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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. Those are two sure signs of the apocalypse right there, Vern.
  2. Not with everyone. I'll start a list 1) joeypost Anyone care to join? Me neither. There are people I will not deal, period. 1) joeypost 2) r1970d
  3. Adam (Filter81) is an honest person...meaning I trust the guy completely. The guy is also about as good natured a person as you will ever find. The fact that someone would try and rip him a new one tells me that either a) the offending person is wrong or that b) the offending person is wrong and doesn't want to know the truth....making you willfully ignorant. You were wrong and now you are being willfully ignorant. Sorry, but Adam gets the benefit of the doubt without so much as the blink of an eye around these parts. He's worked hard for that rep and eaten a lot of shite along the way to get here. Bucone, you and I have PMd back and forth about how to get along and get your act together. You've decided not to use this opportunity to benefit yourself and everyone else and that is to your own detriment. Instead you tried to tear down somebody's hard earned reputation using ideology that belongs does not belong in a free society. Really, I think you've worn out your welcome here.
  4. If you look over the Overstreet Grading Guide, these pages and charts show that within the 9.9 grade you are allowed 1-1.5 defects that can vary in size from 1/32" - 1/8" depending on the quantity...ie one 1/8" defect or two 1/32" defects. So it is reasonable to interpret that if the miswrap is less than 1/8" (about 3mm) and the rest of the book is flawless (free of handling defects) that the book should still be able to grade a 9.9.
  5. I've sold books on here for 20 times profit. Does that make me bad? A seller is free to ask what they want and the buyer is free to do their research and pay what they feel is a fair price. You need to stick to the topic at hand and that topic is not "making a profit". It's your personal relationship with the community.
  6. This topic of making a profit has been discussed at length in other threads. You have a right to say whatever you feel is right, but I don't think it'll help your case regarding the probation thread.
  7. You really need to leave Adam (Filter81) out of the discussion. Adam is a top notch person in every regard and there is no harm in him buying for resale. It's what he does for a living. If you feel he misrepresented something, that is a discussion for another day, but it has nothing to do with the probation thread and you personally. I'd just focus on your personal dealings as that is what everyone is upset about.
  8. BK, I can only go by my limited experiences. I have received a few 9.9 books from my submissions over the years. The first ones where before I even realized what a 9.9 was. I subbed a stack of books and received two 9.9 grades from CGC about 5 1/2 years ago. Since then I have looked proactively and have had only two books that I thought were possible or more likely, strong 9.9 candidates. The first book that I thought was a solid 9.9 was subbed about 4 years ago. Well it was structurally perfect until it got damaged. It was perfect in every way (except for a teeny tiny miswrap) until someone dropped it and put a tiny scrape on one corner. I then personally regraded it a raw 9.8 and it got a CGC 9.8. I am convinced it would have graded a 9.9 had it not been dropped. The second book was more recent. I basically subbed a stack from a warehouse find. I had one book personally graded at 9.9, the rest at 9.8...but I subbed them all to see if I could "squeak" a 9.9 by. The one book that I thought had the strongest shot got the 9.9. The rest got 9.8's. That can't be a coincidence. I have also owned a few 9.9 books, like the Wolverine Mini #1 CGC 9.9. There was not a flaw on the book that I could find except for the slightest miswrap...tiny. So although I'm not a pro I've seen a few 9.9 books. Based on my somewhat limited experience, I can say yes there is some consistency to the 9.9 grade. Maybe someone with more experience can offer more than I can.
  9. I agree that there is a degree of inconsistency since they are human but what that percentage is, is where we disagree. I believe that they are more accurate. You believe that they are less accurate. I actually believe that they are more accurate as the grade increases as there are less variables. I'd say that they are more careful to give a 9.9 label than they are a 4.0, 8.0 or a 9.0...meaning not that they proactively "protect" that 9.9 grade but they want to make sure the book deserves the grade.
  10. I think we are at the point of the discussion (actually have been for a while now) where really, what we are discussing is are CGC able to tell the difference between 9.8 and 9.9. Not every time, but the majority of the time. That is what this entire thread boils down to. I say yes. I say that grades are not just dart board guesses (or gifts that are thrown out like raw meat to feed the hungry dogs) and that the majority of books, if they were to be cracked and resubbed, would come back in the same grades.
  11. Dude, you are making it sound like a dartboard guess. It isn't. There is always going to be some fuzziness on the edges...meaning a small percentage of books in a given census number might be off. Nobody expects perfection. The majority will return in the same grade no matter how many times you resub. R.
  12. I was just going by what you said here: I thought that since there are less defect to worry about 9.8 and up that these grades would be much more easy to "nail" because there are less variables to worry about. Less variables = easier to hit the nail on the head. Maybe and maybe not. Would CGC regrade them as 9.9 books. That is the real question.
  13. That is the essence of what I have said (hopefully not in vain) this entire thread.... I'll disagree with John. He's saying that 9.0-9.8 is pretty cut and dry and then all of a sudden 9.8-9.9 isn't. I'd argue and say that 9.8-9.9 is the easiest to grade (besides 10.0-9.9) because you are dealing with the least amount of variables possible. To Mr. Corbett, is say: that was definitely an interesting way of explaining the $12K purchase...and it makes sense form the perspective that some people simply want the book and not have to put in the effort of finding one so they find a way of assigning a value to what they want (without the work involved). RMA. Dude, state what your point is clearly and succinctly. Use once sentence and state it, cause honestly I don't even fully understand it...and I've been in this thread from the first page.
