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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. I spurted my drink out when I read this. Physician, heal thyself. With flowers.
  2. Calling someone delusional is not an insult if it's true and so there's nothing to whitewash. You seem to see the world in terms of winning and losing. I just see it as an effort to improve on a spectrum. He's delusional because he's getting tripped up in his own discussion points but won't admit it. It's not rocket science when you read his posts and you don't need a vendetta against someone to disagree with them. Because I don't currently have anyone on ignore using the forum software. I only had one person on ignore with the old software and I don't think that transferred over here (but then I can't see them so I wouldn't know if they posted or not). As far as ignoring you, I generally read your some of your posts as they are informative but won't respond on debates because they seem to go nowhere. It was just a mental fart and I responded. Blame it on a good Saturday night.
  3. I only get the warning in Chrome. In Firefox or Internet Explorer it goes to the site normally OK, thanks.
  4. I actually forgot I said that I had you on ignore when I typed my post. I'll disagree with you on the rest. Sorry about the memory lapse.
  5. OK, I'm not getting the warning so I don't know what is up. I'll look into it.
  6. If someone is tripping over their own feet and they don't realize it and you point it out it's not a personal attack.
  7. I had a malware attack. The site's been cleaned and cleared by Google. You might need to clean your cache or cookies to see it now as that might be an old cookie showing you that warning. Thanks for the PM.
  8. You seem to think that repeating things makes them fact when you have presented none. I truly believe you are delusional and should seek help.
  9. You always fake attempts at discrediting with big words, red herrings and irrelevant Google links. You literally have no idea what you are talking about but constantly set up smoke and mirrors so that nobody can prove you wrong. It's so transparent that everyone can see it except for you. The reason you won't tell anyone who you actually are (or what you do for a living - still waiting) is because you know that it can open you up to libel suits. Weak sauce.
  10. This sir, is what a moving goal post looks like. He's talking about the recent sale to Disney. You are talking about Marvel's financial troubles decades ago when they sold off all the character movie right to raise money. That pearl clutching 'could' is about as good as any black and white drama I've ever seen. You really should have underlined it to make it stand out. Libel. SMH
  11. I listened to the entire thing and it may have been the most entertaining comic book related thing I'd ever listened to. I believe there were 3 or 4 interviews. Did a Google search for it and couldn't find it any longer. Don't know if it was deleted from the internet or not.
  12. I just don't know how someone can say this book is a 9.2 It's pretty nice, and magnified all of the defects are going to to look much bigger. I can see it as a tight 9.4 or a loose 9.6 I certainly don't think they're off by 2 points.
  13. They also don't increase the grade every time a book has one defect less, otherwise some books would grade out a CGC 1100. Certain grades are allowed certain defects and the lower the grade, the more defects allowed in grade. So that means even removing defects does not necessarily mean the book will increase in grade. I'm 100% sure of that.
  14. We're talking CGC grading and not Kab grading, right? It might look nicer but still stay the same grade.
  15. I don't think jaydogrules is going to tell us what he does for a living (other than Google 'facts'). I just know that if I have a question regarding the law I'm going to ask a lawyer and I counted several posting in this thread. I'll take their word over Google every time.
  16. Complete malarky. You have no idea what the rest of the book looks like. Maybe on a 9.8 book but not on books below the NM range. It probably has zero effect on the grade below NM range.
  17. I disagree. There is legal suit against CGC. Do people think less of them? Nope.
  18. I saw several lawyers reply in this thread. Tell me, what do you do for a living?
  19. jaydogrule's proof is his opinion, coupled with teleporting goal posts and a heavy financial investment in keeping his wheels greased. Pat, you may not have been around long to get to know him but this is typical jaydogrules shtick. Nothing will change his mind and he's the only person that agrees with him.
  20. You've had several people WHO DO THIS FOR A LIVING respond and you trumped them with Google searches. All is right with the world.
  21. They were all great but I used to read the Spidey strip in black and white daily and then in color and a full page on Saturday when my dad brought home the Toronto Star paper. Good times.
  22. Oh okay so then people should just believe what "you" say rather than an unbiased business article that is completely on point. And I know you're probably heavily invested in trashy Voldy slabs as well but really is it any surprise to anyone that the company went bankrupt and got liquidated in an asset sale ? I mean seriously, outrageous turn times, virtually no presence at cons, slabs that routinely sell for a significant discount to comparably graded CGC slabs, and a market share that struggled to get just beyond infinitesimal would certainly lead one to believe that bankruptcy was the inevitability. Which is why I never went bargain hunting to buy any of them. You're still doing it wrong, Jaydog. You've turned a debate about the law into an ad hominem attack.