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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. Were it up to me (and it should be), this movie would open with a scene from Spider-Man 3 during which Topher Brock is doing his totally out of place Eric Foreman shtick. And then the giant cartoon foot from Monty Python rains hell from above on it.
  2. Adding to the initial report on this eBay superstar: scandaelicious Dude bid $25 on a $10 auction last night and retracted within 12 hours ("bid wrong amount"). Took a gander at his recent history: Bid retractions: 16 Bid retractions (6 months): 142 That just about speaks for itself.
  3. I thought Affleck would be awful, but he was tolerable. So maybe Maggie’s brother won’t be atrocious...but I’d have higher initial hope for just about anyone else.
  4. What’s been especially nice about the Avengers franchise has been the continuity of the timeline. Fox blew that with the X-Men long ago, will audiences forget that or think “wait I thought he died in that movie with the screaming pre-teen?”
  5. "Dear sir - while I lament your plight, might I suggest you pay for this item PRIOR to cancelling your PayPal linked credit card? Then when contacting the company, simply inform them which purchases are legitimate and there should be no problem with our transaction. Best of luck to you, and in the future should this happen again, might I recommend contacting the police in the immediate aftermath rather than the eBay sellers to whom you owe money?"
  6. Normally I'd say "people can't be this stupid", but the other day I read an article about folks in San Francisco paying $36 for 2 1/2 gallons of bottled untreated rain water. So yeah, go nuts America!
  7. Unfortunately "death of..." has a much more impactful ring than "temporary incapacitation for marketing purposes of...".
  8. When I first got really back into collecting (end of high school/start of college), I bought a fifty copy lot of unopened Wolverine v3 #1s. In retrospect it was a poor choice. So...can my current total of two Incredible Hulk 181s count instead?
  9. So you revel in people being victimized by criminals? Which of course is your opinion. And this particular opinion makes you a jag.
  10. Bale to Ben Affleck was a downgrade, and now Jake Gyllenhaal rumors?
  11. New signature arrivals, courtesy of Rich Henn. I'm actually downgrading on the 125 DF to a 9.6, but the Jae Lee/Chris Claremont double signature is worth the trade off imho. Anyone wanna buy my 9.8 signed by Jae Lee?
  12. Let's say Dealer X did all the work (book acquisition, con attendance, grading), and got Uncanny X-Men 132 signed by Chris Claremont ($10 fee per Signature Series book). Dealer X is selling the book for $500 in SS 9.8. Me and Dealer X have a dialogue, and he ultimately sells it to me for $450. Now its your turn -- subtract the $10 Claremont charged him, and make the argument that Dealer X is magically making less money now by flipping this book at $500 (or our deal price of $450).
  13. That makes absolutely zero sense, and you are being way too melodramatic with this. Stan, Campbell, Frank Miller, etc. have a commodity people want (their signature), and they are charging what they deem appropriate. Customer pays asking price, customer gets commodity in hand. Commodity doesn't go to the derivatives market and get inordinately marked up. It doesn't get packaged with subprime loans issued to no collateral buyers into overinflated securities and ultimately sold to Norway's pension fund in a massive RICO scheme. To my knowledge, no one out there is fraudulently rating Stan's signature a AAA investment grade security. Its a guy's name on a comic book. If you don't like the price, don't pay it.
  14. Stan posts his price, people pay it. If no one paid his asking price, it would come down. The kids call that capitalism.
  15. Here's what I don't get - its 2018. Basically any bank worth its salt has online account access. So there's no one on Stan's team that does a daily login at 9ish AM, checks the transaction ledger, and says "$850,000 made out to 'Condo for me!!!'? Hey, wait a minute..."? Total incompetence, or an inside job.
  16. ASM 1 has definitely gone way up. In 2012 I couldn't even get $3500 for an SS 3.5 copy. Last summer it fetched almost $6700 in a ComicLink auction. Paid for a 9.8 Incredible Hulk 180 and like six other books.
  17. He seems to have lost some bravado... Me - 'This book has at least 11 visible spine stresses on the front cover, you may not want to advertise it as "mint".' Him - 'ok' (and he ended the listing) re this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/202173998415?ul_noapp=true
  18. Homeboy took the Mister Miracle book down But he's still got a number of other "Mint" listings
  19. FFS keep Yodi away from this "MINT!!" book!! On second thought, don't, we need another thread!
  20. I think the better question is how do you not have notes on any book, period? From CGC's own grading process page on the main site: "The book’s pages are then counted and any peculiarities or flaws that may affect a book’s grade are entered into the computer. Some examples of this would be “a tear on third page,” “a corner crease – does not break color,” “a ¼” inch spine split,” and so forth. When the grader examines the comic, he is not able to see a previously assigned grade, so as to not influence his own evaluation. After determining his own grade for the comic, he can then view the Grader Notes entered by a previous grader, and he may add to this commentary if he believes more remarks are in order. Another restoration check is performed before assigning a grade. If all grades are in agreement or are very close, the book will be assigned a final grade. If there is disagreement among the graders, there will be a discussion with other graders until a final determination is made." HTF does this entire process result in ZERO grading notes???????????
  21. Seconded, but I only went to about issue 30 because I vehemently hated how Fatal Attractions ended (Wolverine got done dirty).
  22. What a loser. He could have at least gotten a little more creative, like "Oh dude I'm sorry, I looked up pesos instead of pounds! My fault!"