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Everything posted by Kevin76

  1. Evidence? The fact that comics are being compared to shoes and stamps and there's talk about people walking away to "collect" whatever next pops up on the market as "hot" kind of sums up what I find distasteful here. I know, I know, I'm on a collector's forum but the way the financial rewards of buying comics WAY overshadows any love for the medium at all saddens me. I'm new here. I found this place when after spending too much at xmas I went to find out if any of my comics were worth anything so I could help my bank balance a little. I've stuck around because it was fascinating to me. But I'm starting to think maybe it isn't for me. I love comics. So when I hear people rejoicing at low print runs and refusing to buy a book just because it's a mini and therefore unlikely to ever be worth any money... or sometimes even not buying any book that isn't Image, I kind of despair. This is one of the most active comics forums on the internet and for me, it sucks that it is driven by money. No. No. Why not? That's what Upper Deck does to Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan..They sit at a table and sign stacks of photos of themselves all day long for resell.
  2. I agree with this, and frankly, the profiteering going on is making me a little sick of this hobby. When it gets to the point where speculators and flippers are buying entire stocks of hot books just to resell, and average joe comic collector can't even buy an issue at a store —on the day it comes out—it makes me question what the point of it all is. It's not good for the hobby or collectors in the long term. But it's also inevitable. Speculation has been a reality for the hobby since the late Silver Age. We've seen how this has played out time and time again. I'm still buying and reading-- and even buying art for books I really like-- but I don't do it with the expectation that there will be a market down the road, after the speculator slash-and-burn. The only point of all this is just to enjoy the work. 90% of them will end up on eBay anyway. Hey, there are readers and there are buyers and sellers, It's like saying houses are for living in, not to flip for a profit. If this bothers Image or any other publisher over the fact that they want to make a comic a convention exclusive, then get upset over the fact that people flip them, then they should stop making them. They print up 500 copies and what happens when more than 500 people want them? The price goes up. Love it or Hate it. Times are tough, people are just trying to find a way to make a few extra bucks.
  3. we are all over info like that like flies on $#!^
  4. I got $29.95 last night for a PP #9 and yes it came out yesterday THAT'S incredible... surprised me also Larry, I read you still had them on the shelf I got in 50. 43 are not fit for man or beast, but quite fine for readers. Black cover: spine ticks consistent grabber marks creases paper flaws. They look like mess. I "do" have them out at cover for walk in customers, 1 per... Why have them 1 per customer? You're in buisness to sell comics are you not? Ok then, So why do comic shop owners put on limits? If I owned a comic store, Other than the pull lists, it's first come, first serve. Sold is sold. If the comic is 1 per customer and you have 3 copies left that sit there and get stuffed into the back issues bins, that's ok. But the minute someone wants 5 off the shelf, shop owners throw a fit.
  5. How can he enjoy it with damage like that?
  6. Every time I buy something off of my brother, I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat wondering if he's ever gonna mail those books he promised...
  7. #1's are already going for $35+ on ebay, for a book that just came out 3 months ago.
  8. That's what is typically known as an "I don't really want to sell this, but if you offer me crazy money, I will," quote. -e.s. Eric Stephenson Publisher Image Comics, Inc. www.imagecomics.com Don't you already make crazy money?
  9. My fights with GMan were pretty funny, as well as my fights with Metropolis and Hammer/Comic-Keys. I used to pretty much fight with everyone on the boards when this forum first came around. This forum needed a villain and I was gonna give it to them
  10. Ken, Any plans to make this into an ongoing series?
  11. Picked up NWM #3 today at the comic store, last copy left. I wanted more but I just couldn't get to the LCS till this morning. 1 is better than nothing.
  12. Eric, Any idea if Peter Panzerfaust is going to be published beyond 25 issues?
  13. About 2 weeks ago I walked into the comics store and saw 4 copies of #2 1st print sitting on the shelf, So I grabbed all 4 and the store owner said "I hear this is supposed to be really good"
  14. I ordered 12 copies of East of West #1...just kind of rolling the dice here. I ordered 10 copies of Mind The Gap #1 and it turned into nothing. Ordered 10 copies of Bedlam #1, but then trusted my gut feeling, so I canceled the order, glad I did, was way over promoted IMO. Imagine having ordered a 100 copies of Peter Panzerfaust #1, then they all come back 9.8's and a 9.9 or a 10.0 to boot?
  15. The guy that paid 12K for that NM 98 is eating that book right about now.
  16. Amazing Spider-Man 300 Chrome Edition CGC 9.9 Other than maybe that one, I have no regrets, I never would have what I have now, without selling what I did at the time. 95% of all comics are replaceable.
  17. An original might not even exist since a lot of the art now is done digital now.
  18. Thought I posted this here, I'll post again to make sure I "joined the club"
  19. I always thought my copy was trimmed, I still think it is really, but seeing copies like the last couple give me slight hope. Not that I will ever slab it anyway so I wont ever find out for definite. if you wont slab it, guess you'll go through life not ever knowing
  20. how are you able to afford all these?? I had to trade to get my JIM 83.
  21. Nice! You can afford to buy a 7.0...now buy a decent scanner... Nah, digital camera is good enough
  22. Just got this the other day! Finally joined the club!
  23. Got this a few weeks ago...nicest 8.5 on any book I've ever seen.