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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I can wait! Not sure if this is still on your anecdotal radar Richmond, but the #11 in this otherwise stamped lot seems to have some sticker residue over the price, again indicating that Ethel was having a break when it went through: https://www.excaliburauctions.com/auction/lot/lot-95---nick-fury-agent-of-shield-lot-15-in-lot--/?lot=20782&so=0&st=fury&sto=0&au=38&ef=&et=&ic=False&sd=0&pp=48&pn=1&g=1 Or that it didn't went through. Didn't went through? What a to-do.
  2. Thanks Rich! I'll have a read through when I get back - nice to have it all summarised in one place
  3. That's one more than my Charlton threads and posts usually attract, Croc I'll tag you if I ever get around to it - keep that Charlton flag flying in the meantime.....
  4. I was planning a thread about them at one point @CrocHntr, having attempted to document what exists over recent years. Here's the Blue Bird version of 'Six-Gun Heroes' #7 which reuses the cover of Wyatt Earp #26. I've added a UK L Miller reprint too: I like how the Blue Bird copy has the horse in a different position to accommodate the title, a redrawn Earp shadow and some rather badly redrawn gun barrels pointing down. Good fun.
  5. Thanks for the tag Cap. I haven't really kept track of shipping prices in any detail since England left the EU in 2020. I rarely buy from overseas now but when I do, Mycomicshop.com can be trusted to grade, pack well and price reasonably and they have an extensive back issue stock. Milehigh is a waste of time, as Chuck prices everything as if it is gold plated. There are still some overseas sellers on eBay who will be reasonable about shipping, and charge cost or thereabouts, but many seem to just slap $30-40 onto everything now regardless, possibly as a disincentive. @YungSneaky, welcome to the forum. If you give us a better idea of the sort of things you are after I'm sure you'll get some more suggestions here as there are a few EU based members dotted about. You can browse the selling forums here too, if you like, and maybe you'll find some sellers with reasonable shipping prices there: https://boards.cgccomics.com/forum/63-comics-market-forum-only-selling-area/ A lot of them won't ship outside the US though, unfortunately, but good luck anyway.
  6. The unique Spidey covers are especially thrilling. I wish I'd picked these up back in the day.
  7. Wait until you read the follow up, "Tradesman's Entrance"....
  8. That's a great cover. Our simmering onlooker isn't the least bit jealous, is he.....
  9. Zorro! The fox, so cunning and free-ee! Zorro! His book, looks miscut to me-ee! Sorry.
  10. The game's afoot! At least it would be if he knew how to draw them.
  11. It is a strong word but Matt clearly is acting cowardly and always has done when it comes to dealing with any of the multitude of valid complaints that have been levelled down the years at the company he is currently President of. I think everyone has the capacity to get things wrong in life and to show poor judgement on the odd occasion. I certainly do - we're all human. But when you see that same pattern of poor judgement repeating itself, and that unwillingness to step up and face the music when it is clearly required, that is when you see the true nature of the person. Let's face it, Matt often leaves his junior staff to fend off company criticism and he rarely responds in person to reasonable questions about the very questionable practices CGC often adopts. Does anyone remember when CGC threw the volunteer moderators under the bus last year, and blamed them publicly for the state of moderation here? Does anyone remember the clarifying response / apology from Matt that was called for repeatedly by many? I don't. Last year I spent the best part of a year publicly and privately trying to encourage Matt to come on to this forum and explain / debate with us his frankly ridiculous strategy on international (non-US) reprints. We'd had OK dealings up until that point and I thought I had a crumb of credit in the bank, having helped them with a few variant related things. He refused, and indicated that I was being presumptuous to think that I could just summon him to do so. In other words, I'm a nobody and he is the President of CGC. Then I see him on Youtube with a small group of high-fiving, whooping enthusiasts who all tell him how great everything is. I'd been arguing passionately against the strategy for a year at that point - my invite, for balance, clearly got lost in the post! Then, my rather on point visual send up of his untenable position gets pulled from my thread here with no advice, presumably because it made him look foolish. So none of this latest debacle surprises me. We can fill this thread and others with another ten thousand indignant posts but I think there is about as much chance of Matt Nelson personally coming onto this forum - the forum his company owns, and which is the home of a great many of his long standing customers - and explaining his position on the accusation of grade selling as there is of the proverbial Hell freezing over. Because he never does. And because their position isn't defendable. Take a photo of this post, it likely won't last long.
  12. I found another 15c variant - our 32nd - the July 1972 cover dated Playful Little Audrey #102 (my regular 25c copy to the right): The picture isn't the best - it's from a bulk listing on eBay Australia which is priced far too high to warrant my buying. I'll wait for another copy. If I have my dates right, that completes the three issues for the title and, as the chart below shows, all our July 1972 books are now in: As I think I said in an earlier post, it has turned out to be much harder to find copies than I initially expected it might be. I look for them daily but copies have pretty much dried up since I seemingly cleaned the usual UK sources out and the most copies I have seen of any one issue since I started is three. I'll get around to updating the other documents I created at some point - the source table will have its second 'found in Australia' entry if my memory serves and the indicia type tab of my capture spreadsheet will serve as the best clue as to whether the gaps in the above summary tab are likely to turn up or not. It'll make sense when you see it! Probably....
  13. Sorry Rich, on the road today. Nothing fancy, a few words will do. Something like "There were no UKPVs during cover dates xxx to xxx because......." You can use the hiatus dates from my Marvel UKPV journal entry or from the spreadsheet I sent you. https://boards.cgccomics.com/blogs/entry/4904-marvel-comics-uk-price-variants/
  14. I'm sure they have, it's more a case of what they do about it. Companies pay their leaders a healthy wage as the buck ultimately stops with them and it is their responsibility to take the rough with the smooth. A lot of people are tagging CGC Mike for an update but he wouldn't have had anything to do with this and likely has his hands tied. So we're piling the pressure on the wrong people. If we feel strongly enough about the very serious accusations that are being made here and elsewhere, we should put pressure on those at the top. The last time I looked, Matt Nelson was President of CGC. It's his responsibility to respond to this, if so, not employees like Mike who are being put in an impossible position. Let's all write to Matt. He's the President of CGC. He should answer to the accusations being made here.
  15. Cool site, isn't it. That's the thing with comics, I find, all the world over - someone always loves them enough to build a website
  16. Indeed. Hard on all the decent employees who would have had nothing to do with any of it though.