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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. I fail to see the problem in the transaction, why refund him?
  2. Don't disparately disguise dual disingenuousness; don duality deftly.
  3. You're really splitting hairs when your defense of ROS comes down to it dropping 1.5% less than TLJ while earning an extra $600,000 in gross receipts.
  4. The nostalgia strings were completely used up by TFA. Had Johnson not epically failed at reinventing and reinvigorating, I wonder if Rise of Skywalker would've turned out better. The box office numbers certainly have shown that yet another trip down memory lane was not what the movie going public was looking for.
  5. His "I HATE THEM!" sand people moment in Attack of the Clones is probably the greatest bit of unintentional comedy in the whole series. Really, we're supposed to believe that whiny little person_without_enough_empathy would one day become Darth Vader? Sell it somewhere else.
  6. The only time I ever had a buyer from Russia win won of my books, I immediately cancelled the transaction. Russia isn't included in the global shipping program, so I wasn't taking on that risk. Surprisingly the guy actually messaged to ask why I cancelled.
  7. https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/events/
  8. TFA is far, far better. Derivation aside, it kicked off what should have been the next wave of original episodes. ROS is a mindless circle jerk that was put out to make 10 figures for Disney and hopefully shut people up about TLJ. While we’re on the topic of better, TLJ is abysmally bad, but is also better than ROS. Rian Johnson epically failed, but he at least tried. Abrams proved he’s an unimaginative hack with ROS.
  9. If you’ve got a quality dine in theater nearby, send the f&f there. The movie sucks hard, but it makes for mildly amusing background noise if you’ve got a good meal and a couple beers to accompany it. Just sell them on dinner being the primary reason for going.
  10. Maybe I'll give it a second chance if I get another opportunity to watch for free. I did watch the first episode that aired on big CBS, and I found the best part of it to be the Broncos/Packers game that bled into my DVR recording.
  11. Until streaming actually becomes price competitive to switch over, I'll just stick with the convenience of Comcast that I've enjoyed for 15 years and counting. Streaming will dominate eventually, but I'm betting by that point the major cable companies will have adapted their business models to get with the times. Or they won't, and I'll have to switch to streaming service(s) by default Till then, oh well.
  12. They played a trailer before my TROS showing, it was better than ROS too. Made me sad CBS is hiding this behind their pay to play firewall.
  13. I’m not even sure what some malicious actor could do with my ComicLink password. Make bogus listings? Go ahead, ComicLink isn’t eBay. Bid for me? The email notifications would put a quick stop to that. Ship stuff to my office?
  14. “Cash app” to a random nobody on Facebook =
  15. Were I an IMDb user, a 1.0 would seem plausible. Unless they allow 0.0?
  16. I had the "pleasure" of taking in two travesties tonight -- the 7 PM showing of TRS at the local cinema, and the Fedor Emelianenko/Rampage Jackson fight later on in the night. Fedor/Rampage was comically bad. While Fedor may be a 43 year old keeping his skills somewhat sharp but mostly trading off his name, Rampage was at least 75 pounds overweight and got worked without even landing a punch for the few minutes that he survived before getting KO'd. But -- Free TV, Bellator cash grab a success. Now, The Rise of Skywalker... Let me first apologize in advance for what is likely to be a number of auto-edits because this will mostly be stream of conscious and expletive filled... This was the absolute worst move of the nine. Bar none. I went in with low expectations, but at least a number of people were saying it was popcorn flick entertaining. So maybe if I turn off the gray matter it will be a bit of fun. No. Wrong. 100% wrong. 1000% wrong. Roll story. Oh great, we're 4 seconds in and this is already a fanboy circle jerk. Palpatine couldn't even make a grand "unexpected" entrance, his withered old self is just gonna get on the CB and tell the galaxy he's coming for their collective . OK, forget the text maybe they'll build to it in live action...well, Kylo Ren already found him after about 192 seconds. 0 for 2. Hey, 5 minutes in, let's haul out this gigantic fleet I've been building where no one would notice. Now Kylo, here's our plan. We've got 125 more minutes to fill, but no suspense there. 0 for 3. This is going awesome... Some stuff gets blowed up. Hooray. The dialogue is hackneyed and forced. Hooray. Why is Leia leading Jedi training? Oh right, that still doesn't make any sense. Don't worry we'll CGI that mess later. Hey look, Lando! Wait, you stayed on this planet for all these years in a rolling tread why? Let's just skip over that and go to...Rey's lightning hands!! Ta Da! it, you get the point. I previously said this could be like AC/DC's "Iron Man 2" album - a mash up of past hits that play off a recognizable name in the hope that it will fool a few rubes into thinking its great but is mostly just a cash grab. Well, The Rise of Skywalker was that, and so much less. The Last Jedi, Attack of the Sith, Revenge of the Clones, The Phantom of Mortem Tales (gold star if you get that reference) are all terrible in their own ways. BUT, the major difference - THEY TRIED. The Rise of Skywalker is lazy, nth degree tripe. This was the Star Wars version of "hey dinner is at 6, drum up a bunch of mess we can use before the Uber gets here. Wait, this is what you've got, hasn't all this happened before? Ah it, our ride will be here in 5 minutes, and I wanna get there before they run out of medium rare cuts of prime rib, make her a Palpatine then. What do you mean how does the Emperor come back? He fell down a what in VI? Who cares, put some IVs in him, and toss on some cataracts so he looks injured. They gave Darth Maul roboty legs with a moronic backstory, no one will notice. More planet blower uppers? Mmmm...wait, what the hell did you say? They'll blow up a planet called Kijiji? No, Kickstarter? Ki...whatever, just use it. You what? Well, what did they do in VI? Yeah do that. Hey, he's here, let's get a move on! No, the --script is done! I said no, and if they're out of medium rare its your !" People actually cried during this crock of mess? I mean, out of emotion, not that they paid to see the movie? Wow. The Rise of Skywalker wasn't the end of a saga. it was the felonious arson of a saga. With Abrams on the ashes for good measure.
  17. I saw the 7 PM showing tonight. I'll save full commentary for the spoiler thread, but I think the following three gifs sum up my feelings on VII-IX pretty succinctly. TFA TLJ TRS
  18. @fmaz - Sorry this went sideways, but in my view, your refund reasoning was flawed. The product the guy paid for was still on the way, and you did your part as required. Shipping times to Hawaii aren’t your problem, there was no reason to give the guy (what you thought would be) temporary custody of the money he paid you while the books were still in transit and there was no reason to expect damage or loss. Him backing out of the gentlemen’s agreement you two struck is certainly low class on his part, but you didn’t have to end up in this situation to begin with.
  19. I read Spider-Man 3 plot twist and confirmation of one of those spoilers I previously saw...even with low expectations already established, I'm getting that Ark of the Covenant feeling again.