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Everything posted by Cat

  1. There were some Counter X tpbs released just a few years ago. The intent was to collect the whole Counter X run of all 3 series, but iirc they didn't get very far due to low sales.
  2. I'd get John Byrne to sign it. Why not add an extra #$@% to the cover?
  3. No offence, but it makes me think of 2000's clip art, not a current, professional comic shop. I think the previous, simpler cauldron was perfect.
  4. Alright, added to my list. Cheers guys, I look forward to checking it out!
  5. When was the last time you really saw his 90's work? This honestly is a pretty big improvement. Of course, when your baseline is so low, a vast improvement means you're still not even mediocre, but it is what it is, sadly.
  6. And 8 of those posts were even good!! J/K
  7. Never heard of this series. Worth a read?
  8. But... Eliopoulas has been doing this since the 90's? I remember his short strips since something like the post Heroes Return era? Pacheco-era X-Men, perhaps? How is it dodgy if it's a style he's been using for over 20 years?
  9. Easily the Flash, BUT it has to be the Wally West Flash. Mark Waid's first run is amazing, it still holds up today as an absolute classic. Geoff Johns also had a really good run with Wally, although I find it to be slightly more of an acquired taste. If you want more of an ensemble story, I loved his characterisation in Morrison's JLA run, he was a terrific foil for Kyle. They also had some great team-ups in Kyle's title, and with Connor Hawke in Green Arrow. Well worth seeking out, IMO. I can think of some great stories Quicksilver happened to be in, but not many that really just starred him, with the exception of X-Factor #87.
  10. It wouldn't even in be in my top 10 of great things, but apparently sliced bread continues to impress, year after year, for the majority of people. Maybe we're just difficult to impress?
  11. My point wasn't that I like Youngblood, but that I find it harmful to automatically talk down on a book without knowing anything about it, when it happens to be good. I find that harmful for us as fans, regardless of what the book is. Nonetheless, if you feel it came out of nowhere, I accept that, and wholeheartedly apologise.
  12. Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding you, but are you implying that I'm being a because I corrected you on your baseless and ignorant statement about a book? That's... A special kind of entitled. Buuut I really do hope I've misunderstood you.
  13. Unfortunately the crack team of graders were somewhat preoccupied at this time, as Daniel's mum made them clean out the garage. They also had laundry to hang. Upside: snacks were provided.
  14. I use Brodarts. Best thing since sliced bread, and also better than whatever was the best thing before sliced bread took that title. Older prints are definitely collectible. I've mentioned before how I sold my ASM vol 1 omni for over $700AU, before the reprint was announced. I've also paid something like $300 (sorry the figures aren't exact, my brain is cloudy today, and this was awhile ago) for a beautiful mint copy of the silver age X-Men vol 1 omnibus. I did so fully aware it could be reprinted at any time, but it was the last X-omni I needed at the time, and the gaping hole in my collection was too much for my collector-OCD to take. I don't think it's been reprinted to this day, so it was a decent enough move.
  15. Is he the ex-Hasbro person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed who was boasting about how good his designs were versus the finished toys done by other Kickstarted lines?
  16. First off, no, it's been finished for quite some time now. Second, it was actually pretty darn good. Liefeld only did alternate covers, with top-quality art by at the time newcomer Jim Towe, and writing by Chad Bowers. Now, let's be honest, it'll never take off in the marketplace, but is that really a necessary criteria for judging whether or not it's a good read? Sometimes a fun book is just a fun book, and that's exactly what that Youngblood series is. Krep on Liefeld all you want. However, don't rubbish stuff you have absolutely zero clue about. There's enough misconceptions going around in the comic world, why add to it with your own ignorance?
  17. A few off the top of my head: JSA Strange Adventures. I have a real fondness for this one. Whenever I have to stay in hospital, I always take the tpb with me. JSA All-Stars. JSA Returns. Honestly, there's probably notbing that great about this one. It's just nice to have a fairly modern story starring the Golden Age greats, done in that style, by modern talent. DC Universe Legacies. A fun recounting of DC's entire history. New Frontier. Transformers Vs GIJOE (IDW, Scioli). Transformers: The War Within. Transformers: Last Stand Of The Wreckers. Hotwire: Requiem For The Dead. Iron Man: Hypervelocity. It's fun, with some great art. Not for everyone. Spider-Man/X-Men and Spider-Man/ Fantastic Four, by Christos Gage and Mario Alberti. Both miniseries' spend an issue each in various eras of their respective franchises, with an over-arching plot providing some connective tissue. Both are a lot of fun.
  18. That Hasbro Thundercracker is actually the only MP Seeker I have in my collection (not counting various 3rd party versions). TC is one of my all-time fave TFs, and I REALLY dislike the MP mold in both it's MP3 and MP11 variants, so just having him is absolutely fine for me. I always figured they'd do a more accurate version somewhere along the line, and I'm perfectly happy to wait for that day to come.
  19. You're kidding. NOBODY could be THAT stupid. Foot down, I refuse to believe it.
  20. I'm trying to complete a run that is objectively modern drek, and it's driving me crazy. This stuff is just so rare as to be non-existent, and I don't know why. I'm talking about Malibu's Mortal Kombat comics (komiks?). Not the initial Blood And Thunder miniseries, but the subsequent stuff like the Battlewave series onward. It's just impossible to find. Literally impossible. I'm frustrated and confused. And slightly bemused.
  21. Two actors for each. It does seem like more than that, admittedly. I also agree with Buzzetta's post last page. IH 181 has not yet hit its ceiling, and GSX1 is just waiting to explode, pending MCU announcements. They've got much more room to move than X-Men 1. Even ignoring that, it's a bad deal for you. Tbh I also don't think much of that particular copy of X1, sorry, but if you're happy with it, then great. I hope you guys come to agreeable terms, though, and that you get the book you want.
  22. You didn't 'miss out' on the Walking Dead. You're a newly arrived wannabe speculator who gives zero damns about the actual medium or its products. Very big difference between that a genuine fan. What you mean is that you missed out on it cheap, which is a whole different kettle of fish, one that also involves the foresight of knowing it will be big, which you definitely don't have.