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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. I love it Yannis. I actually couldn't believe how bright it was when I opened. It's a stunner.
  2. Love the Thrilling #15! Speaking of the classic cover Thrilling #7, just arrived from CGC: If I had to choose one Nedor to own, that would be it Dino. Love the guy in the purple suit. It makes the whole cover.
  3. Well I've already posted this in my personal thread...but I'm bored and feeling a little left out in this thread so I'll post the only Tec that I own right now.
  4. Probably because Ditko inked it That's what I thought too but couldn't remember for sure. It definitely wasn't normal Kirby for the time. (thumbs u
  5. Yup. I know. That was the only time he ever got it right. You're talking to a Marvel Zombie here. Born and bred. Before the GA stuff I now collect I ate and breathed SA and BA Marvel. Still, Ditko did capture Spidey...lithe, fluid, even almost frail at times. It was a good take on him to be sure. I did always admire the way Ditko draped clothing. What I didn't get is why everyone had such a big index finger.
  6. I get Ditko's Spidey. Kirby couldn't do Spidey to save his life...what I don't get is everything else Ditko...but maybe it has to do with me being a Superhero junky and all. R.
  7. Jive that is a supersweet book. Schomburg in his prime IMO. Very nice!
  8. Wow, did I just blow a server with that question?
  9. I don't want to sound offensive but what is it about Ditko that you all like? Personally it takes an effort for me every time I look at it. I don't soak it in...I kind of analyze it to see why he did things a certain way...so I don't really find his work entertaining as much as I find it tedious to look at...not in a bad way...just in a "it takes a little work" way. I get Kirby. I get Adams. I get Everett and Wood and Fine and a lot of guys I never used to get. Can someone help me "get Ditko"?
  10. Could be. You have to remember that there is only so many poses a Green monster can be in around humans. A lot of ideas were rehashed over the decades. Good catch though!
  11. Scanning raw, high grade bronze and silver stuff as we speak. May also have some slabs. Look for starting time in about 1/2 hour. R.
  12. Sure that is one of the signatures, but there are also other clues. The girl's figure, the details in the men and their clothes, the girls face. It's very difficult to draw a beautiful girls face with detail and not have it look over done. That was one of Baker's gifts...he could do enough detail and still keep it graceful. If you look at the other Romance books they also have the same hands.
  13. I'm quite sure the GIL is Baker. R.
  14. Going to start tonite...maybe I'll post a few older books right now with reduced prices.
  15. Ah, ok, it's only a buck . . . let me hike the price of the next book you buy by 20% and see if you care A dollar either way on a book doesn't matter to me either. (thumbs u Nor to me. There is packaging material, time and effort. R.
  16. More interesting is someone who lists an obscure GA book at midnite, bumps it after an hour or two cause it didn't sell and then after a total of 3 hours moves it to Ebay.
  17. Can you believe we agree? I must have hit my head. Baby steps. We can do it. Baby steps.
  18. What I personally meant when I said it was that I used to pick up the casual modern, copper or comic affiliated thingy as an impulse buy and that doesn't happen any more. I don't browse those forums any more. I can adapt to whatever the majority wants, I just preferred the old selling forum. It was a little more fun and entertaining. Too focused becomes less fun for me. R.
  19. first? when did you get it? i seem to remember a trolley copy.... Sorry guys. I'm so new to these I forget who published them sometimes. You are correct sir. Courtesy of Mr. Parker about two months ago. A gorgeous white paged Trolley copy.
  20. Yeah I do too. I just love that eerie feeling the cover has. Thanks.
  21. Just for posterity (again). My first Centaur ever.
  22. HT 8 is one book that really pops when a big scan is presented (thumbs u Did anyone notice that the "10 cents" stamp is blank on this copy? I did. I was wondering if it might be Canadian? I think it is the scan. Don't the Canadians have good scanners? no; way too busy trying to be good scammers. or are all the scanner scammers already in the slammer? "scanner scammer slammer" made me stammer. I'd think there's way more scanner scammers in the slammer from the state of Alabamer that usually stammer at the fall of the judges hammer.