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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. All these current eBay "coupons" are garbage.
  2. I'm guessing in any dealings with this particular seller: conversation = ales (or lagers, stouts, etc. depending on personal preference)
  3. Well put, and ultimately his signature is his own commodity. We may disagree with the reasoning, but he can sign (or not sign) whatever books with whatever conditions attached that he wants.
  4. What a bunch of excrement. So hypothetically JB is cool with a collectible book, with the owner never intending to read/handle it, sitting in a box stored in mylar. But should that very same owner take an additional step to protect said book's condition (nevermind the grading aspect) by getting it slabbed, that's a no no? Top notch logic there.
  5. It really is sad how some of these guys approach the Signature Series program. I know from my own little corner of the collecting world, I'd LOVE to have an SS 9.8 run of Wolverine 17-23 signed by Byrne. Why? Because the Spore story line is one of my favorites, and Byrne's work on it was fantastic. Would I one day sell the run, be it due to some unforeseen financial need or getting up there in years and my beneficiaries not being interested in comics and/or Wolverine, circa 1988? Sure. But am I going to have them witnessed, on site'd, and then immediately slap a $600 apiece price tag on the front? Lord no. And I'm willing to bet the legit collectors far outweigh the flippers.
  6. "I just tried to ask you to cancel it cuz it wouldn't let me so you have to cancel it and if you want to go ahead and suspend my account that's okay I just buy things so I'll make another one" This line from little miss snowflake illustrates basically everything wrong that's resulted from eBay's abysmal transaction enforcement -- the seller is ALWAYS assumed to be wrong, and every dirtbag buyer skulking around the web is allowed to run roughshod over them. Can't pay? Don't want to pay? It's cool! Go place some more frivolous thrill bids! Want to steal something? Go for it! The seller can't prove they ever had it, at least not to our satisfaction! Unpaid item strikes on your account? Bah, go earn you some more! It's like a badge of honor!
  7. Heck yes, black sharpie on black ink, can’t fail!
  8. They're starting to hit the 'bay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/CGC-SS-9-8-STAR-TREK-NEW-VISIONS-15-SIGNED-INSCRIBED-BY-SHATNER-KIRK-JOHN-BYRNE/272912245992?hash=item3f8ad664e8:g:Ee4AAOSw7z1Z-y8P CGC maintained their integrity as we expected, let's see about the other guys.
  9. This is the only blank cover sketch I've personally commissioned (so far). I originally got the book with a much larger Wolverine collection that I picked up and had no idea what to do with it at first. Eventually I came up with the concept of a Wolverine 8 homage using Apocalypse and Wolverine, version Death. But then came the second step -- who should drawr it? My first thought was Leinil Yu since he took part in the Wolverine 145-147 run, but his agent turned out to be a total (bleep), so I tabled the idea for a bit. Then one day in my eBay travels I fortuitously stumbled on an original Wolverine sketch cover done by Mabel Garza, so I reached out to her through her Facebook page and...voila!
  10. I found your preferred Wonder Woman. She has been busted for PEDs twice, but there's no denying she's an azz kicker.
  11. https://m.ebay.com/itm/AMAZING-SPIDER-MAN-36-CGC-9-8-SS-9-11-HANNA-STAN-LEE-ROMITA-SR-JR-RARE-WTC-V2/263294125337?hash=item3d4d8d8519:g:Dw4AAOSw2gxYt2qP Definite contender.
  12. So what prompted you to sell it? I know the profit margins are getting too tempting to pass up, my 9.6 fell in the battle of capitalism vs collectorism back in October.
  13. Greg, I hope your site is composed of a good balance of hops and barley so that guy can make a solid pale ale!
  14. And Doom is all like “person_without_enough_empathy please...”
  15. You’re both correct of course, but stop raining on my dream with your concepts like “commercial success” and “widespread audience appeal”. I will have my Viking death metal soundtrack!
  16. If fan bleepin’ awesome tastic wasn’t a word before, it is now! The only gripe I have - Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” is all well and good, but there are at least a dozen Amon Amarth songs that were made for this movie. Those fights scenes with “Twilight of the Thunder God” playing...sheer dynamite.
  17. I bet you wanted the Terminator to defeat Sarah Connor too...
  18. I’ve always wondered where this fight was taking place in order for Beast to have that strategically placed swing available from which to mount his attack...
  19. Went back to an old post to remember what needed remembering, meet Paul Kessler (the guy who will soon own Wizard outright): http://bristolcapitaladvisors.com/management
  20. Placement...prep, prep, prep. This is one of my favorites in my own Silver Age SS collection. Although added props to Roy Thomas, overall he's really good with placement no matter what.
  21. Oh I'll definitely believe you on that front, I really didn't start attending in earnest till 2012. And tbh, this year I only spent around half of Friday on the show floor (I'd say about 12:15-4:00). And I DEFINITELY saw everything worth seeing; a four day would've been a complete waste of money. To illustrate that point, much of my day broke down to: 30 minutes chatting with the Reece family and browsing/buying 20 minutes chatting with Frank at Metropolis and buying Batman 227 20 minutes ogling Dale Roberts' books because I was out 90% of my bankroll by that time 20 minutes at another booth with some good Thor/JIM issues 20 minutes at Harley's booth (And I could very well be underselling those time estimates) The rest: walking by endless booths I can't remember while hoping (and largely failing) to stumble on something worthwhile at the occasional scattered comic dealer. Oh wait! And about 30 minutes at CGC turn in!
  22. From a buyer's perspective, I wouldn't call Chicago a complete bust as I scored as much silver/bronze as my bankroll would allow. BUT...when I wanted to spend some quality time, along with my last few bucks, digging through the modern boxes looking for potential 9.8s...blech. Total dearth of sellers with quality modern books. Anyway, as for Wizard itself, the writing has been on the wall for years. Just looking at their stock price tells a large portion of the story. February 1, 2013: closing price $0.25. November 17, 2017: closing price $0.21. In this bull market. Add to that the weird shenanigans with their insider dealings, such as prepaying, what was it, 19 months of rent to their CEO's private equity firm who they're renting their corporate office space from? Come on man.
  23. Seconded. But I'll say this -- I hope the first release under his watch consists solely of a front cover titled "#1" with the following subtext: "All that (bleep) from the last few years NEVER HAPPENED."