 back in 2010... HA third eye
  3. One of may very 1st collection buys- had three of them. All has never been hung up. Drawback to them - they are pretty big. A good frame is $$$ - makes them harder to resell. Shipping would be a mess - and live you may not get someone willing to shell out ~ $500. Benefit to them - put them in a good frame and they look SWEET on the wall.
  4. Yes they are aware it's a stock photo but I haven't asked the second question. I did give him the option of a refund should he not be satisfied. If the buyer knew that it was a stock photo, then no harm, no foul. However, you make it sound like you're going above and beyond by offering a refund if the buyers not happy. You're not. Any buyer on eBay can return anything whether the seller offers/allows refunds or not. I'm still not sure why that is as people can take advantage of that and I'm not saying I'm going above and beyond I just don't advertise it because people will take advantage of it. There is no defense a seller can make with a stock photo and no description for a "not as described" return if the buyer chooses initiate one. What if the copy you send the buyer is 9.4 and they wanted something higher? No Defense. What if they find one cheaper over the next 30 days and initiate a return on yours and just say it was not as described? No Defense. What if in 30 days they just would rather have the money for any reason? Again, no defense. I'm not saying any of these would happen, but you've seen them all before (some first hand). There is not just a little risk. as you say, but A LOT of risk. Especially for someone like you who is $1200 in the hole after 2+ years of trying. The people that bought from me have decent feedback and one has more then I do. You do bring up good points except for the last one, you can't return or ask for a refund because of buyer's remorse. people do this all of the time
  5. Again, you do not have the inventory or capital to be buying books that will grow long term or require patience before finding a buyer. You do not want your cash tied up in only a couple of books. You need to get in and get out and move on. He's been told this repeatedly here and privately. The response is generally akin to him nodding his head in agreement while simultaneously clicking the button on his next "big" deal AKA pink variant ASM's and mid grade restored semi keys. Frankly it's like dealing with a child who you've told again and again not to touch the hot stove. it's like gettin' a dog who likes to kill chickens to quit killin' chickens They don't even know what you're talkin' about. - You gotta quit killin' chickens. -- All right, let me see if I got this straight. I can still kill chickens. - No, you can't kill chickens anymore. -- All right. Let's say I'm in a hotel room with a chicken. Let's say the chicken just wants to touch me. Can I kill that chicken? - No.
  6. You need to try harder and not make excuses. Don't let your emotions be a reason for not figuring out how to post Youtube videos. Study the methods others have used to successfully post YouTube videos. Have you met with a guidance counselor who will aide you learning how to post YouTube videos? You win the internet! FTFY - when using embed youtube ---- check the "MARKUP" area befoire you post ( pull down menu below the text box) ---- the code will not work if UBBCode is selected. It has to be HTML and UBBCode ---- or just HTML
  7. --- while I am out - really means I am no longer going to try and help the OP...... but emoticons and memes (IMO) ---- are still fair game it's like Friday everyday in here
  8. You need to try harder and not make excuses. Don't let your emotions be a reason for not figuring out how to post Youtube videos. Study the methods others have used to successfully post YouTube videos. Have you met with a guidance counselor who will aide you learning how to post YouTube videos?
  9. Actually I did research on this. I saw the sale of the 7.0 Trimmed in July 2016 for $95 The 7.0 SA for $105 2009 What I compared it to is the 7.5 restored in August 2015 for $225 CGC Universal 7.0 sold for $270 in July 2016 A 7.5 sold for $314 Also I took a look at ebay and compared it The 7.0 for 420 and 375 OBO A Trimmed comic losses about 75-90% of it's value A restored comic with color touch looses about 50% of it's value So going by that math even half of 375 would be $187.50 and since I also see people watching the copies that are on now they are waiting for a cheaper copy so the least I would take it $200 Who gives a what people are trying to sell books for on Ebay? GPA for a 7.0 is $270. No one is going to pay $200 for a purple when they can pay $270 for a blue. By your own logic, the purple label book is worth around $135. Why would you risk $108 in capital for a $135 sale? Reading this thread is like hitting yourself in the nuts with a kettlebell. Do some research on that.
