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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. That theory that Vietnam67 is the seller in question is really starting to gain traction.
  2. Forged Stan Lee signatures crossing interstate lines...for starters: 18 USC 1341 18 USC 1343
  3. Meaning nobody gives a (excrement) what you paid in 2013 (or 2012 depending on your own personal math). Yippee, you once got Stan Lee’s signature for $30. A lot of people once upon a time got it for free. But please, regale us with more tales of your savvy signature acquisitions. Tell us, did you once avoid Liefeld’s 37 tier signature structure too?
  4. It is some of the finest OA out there, no doubt.
  5. Alright, 1 feedback guy struck again and has no activity with other sellers. Now we're getting shilly. Still, why the f are legitimate bidders bidding so freakin' high????? $380 now!!!
  6. 3 feedback guy put in two bids total, and a 136 feedback bidder currently has them both topped in total bids. Multiple single bids alone != shilling Current top bidder has 67 feedback, and yet he's clearly maxed his bid at least at $310. 9.8s of this book don't even sell for anything close to that. This is merely a bidding war of the ill-informed of unsound mind.
  7. CVA is already taken by the (completely useless) Comic Verification Authority.
  8. I would disagree on that, but regardless you have people with legit feedback entering three figure max bids. Awful lot of stupid floating around the eBay ranks these days.
  9. Hypothetically - it’s my book, I take the time to prep it for signature placement, and I don’t have any qualms about spending my money to have 95 year old Stan sign my book. Why should I “STOP”?
  10. Apparently one of the dips running for governor in Illinois is pushing rent controls... so yeah, he can join us on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride to Bankruptcy. Options!
  11. Even with the blatant con job attempt, it’s obviously the Lions Gate reprint. Still, I’ll take the over on $30. Too many suckers on eBay.
  12. Not unique to 181, it actually seems to be a pretty common occurrence on Bronze Age books. With 181, I tend to gauge my interest in copies by how thick the white stripe is and how straight it runs down the cover. My 8.0 looks very similar to this one, but my 9.0's is slightly askew. But the 9.0 has white pages, so give and take. You're right though, its really rare to see a perfectly cut copy of 181, even on the 9.6 & 9.8 copies.
  13. This "deal" will probably go just like those phony job postings that still float around. "Oh, I'm looking to hire someone to send my money overseas for me. You deposit this cashiers check into your bank account, keep your cut, withdraw the remainder, and then wire it to my guy Boris over in Belarus." When the cashiers check turns out to be fake (and they are usually laughingly easy to spot if you know what you're looking for), the bank dings your account with an NSF and you're on the hook to reimburse them for the full amount. So no, don't even entertain this guy. Send the first check back to him if it does arrive, and move on to another buyer. Preferably one with a PayPal account.
  14. They probably should've let the cook write the -script too, my God did that movie suck.
  15. Because why have only one 181, when you can (now) have three? Although the 7.5 is the only one currently in my physical possession - the 8.0 is in good hands trying to better itself, and ComicLink was threatening to baseball bat my knees if I didn't pay up for the 9.0, at least until I explained that I previously arranged putting two books in the current auction to offset the cost, then would pay the difference. Got this one off eBay, under current FMV too