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Posts posted by Hockeyflow33

  1. 18 hours ago, Peter L said:


    I am going to buy an Artist Proof and was offered either one sided or double sided at an increased price.  Is there a benefit of getting a double sided artist proof?


    Before laying out any money on an artist proof you should probably look at their lack of resale on the secondary market and know that what you're buying is effectively the new car of the comic art world; once it's off the lot you're losing half the value 

  2. 23 hours ago, Will_K said:

    Thanks.  That is something I did not take into account.  For comic art, at least, most reps don't seem like ambassadors that are trying to build relationships.  Also, given today's technology, it's easier for the artists to build those relationships on their own. 

    The amount of reps that are downright rude to customers is always shocking to me. Some of the big name reps at cons treat us like utter garbage, so much so that I know of many collectors who refuse to do business with their artists because of how off-putting the reps are. 

    I'm always curious to know if these artists realize how their reps are viewed to the outside world. So many of the current big name guys are repped by dbags and it's always puzzling to see because you talk to the artists and they're usually very nice people and you wonder how that can mesh with their customer-facing representation.

  3. 23 hours ago, Will_K said:


    My 2 major pet peeves regarding other CAF galleries are... 1) too many pieces in a single gallery (my current highest is 38, which feels like a lot) 


    I have mine broken up by type of art, i.e. original art, commissions, etc. and I never thought about just how many pages this is. I do wish there was a way that you could subfolder art within those folders as a directory so that you could do branch folders like Original Art --> Batman --> Detective Comics but I understand that is probably a ton of extra work/hosting for caf

  4. 14 hours ago, Overthetopinc said:

    I have bought pieces from Steve and Rich and they were a class act. I know many people who feel the same way. Maybe you would to if you actually try and buy something from them. I do not think they are trying to pull one on anyone by creating stats for pieces. You kidding most of those twice up covers, that has been done too ions ago. It is at their expense and they do not claim it to be original stats or original art. Anyone who has money to buy something from them knows that. They are in the business of selling art and they try and make it more appealing. I do not feel it adds to the piece but I do not slam people I do not know, never met, nor bought or tried to buy anything from. If you have a real complaint, let's hear it. Otherwise all this copying and pasting with insults is for children. Now I know enough to know no one is going to like this post and I will not get any credit for sticking up for good people or change any minds on this damn thing we call social media but at least I know I tried =)

    When you're selling pages for $1,500 or more that sell everywhere else for $150-200 it's hard to make a purchase... 

  5. On 2/21/2021 at 5:59 PM, grapeape said:

    Search eBay (make an offer)and dealer sites for art at the price point. No reason you should miss out on the fun. I honestly find art in that range all the time.


    I'm not bitter haha. I enjoyed many years of being able to find great stuff at the right price. Except for a few pieces, there's always something new out there that is equally as good. There are quite a few pages that are about 50% too high I'm watching now. If I can get them where I want them I'll buy but none are must-haves, just ones I'd enjoy having in my collection. 

    Ebay still has great deals but Heritage is next to impossible nowadays.

  6. 2 hours ago, Taylor G said:

    Those watermarks are relatively easy to remove.

    For the same reason, I don't see that NFT will be useful for preventing copying.  It's all based on adding some metadata to a scan of the physical image.  Someone can remove that metadata from the scan, or just make another scan, or do what forgers actually do: print out an image, blow it up, and trace a forged copy.

    I guess if you want to demonstrate provenance for selling (as opposed to detecting illegal copying), it provides an iron-clad chain of ownership back to the first time it's recorded in the blockchain.  In a public ledger of transactions.  No more "private sales."  :insane:

    And the lawyers can always argue over whether this physical copy is actually represented by that digital copy.


    Just wait until production nft's start showing up on ebay... 


    3 hours ago, jjonahjameson11 said:

    These recent posts about newer (younger) collectors, current titles and new artists (within the last 10 years) are things I’d love Bill Cox to explore in his YouTube videos.

    so many of us are between the ages of 45-55 and we’ve been collecting for 15+ years already, but it’s mostly the same old, same old.

    I don’t remember the last time I purchased a new comic, let alone flipped through the pages to see what the art looks like now , but I’m willing to give it a try based on some recommendations here, and who knows?  Perhaps I’ll like it enough to pick up a page or two?

    New comics are tough because guys like King and Cates get all this praise but their stuff is so repetitive and such a slog to get through text-wise. Despite how nice he is I can't get through another King book and for the life of me Mister Miracle and Heroes in Crisis were absolutely terrible. 

    My pull list is the smallest it's ever been now that DC has fired all their good writers.

    I'd second the Venditti Hawkman recommendation.

    If you like Kirkman, both Oblivion Song and Firepower have been fun reads.

    Tynion's Batman is okay, if he can stop shoe-horning in Harley characters it would be much better.

    Anything Brubaker puts out is fantastic so you can always count on him. 

    Tomasi has been on fire the last few years between Batman, Super Sons and Detective Comics, all are excellent. I think he's the best modern writer out there today but DC won't let him stay on a book for very long. 

    Before Bendis took over Superman (thumbs down), Dan Jurgens was writing some awesome Superman stories. 

  8. On 2/3/2021 at 12:05 PM, Randall Ries said:

    It's because they stink. He dumbs them down on purpose because fans are doing exactly what you describe: Trying to sell them as OA on ebay. So no way he's going to do a reasonable drawing w/o getting a piece of the gate. When I look at all the magnificent examples of OA on a blank cover the artist did, I always think of Miller and his childish attempt to keep his fans at arms length.

    Agree to disagree on your whole point. Every time I've met him through the years he has always been incredibly nice to me and others I've seen him interact with. He'll chat with you if you talk to him and I've been lucky enough to run into him outside of a con signing and same thing. He charges over $10k for an actual commission so you're getting the same type of sketch as a Jim Lee or Bruce Timm, only Miller's are free or a couple hundred bucks instead of $800 for a Jim Lee Parker head or $300-500 for a Timm. 

    Miller also clearly has health issues he's dealing with so you should remember that before insulting him. 

  9. On 2/1/2021 at 7:52 PM, Randall Ries said:

     Miller seems to have an issue with people getting original art from him and selling it on ebay so his drawings are sloppy and rude.


    There are always a lot of Miller sketches posted for sale but the amount that actually sell is very low. So many of his sketches have been posted for sale for years with no movement