  10. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things. Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. To me it wouldn't matter I would just want a copy that's complete and the musty smell isn't so bad but if something is the same price and I have a choice I'd choose the better one You are still missing the point - This was a very simple exercise - even more so considering one of the books was yours - You failed to even read the full description for the task. Attention to detail - is KEY to doing this. At least you did recognize that your price was too high and lowered it. Might want to remove the. "Complete" note from the listing A book without a cover is not complete....................... Small details like this - are important Yeah but people have to know if the coverless comic is missing wraps or not that makes the difference if people want to boy it or just leave it. I already tried free shipping before and it's not worth it. again you fail you have a 1:1 example staring you in the face - and yet you make things up in your head that are not there. MCS has the exact same book for sale exact same - with some visual and condition differences that are easy to spot nowhere on the MCS listing is the word "complete" - they stated coverless - show a good scan. If their copy were missing wraps - they would have listed it. I would also be fairly confident that MCS would not even bother with that book if it had missing wraps. a coverless book is not complete I used to think that your persistence could be leveraged in your favor - and that you would use your tenacity to apply the advice and get better. The past month or so - have really convinced me that you will continue to make things up to justify your actions - no matter what advice you get. have fun
  11. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things. Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. To me it wouldn't matter I would just want a copy that's complete and the musty smell isn't so bad but if something is the same price and I have a choice I'd choose the better one You are still missing the point - This was a very simple exercise - even more so considering one of the books was yours - You failed to even read the full description for the task. Attention to detail - is KEY to doing this. At least you did recognize that your price was too high and lowered it. Might want to remove the. "Complete" note from the listing A book without a cover is not complete....................... Small details like this - are important
  12. I thought you were talking about price and grade only that's why I only gave you that and you told me to look for a reader copy asm 7 not coverless I consider those two different things. Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less.
  13. 1. Ignore hype books. You have less than a 20% hit rate on them ( you lose money more than 80% of the time. 2. What exactly did you research? COVERLESS ASM 7 1.8 and 2.5? - cover-less is incomplete - .5 You are one of the two sellers with this specific book on ebay - this was intentional - so see if you can look at 2 listings and compare. This is a HUGE leak of yours - stop rushing and evaluate. If I were looking at this ( and mind you - few people are really looking for a coverless ASM 7) two listings found both are ~ 100, one with best offer - the other with free shipping, One at best offer - condition looks MUCH worse than the one with free shipping. Page quality is several shades lower and a huge chunk out of it. Staples much worse. Gabe - visually these two books are leagues apart - even though they both technically are .5 ish.... If I were a buyer for this particular item - I would go with MCS regardless of the best offer option - and I would also note that MCS has an online sire where you can buy the book cheaper....... You have to be able to recognize these details. This was a simple example - especially considering there were only items to compare - and one was from your own listings.............
  14. OK, don't do that again. Not just that - you need to change how you BUY books. If you bought the ASM 101 for yourself - the price might have been a little high, but not over the top outrageous - as long as you personally did not mind the ink. For resale? - not even in the ballpark. The research I showed you - you could have compared books instead of trying to assign a grade and come to the conclusion that this was not a flipper price. DV 3 I bought the day of hype which was a mistake the correct statement - DV 3 I bought a hype book because of the hype. Seriously - you need to stop chasing hype books. The people that benefit from hype bump ( if there is any) - are the ones that bought the book at a low price point and have them in stock. If you try to chase after the fact - you are one of those making $$$ for others. A test for you - buy analysis...... Pretend you are looking for an ASM 7 as only a reader (for yourself - not for flipping) - so you decide to purchase a cover-less. research the two listed on ebay and get back to us - what did you find and what actions would you take? this should be less than a 10 minute exercise.....
  15. How come my grading guide doesn't say that? accumulation of defects just because overstreet says that a VG ( or whatever) can show different given defects - does not mean that ALL of them can be present and still be that grade. Also - if anyone here thinks the book is a 4.0 === please chime in. I have seen NOBODY state this. Some have - WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE MANY BRIGHT PINK INK STAINS. Fair enough that would only leave me and my friend then. maybe you need your friend to post their opinion - AND credentials. You and one other person saying this is a 4.0 ...vs 20+ saying a 2.0? No you're right and I'm wrong I tried to read the definitions and thought it would give me the full picture and I know my friend has higher end comics not sure about credentials though. --- what I mean - maybe your friend should post to say why they think this is a 4.0 By credentials - they need to give us some info as to their credibility. So far - all we know is that they gave you questionable advice on the DV 3. This alone is not any reason for the board at large to think that they do or do not know what they are doing. Even their ebay ID - can be helpful so we can see what they list.
  16. How come my grading guide doesn't say that? accumulation of defects just because overstreet says that a VG ( or whatever) can show different given defects - does not mean that ALL of them can be present and still be that grade. Also - if anyone here thinks the book is a 4.0 === please chime in. I have seen NOBODY state this. Some have - WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE MANY BRIGHT PINK INK STAINS. Fair enough that would only leave me and my friend then. maybe you need your friend to post their opinion - AND credentials. You and one other person saying this is a 4.0 ...vs 20+ saying a 2.0?