  14. Which is the utter stupidity of it all. Name one other product where the wrapping is more important than the goods? Lamborghini, Ferrari, Jaguar (and a host of others). Sorry, but etanick is right. The prettiest, expensive cars on the planet have a history of getting you stranded in the middle of nowhere. That's not what we're discussing here though. Nobody is talking about paying $10K for a plastic holder with a paper label. OK, just to be clear: I am not defending someone's right to purchase a modern for $12K. I am not talking about the NM #98 CGC 9.9 that sold for $12K. I am talking about graded books in general. CGC is selling an opinion. People pay prices based on that opinion. Depending on what the grade (opinion) is, people will pay prices that they feel are worth CGC's opinion on a given book. I know it's insane that a barely perceptible difference on a book of 1/32" or 1/8" can cause the price to shift but 4 or 5 figures....but that is the reality. They are paying for CGC's authentication of the item. As I've said before, lots of collectors (or dealers) are not confident in their grading abilities so they put their trust in a company to do it for them. This is very similar to an appraisal/building inspection of a house or some other piece of property, an old car or another collectible. In every field you have an independent expert evaluate a product, put their stamp on the evaluation. When you have a bunch of "experts" duking it out like we have on the CGC boards things get exciting. What we are arguing over is how accurately the hairs are getting split down the middle...or can someone actually split the hairs down the middle with accuracy? Obviously when splitting hairs at some point the blade will fall one way or the other rather than split the hair down the middle. Nobody is perfect, no matter how new and sharp their razor is. What people are paying for is for CGC to be accurately splitting the hair down the middle most of the time.
  15. Danny seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not trying to wannabe anybody. I'm also not here just to make friends, and if I have to lie to myself or try to act like somebody to make friends, well I don't want them as friends. I will vehemently defend to the death what I believe to be true. I said this to you before personally Roy...to what end and for what purpose? You've said yourself that you don't have a stake in this horse and I'm pretty sure the buyer didn't hire you to be his Spokesman, so why continue on? If 99% of the boards feels it wasn't the smartest purchase in the world, it probably wasn't, so why continue fighting? Jim Jim, my points of discussion were not about whether it was a smart purchase or not. I was focused on two points throughout this thread: respect towards the buyer and defending CGC's ability to see a difference between a 9.9 and a 9.8. Smart purchase is relative when we are talking about spending money on funny books and in the end every collector who spends big bucks on books will justify their purchase to themselves in some way. If you read my posts in this thread I was having a discussion with Sean and RMA about these two points when I finally decided that I was going to drop the discussion....until Danny decided to throw a few posts in my direction.
  16. How someone can find this unattractive is beyond me Nobody said she was unattractive.
  17. Danny seriously, you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not trying to wannabe anybody. I'm also not here just to make friends, and if I have to lie to myself or try to act like somebody to make friends, well I don't want them as friends. I will vehemently defend to the death what I believe to be true. You really have no idea what you are saying here. You called me out twice in this thread with nothing more to back yourself up with but an empty post and now you're trying to insult me with comments about my career and how much money you make. And all this after I said I didn't really want to discuss it anymore. I'm really happy to "agree to disagree". Looks like some people can't. They have to tear their shirts off on the internet and show everyone how tough they can be. Glad you got lots of money. That's really important.
  18. I'm getting destroyed? Why would you say that? Well, now that you've challenged me please show me where I got destroyed, Mr. "big tits make a girl hot". You're defending the sale; a sale which might quite possibly be the most ridiculous in comic book history. Just because you're a "comic dealer" now doesn't mean you have to try and justify it in each and every way, because you're failing miserably. And I never said big tits make a girl hot, they are awesome though :shrug: Dude, I'm not defending the sale. Every comic book sale above the cost of the paper and ink is ridiculous. I have stated several times in the thread (or other places) that the price is high. Higher than I would pay, higher than I thought it was worth. Sorry you missed those posts. You were probably too busy with Keely Hazel on your screen and your right hand....well, never mind. I'm also not trying to justify the price. I don't have to justify it because I have no interest in the buyer, the seller or the book. Or the price for that matter. I am though, justifying the buyer's right to spend his money as he sees fit without having to be ridiculed with personal insults. Something many people are not able to stop themselves from doing. I'm also arguing that the 9.9 grade is not a dart board guess as some might try to portray it as. Every grade is an educated guess. Every time you buy a graded book you are buying an educated guess. The risk ratios change with the grade, I realize that, but every grade is an educated guess. So instead of taking a swipe or two at me grow up a little, learn to read and comprehend and then bring your points to the table with some intelligent points instead of making things personal like any other person who takes on a mob mentality. Maybe then you'll see that Keely Hazel is not all that hot.
  19. Sorry. Wrong. That depends on if you meant "big tits make a girl hot" as in horny for other girls, or as in more attractive if they have them. I agree with the former more than the latter. Yeah but big guns are not necessarily great guns. In your eyes. Are we talking with or without clothing, cause that makes a world of difference.