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Everything posted by GeeksAreMyPeeps

  1. There were 5 Wednesdays in April in 2015. Maybe that accounts for the drop?
  2. Do you see a time when they'll give up on monthlies altogether and just create full arcs for trades? That might help the market in a couple of ways: 1) More innovative storytelling when the writer isn't constrained to wrap up a story in 22 pages. 2) Any speculation (especially for first appearances) requires the purchase of a bigger book rather than a single issue.
  3. The announcement of Kevin Smith's new Buckaroo Banzai series seems to have created some interest in the comic adaptation: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=buckaroo+banzai+marvel&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&LH_Sold=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=10001-5444&_sargn=-1%26saslc%3D1&_salic=1&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=100&LH_Complete=1
  4. Looks shilled.....? My CGC 9.6 sold the morning after I listed it, at $800. Buyer paid, funds are available. If this auction is being shilled, it's still currently at a level that I would expect a 9.8 to go for now. doesnt look like a shill to me. if your 9.6 sold for $800 as a buy it now within a day. It's not far fetched that the first blue 9.8 will go for more than that. That's what I'm saying. I don't think it's shilling.
  5. Looks shilled.....? My CGC 9.6 sold the morning after I listed it, at $800. Buyer paid, funds are available. If this auction is being shilled, it's still currently at a level that I would expect a 9.8 to go for now.
  6. There was chatter that there was going to be a show some time back, but nothing official from any networks yet, and no recent news.
  7. Same here. I was reading that as spec books, once hot, never go back to dollar bin books, btu obviously that's not the case.
  8. Literally defaced. I mean, there's that nice area on the right, below the logo, just begging for a sig. But no…
  9. I know that they banned the sale of flags and some related merchandise, but why would you say that they banned the word?
  10. Just wait until EVERYONE is informed........... $3.99 toilet paper. Unfortunately that NEVER happens. People are still paying good money for Marvel Two-in-One #52, 1st Crossfire. If you remember, there was a rumor and people on here were claiming he was going to be in the last Ant Man movie. Of course that never happened. Maybe it sells now because of Moon Knight, but that book wasn't worth $1 before that rumor. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARVEL-COMICS-PRESENTS-HULK-26-NM-9-6-VERY-HIGH-GRADE-COPPER-AGE-MARVEL-/391440333622?hash=item5b23a97b36%3Ag%3AlD0AAOSwubRXGpIo&nma=true&si=%252BUQpMSAQLXB%252BUEeAXt6MpDH65K4%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  11. No die cut covers, no 1,000,000 copy print runs, so.....we aren't there again yet. No but we have 3d covers, sketch covers, reverse sketch covers, sealed black bag packs, combo packs, multiple renumbering of #1 rebooted issues, image pumping out new series after new series of #1's And in some cases 50 plus variants of a #1 issue. In all honestly I don't think just because there isn't a 1 million plus print run doesn't mean anything compared to today. Readership is way down compared to that time. How do you know this? There is no way to gauge this. ...and it has nothing to do with pre-speculation... I too have to wonder how many people were actually "reading" comics in 1992. clearly more were buying them, or more were bought. i'm guessing more people were too simply because there were like 3-4X as many shops that were surviving. I'm not sure if there were more shows though as now it seems every city has a few shows and some have many more and I don't think all these big shows existed 25 years ago. NYC had a big show at the javitz once during the 90s, but otherwise it was a bunch of smaller shows at the Penn Pavilion, St. Paul's Church and that other place in Chelsea. How much of that was just that it was harder to get the word out pre-Internet? Maybe you just never heard of them?
  12. I assume people are burnt out by his "movie news"......... Nothing hot from him in a loooong time. Well, we're getting Civil War…
  13. Yes, I always forget about that issue. I picked up an issue from milehigh sometime within the last year or so, the one issue that I was missing, to have a set, and picked up a couple of extra #1s as well. Now it looks like they're short on high-grade, which suggests to me that someone is stocking up
  14. I bought it from eBay and they told me they would start shipping last Friday (april 29th), but I still haven't received any notification. Also... just joining the forum officially! WTTB!
  15. Indeed, now there are to of them! So, we can add that to the list with Rick moma and thewallcomics?
  16. Take any current eBay results with a grain of salt. There's a promotion that you only pay $10 in FVFs for your first 10 or so results over $100, so it's fairly cheap to shill and complete a transaction to make a book seem a lot more valuable
  17. What happens in Man Thing 3? First Foolkiller. Grrrrr. Was just about to list one of my Man Thing 3s, and discovered it was missing the Marvel Value Stamp. Don't sweat it. It's not the same Foolkiller anyway Maybe, but some people will look for the first appearance of the first iteration of a character. At least I know that I didn't spend more than a few bucks on any of my copies
  18. How is the Ruby Red different from a "sketch" variant? Both use existing art from other covers.
  19. What happens in Man Thing 3? First Foolkiller. Grrrrr. Was just about to list one of my Man Thing 3s, and discovered it was missing the Marvel Value Stamp.
  20. WTF that is ridiculous. Red Hood that popular these days? Yes. All new heights/lows for eBay seller text: Is this any worse than trying to pimp out/misrepresent a non-first appearance by claiming the book is the first appearance by their creators? I don't think so. While there are never any guarantees based on pics, I see nothing that would obviously keep this book from being a 9.8.
  21. I'd add Black Panther (2009) #1 NYCC Campbell Partial Sketch variant to the Honorable mentions, if not to the dozen. I sold the one that went for $800 on eBay a few weeks back. It was a CGC 9.6 Universal. I listed it on Sunday night and someone had jumped on the $800 BIN by Monday morning. I'm regretting not letting the auction play out now, as I think it would have broken 1000. Only a few on the census. Since it was handed out at a convention (increases handling of the books) that may keep the really high grades limited.
  22. Black Mask is counting on it's built-in fan base to keep them afloat. With that many covers and the lack of new books released, they're gonna be burning bridges pretty fast. There has to be some mathematical formula to discuss the relationship between number of variants vs. total number of issues in a series that will predict success vs. failure of a title. I suspect the short term goal is sell as many copies as possible to fund the remaining books in the series. I don't think they are thinking # of variants = readership numbers (sales of books #2, #3 etc) My bet they're thinking: Let's keep this paper train rolling until we sell one of these properties to Hollywood... Companies will continue to print variants as long as people continue to buy them and boost the numbers.
  23. Which book is Solo's first app.? Is it the Deadpool: The Circle Chase? Nope. Web of Spider-Man #19 Ahh...Thank you! I started buying up that book back in the '90s, when the Punisher was big. I thought Marvel had the another potential big character on their hands. Especially after 9/11, it seemed like the perfect character to give a push. But nothing…