  17. So you run when I ask you questions? I bow out when the question is meaningless to the situation at hand. You hear what you want to hear, see what you want to see, and spend what you want to spend. If you think an ASM colored in pink marker is a fine investment after all the advice you've been given then my continued participation is clearly meaningless. Out. That's not was I was talking about at all you're assuming again and you think my investment with the asm 101 is worthless so I asked you two very simple questions. My Tec 359 2.0 has similar problems as this asm 101 actually more. 1) What is the highest offer I received? 2) What in your mind is FVM for the tec 359? I want you to answer these questions and I will prove you wrong here and now unless you believe these too aren't worth answering. before anyone answers --- Gabe - how about you define an estimated multiplier of how much more the TEC is worth in grade than the ASM? Then educate us on what this means with respect to how this affects the market for the TEC.... OK The asm 101 in 2.0 sells between $12-30 The Tec 359 in 2.0 sells for $40-75 dollars The tec 359 is a silver age key and is a more sought after first appearance with less copies around. So - pretty much right on the fact that the 359 is a KEY book. Much more sought after - and will sell in lower grades quicker. I did not ask for a comparison in 2.0 grade---- but a multiple of what one is worth to the other in the same grade. This gives you a better perspective of what any "number" you get as for an estimate. This also removes the rose colored glasses you wear most of the time - no idea how you came up with that range - but ebay is NOT a good gauge to grade----- as many times the real grades are all over the place. TEC 359 --- in general sells for at least 4x what the ASM does in grade.. note - at least 4x- as you get higher - the key really pops. your challenge of "guess the offer " is junk - unless you got $120 plus shipping for the TEC - looks like you got - 76 so by your own sales and logic - you made a bad buy for the ASM. and the ASM - the hot pink marker = way more of a visual issue than the marker on the TEC
  18. How come my grading guide doesn't say that? accumulation of defects just because overstreet says that a VG ( or whatever) can show different given defects - does not mean that ALL of them can be present and still be that grade. Also - if anyone here thinks the book is a 4.0 === please chime in. I have seen NOBODY state this. Some have - WITHOUT CONSIDERING THE MANY BRIGHT PINK INK STAINS.
  19. So you run when I ask you questions? I bow out when the question is meaningless to the situation at hand. You hear what you want to hear, see what you want to see, and spend what you want to spend. If you think an ASM colored in pink marker is a fine investment after all the advice you've been given then my continued participation is clearly meaningless. Out. That's not was I was talking about at all you're assuming again and you think my investment with the asm 101 is worthless so I asked you two very simple questions. My Tec 359 2.0 has similar problems as this asm 101 actually more. 1) What is the highest offer I received? 2) What in your mind is FVM for the tec 359? I want you to answer these questions and I will prove you wrong here and now unless you believe these too aren't worth answering. before anyone answers --- Gabe - how about you define an estimated multiplier of how much more the TEC is worth in grade than the ASM? Then educate us on what this means with respect to how this affects the market for the TEC....
  20. think I figured it all out - we have located gabes friend....
  21. What grade do you think it is? It looks to me like a 4.0 or so without the pink drawing on it, so I'd say Meeklo wasn't far off. Yes I'm grading it as a 4.0/4.5 because I don't see anything in the grading guide that says otherwise I'm not going to hold back on this post but do you have a freaking clue at all? That book is not even close to a 4.0 WITHOUT THE PINK ALL OVER IT. You've been here for years and think that could possibly be a 4.0/4.5. You don't have a clue how to grade at all. Without the pink it's a 2.5, 3.0 at best. It's a 1.8/2.0 with the pink. Stop wasting your money. Sell video games or stick to graded books, but you sir have no idea how to grade. If I got that book in a collection I'd put it out for $5.00. Jim I agree that with the substantial writing on the cover this grades out to be a 1.8, 2.0 at the most. Gabe, you really need to reconsider this a side job or whatever you call it because you are not only a horrible business person but you clearly do not know what you're doing. I disagree I may not be perfect at grading but I'm not terrible at it as you say. When I come across these things I still struggle deciding what grade they are but if if has common defects then I don't. You call it writing and I'm calling it something else maybe that's why we're apart on the grades. You don't know what you're doing unless someone guides you along and even then you find ways to screw things up. If you don't call that substantial writing then what do you call it? I call it amateur color touch and I've graded it at what I feel it is. in less than 10 minutes - I was able to find three books that sold in the price range you think you can "flip " this for - and all were better than your book without the ink. I was also able to find a couple in this range for sale - that are better. Exactly what research are you doing? - what I was able to do - required ZERO grading skillz - just being able to compare was enough to see that this is not a flipping opportunity. Same thing you did So given the evidence that there is no way this is a $60 flip book - you came to the conclusion that this is a book to flip?