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Everything posted by Cat

  1. To be fair, Kav, they did offer to make Ryan Stegman a star. They could do wonders for his career, as he's only Marvel's biggest talent at the moment. Small potatoes! https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/08/09/new-youngblood-publisher-offers-to-develop-ryan-stegman-if-he-can-draw-sequentials/
  2. Has anybody else been following this train wreck? I can't look away. It's obvious this guy is delusional and hasn't looked at the industry since the early 90's, and is just clueless as to how things work these days. And the Twitter account, dear lord!
  3. Jobs was, ultimately, a insufficiently_thoughtful_person, IMO.
  4. Here's just one quick example I found: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/stan-lee-needs-a-hero-elder-abuse-claims-a-battle-aging-marvel-creator-1101229
  5. I get a security warning when I try to access that site. Invalid security cert?
  6. There's a lot from over the years, but she treated her parents like garbage, and she's prone to wild mood swings, from what I hear. Apparently not a good person.
  7. Yes, anyone can inquire about them. As a 501(c)3, they are legally required to provide certain documents upon request, including their 3 most recent information returns (their 990's) among other forms. This is what I alluded to in my opening post, and to be frank I find it rather suspicious that they chose to ignore that invitation and request in their only post here, and instead go guns ablazing with a vague and ridiculous 'legal threat' (vague and non-specific legal threats are the calling card of the caged, desperate, and unintelligent combatant hoping to intimidate by puffery and confetti) while ignoring the larger issues and instead focusing on the one incredibly minor part they 'knew' they could refute. To me it seemed like a murderer being caught on 4 cameras on CCTV and and a DNA test, but attempting to overturn his sentence because his documents listed his court-date as 'Tuseday'. Robert Jalali had a perfect opportunity to show us all the wonderful things that the Berkbridge Foundation was doing for single mothers, and there's simply no good reason why a legitimate chsrriy wouldn't have jumped on this opportunity to get this community on board. Anyone can request their financials (if you'd like to know the specific forms to request, I can add that, or just PM me). As I said above, they are legally obligated to provide them to you, and there are fines if they do not. Transparency is key. Their contact is info@berkbridge.org
  8. Can we pretty please take the off-topic stuff elsewhere?
  9. Miles did star in a little film that was wildly successful and won an Academy Award. He also fits a good number of diversity points. Seems like a solid choice to me.
  10. Guys, can we please keep the memes and off-topic stuff to a minimum? There are dozens of other threads for that, and the more there are here, the more signal noise it makes, and the more the actual info about Berkbridge Foundation and Robert Jalali gets obscured and lost.
  11. I agree, the correct way to celebrate 80 years of Marvel is with DC characters.
  12. Squirrel Girl is far from a new character. She was created in 1991, by Ditko of all people. And how do you define a character? Carol is an old character using a new name, while Kamala Khan is a new character using an old name. If one counts for the new name, then the other counts as old for that very reason. There's also no Gwenpool on that cover. If you're going to complain and declare it this and that, but be ignorant of the basic characters, it throws your whole argument out the windows, as you obviously don't know much about modern Marvel. And that's fine, I'm not into a lot of modern Marvel stuff either, but geez, we as fans need to know our place. If you're a fan of the 80's, that's great, but it's unfair to be angry that the company no longer conforms to that world-view, be that for the better or the worse.
  13. Including popular characters = pandering? What do you want them to do? Have the cover consist of NFL Superpro and Team America and sell all of 10 copies?
  14. I did receive my smaller sized edition of The Golden Age Of DC Comics by Paul Levitz. Looks really good, I've just been too pre-occupied to get to it. Chunky little thing.
  15. A legitimate charity would jump at the chance to clear their name, and seize the opportunity to promote their good works amongst the community. The Berkbridge Foundation, lead by Robert S Jalali, is CLEARLY aware of this thread, so there's no ambiguity here. Robert, maybe you think by ignoring us it'll all go away. It won't.
  16. Mickey's hand is just so wrong. How do you draw a cartoon hand that badly? And why put Spider-Man's leg (assuming that's what that formless lump is) there. It adds nothing, and really, the whole composition is just off. What's the weird shape around cosplay Stan?
  17. Probably not. It'll get a Green Label, because the signature is unverified by CGC standards, so to them it's writing on the cover.
  18. Their email address is listed as info@berkbridge.org I suppose that would be the place to direct requests for copies of their IRS filings.
  19. Alright, this thread is specifically regarding the entity known as The Berkbridge Foundation, selling on eBay as Berkbridge https://www.ebay.com/str/Berkbridge-Foundation and listed with eBay as a registered charity. Note they claim to be a registered 501(C)3, and this has at least been true for a time. I'm seeing conflicting documentation regarding their current registration status, which honestly, if anything I believe is most probably a clerical error. Here's what all their listings state: ALL PROCEEDS FROM OUR AUCTIONS ARE GIVEN TO BERKBRIDGE FOUNDATION Berkbridge Foundation is a U.S. non-profit organization under IRS 501 (c) (3) with a primary mission to provide financial support to single mothers in child care related matters. Questions have been raised about how the fund operates, and how funds are dispersed. Legally, they are required to provide this information upon request. This thread, serving as the replacement for the now-deleted thread, is the place for @BerkbridgeFoundation to provide those who would like access to said information, with the correct means of doing so, be that a website link, pdfs, whatever it may be. It may also be enlightening for the Foundation representative to answer some general questions about just how they operate, to dispel some of the mist about this seller. I for one, would like to know more about the vague mission statement: exactly how are single mothers being helped? And where? And in direct regards to this thread, I'd like to know why the Berkbridge Twitter account was scrubbed and deleted hours after being linked in the prior thread in this forum. I am thankful for any answers and insight they can provide into their operations. Please note this is a VERY real and serious issue affecting the comics community, and the larger public. Charity fraud is a huge deal, and erodes public trust in the good works. Any insinuations of such need to be nipped in the bud, and that's why legal disclosures are required, precisely for situations such as these. We simply want to be sure. Many comic collectors choose to buy at higher prices and likewise sell at lower prices (and, if reports of eBay sellers are accurate, are asked to do so by reps of the Foundation themselves) in the name of charity. Their actions potentially affect the market, and thus all of us. Not to mention tax filings, etc. We all have a vested interest in a positive outcome to this. In increasingly negative times, people would also no doubt find it reaffirming knowing for sure that their dollars are indeed going to support single mothers in need, as per the foundation's mission statement.
  20. Can a new thread be started solely about the charity aspect, completely avoiding the Torpedo mess? That information is very much in the best interest of the public to know, and in the best interest of the Berkbridge Foundation to disclose.
  21. Wait. Wait. Hold up. Let me be clear here. You bought a book off eBay. The seller then proceeded to rip out a few pages from said before sending it to you (but post-purchase), sold those, then after you received it, claimed that YOU damaged said book and took those pages, despite the listings for those very pages, clear as day? I mean, I know people are stupid. I really do. But wow, we have a contender here. Someone start a gofundme to get this fine specimen neutered, please!
  22. The Turtles have six, actually. Everyone always forgets the Imagi CG movie.