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Everything posted by Kevin76

  1. I have mixed feelings about this book. In the sense that unless you're a diehard venom fan. I feel that the 6100.00 spent could have gotten a book with much more potential than an ASM 300.
  2. errr.. you seem to be contradicting yourself. It sounds like you don't buy what you like, which means you buy what others like that you don't like yourself? But you don't need ooo's and ahhhh's? That makes no sense. Malvin What kind of name is Malvin anyway? Besides, I do buy what I like, but what I like is what everyone else likes, which is also the $$$ stuff. Ya dig? You are still contradicting yourself. You mock people (and advice) to buy what you like, but you do it. But its OK if you do it as long as you buy what everyone else likes.. which can't be true, because everyone can't like the same thing. Of course if you can't articulate your argument, you can always just make fun of the guys name... Malvin You're not making any sense yourself. You're over analyzing what I'm trying to say. You guys seem to have divided up the art of collecting art into 2 catagories. 1 being buy what you like and the 2nd buying for investment....What I'm trying to tell you ladies is, why can't you buy what you like as an investment...I'll never buy a piece of art,hang it on the wall, say that art looks terrible but I hope it'll pay for my retirement. Artists like Ditko,John Byrne and Romita simply bored me to tears. I'll always take a Mcfarlane Spider-Man over a Romita and I'll always take a Wrightson over a Ditko. I'm not say they are bad artists, they really have made a name for themselfs (Ditko seems to be a weirdo anyhow,him and Alan Moore should work on something together) They just don't give me a hard on when I look at thier artwork the way, Wrightson does...
  3. Buy what you like... just like the advice that has been given here right? You found Nada becuase I don't post my stuff for a reason..I don't need your ooooo's and Ahhhhhh's errr.. you seem to be contradicting yourself. It sounds like you don't buy what you like, which means you buy what others like that you don't like yourself? But you don't need ooo's and ahhhh's? That makes no sense. Malvin What kind of name is Malvin anyway? Besides, I do buy what I like, but what I like is what everyone else likes, which is also the $$$ stuff. Ya dig?
  4. When I see a post like this, I'm always curious about the poster's own collection. What about it? Link? Yeah, this guy's a talker. I looked to see if he'd actually ever posted anything and found nada, just ridiculous comments about how he'd take a McFarlane Spidey cover over a Romita Spidey cover any day, McFarlane, this , McFarlane that, and he only buys one page of art every few years for 5-10K. Noobs- you may disregard said advice. Buy what you like... just like the advice that has been given here right? You found Nada becuase I don't post my stuff for a reason..I don't need your ooooo's and Ahhhhhh's
  5. The first post's advice is terrible and clich'e. Always "go for the gold". Obtain artwork that the artist is famous for, then buy the best example you can. Simple (example) Todd Mcfarlane = Spider-Man Neal Adams = Batman Bernie Wrightson = Swamp Thing Frank Miller = Daredevil You get the idea. The buy the best shot of that character you can afford, If you can't afford a splash, go for a half splash or a great panel page with excellent shots of that character. (is he in every panel? Can you see his face? ) Yes it's expensive, But always buy quality and you can't go wrong. Who the inker is also matters. No one else should be inking Mcfarlane and no one else should be inking Jim Lee except Scott Williams. You get the idea.
  6. This came in the mail after what felt like forever.
  7. Did this awhile ago but haven't drawn much since then. The date on the photo is incorrect. Was about a year ago.
  8. And the press guys would work an 8, 10, 12, or 16 hour shift without a lunch break. The only break they would get is if they could get a supervisor to fill in for them for a few minutes so they could run to the bathroom and back. Sometimes the new guy would work a few hours and get someone to let him run to the bathroom and they'd never see the guy again. That happened a LOT. Seen that a few times...hungry? Eat your lunch on the press! How about the guys that go to the bathroom and don't tell you they left? He could be rolling around underneth the press for all anyone knows... How about the press guys running for at least 45 mins and not picking up a book only to find they ran 75,000 copies with no blue ink inside. "Oh right "printing error, must be worth more"
  9. I'm still doing it after 22 years. Still doing it after 12 years here...
  10. You guys even know what you're looking at? These are community web presses meaning...everything was done by hand. Mix the ink up by hand, jog the books up by hand as they came off the press (try doing that for 12 hours a day) Think your job is tough? Web breaks and it's your fault, get yelled at and called a POS! Pressman can send you home! not the supervisor. Need more red or blue in a certain spot, ok walk down the press with safety guards off the press, get a screwdriver, turn the key by hand, walk back up to the front of the press see how it looks, doesn't look right, walk back do it again and again,all night long for each color. It's not a picnic even though they printed comics. Not to mention, no AC in the summer time and no fresh air coming in, if you worked in printing in the south, you're screwed.
  11. I doubt it...too many fanboys would die from consuming too much paper and ink poisoning from licking the cover.
  12. I'm sure someone will get this slabbed.
  13. I'm the psycho collector...I buy one thing every 2-3 years but it costs $5000-$10,000+ a time.
  14. So the seller just refunded his deposit and is ignoring him? If that's the case then have your buddy move on and find another detective elsewhere,in the meantime, tell him to keep saving his $$.
  15. It's not that automatic...when the guy talks about the "negatives" being film,that has been replaced by a computer,since it's computer to plate now,still need someone there to operate it though.
  16. So why does it cost 3K to bring Danny to justice? Where does the 3K go? How much of your own $ have you put up for this case?
  17. Best Spidey covers are 12,27,39,50,51 and 316 for me.
  18. I miss Danny on the boards...I had so much fun yelling at him... I'll never forget the "Hammer offers Supapimpa $50,000 to meet him for a fight"
  19. Every time I go onto CAF, someone is always shouting "I got my grail"! really tired of it.
  20. I don't have a grail, to me a grail is something you don't own. But playing pretend, a grail for me would be like the Death Dealer Painting of him on the horse or the cover to Frankenstien by Wrightson,gonna dream,dream big.
  21. Why Alfred Hitchcock? Probably cause he used to make a cameo in every movie he made.
  22. What's funny is that a gun from a Tank to the face won't stop the Hulk