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Get Marwood & I

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  1. Batman' s had one pie too many there, hasn't he, Robot Annoyingly, I had a copy of this a few years back. I sold it on the bay for a few pennies and can't recall much about it now. There are some interior shots here, in a sold copy on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GIANT-SUPERMAN-ALBUM-250-PAGES-VINTAGE-1960-039-S-Read-for-condition-/284670840339?hash=item4247b44e13%3Ag%3AVS4AAOSwH95iAoNp&nma=true&si=fpkS%2BXxU882zcICOoOnRhQ6tevg%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 They do indeed look like Super DC stories in there - and the wording seems to suggest so at the foot of the inside cover:
  2. A nice Charlton UK distribution piece here from our friend @themagicrobot: https://themagicrobot.wordpress.com/2022/05/01/1958/ Clearly a robot of taste
  3. The Deep #1 Fun & Games #1-4 Spotlight (Hanna Barbera) #1-4
  4. @AusBooks's find bring us up to 1,336 issues across 110 titles https://boards.cgccomics.com/blogs/entry/4916-marvel-australian-price-variants/
  5. Yes. For a brief second I thought I was in for a roasting there Yes, it will be interesting to see how they fare.
  6. I had a quick check to see if 'on sale' or arrival dates might help identify the cut off point for the May 1974 price variants. That has helped me in other areas of research but this time drew a blank. I plotted the Library of Congress 'on sale' dates from Mike's, and they line up as follows: As you can see, there is no obvious order of printing that informs a likely error / cut off point, with the variants and 'erroneous' books being scattered over the production weeks. I prefer to use actual dates on the comics themselves, as they tend to differ to the Library of Congress dates by some margin and are arguably more accurate, but there aren't enough examples to make an assessment on. Mike has two date sources on his site for Richie Rich #126 incidentally, if you check: Funnily enough, my RR#126 copy has a date - one week after the LOC / house ad date: I checked the dates in the comic ads inside the comics for the May 1974 issues myself, and as you can see, they are all over the place, changing from ad to ad: Here are some other examples of our May 74 books that I found: Cool, aren't they
  7. May 1974 Cover Dated Harvey Comics While we wait for more 15 cent variants to surface here’s a post about May 1974 cover dated Harvey comics. There are eleven of them, in total. Here they are on Mike's Comic Newsstand: During this month, Harvey decided to increase the prices of some of their titles from 20 to 25 cents. As the four examples that follow show, they don’t appear to have made a very good job of it. First up, we have Richie Rich #126. On every single copy that I have seen, there is an original 20c price sitting under what we can only assume was an overprinted 25c price, applied once the printers realised – or were advised of - the mistake: The 25c price is even a bit wonky there, you’ll see, just to accentuate the mistake. Here's a visual summary that I put together for Richie #126, because I like them: Sad Sack #238 makes the transfer from 20 to 25 cents a little more successfully, which is odd given how clumsy he was. No 20c price visible this time, but he still manages to use a particularly odd oversized font, also wonky, and with a slashed c: It then settles down to the ‘regular’ Harvey 25c font style that we are used to seeing. So far so clumsy When we get to Richie Rich Money World #11, something wonderful happens – a price variant is born! Hooray! It’s clear that the printers were running along with the usual 20c cover price until someone pointed out that the issue was supposed to be 25c now. Why they didn’t overprint the 20c ones (as they did with Richie Rich #126) is anyone’s guess. I have a copy of the 20c variant and have compared it to my 25c ‘regular’ copy – there are no other differences. Just that cover price slip up. And then we come to Richie Rich Millions #65 and our second 20c price variant appears. Double Hooray! The odd thing this time is that the book clearly wasn’t in scope for a price change as the issues either side were 25c. Similar to our Sad Sack #238, the font on the 20c variant is not in the style we are used to seeing. Why wouldn’t it be the same as the preceding issue I wonder? Wrong book, wrong price, wrong font! I own copies of both priced issues and, again, the cover price is the only difference between the two. Same page count, same indicia (Harvey didn’t add prices to their indicias for some reason, incidentally). The remaining seven May 1974 issues all appear in order and haven’t yielded anything unusual – so far. Given that some of them involve prices changes however, it’s possible that some more price variants may be out there waiting to be found. Or it may just be that the two variants that I have captured here are the only ones – who knows. It’s likely that the instruction came to the printers mid way through the May issue production run, and some got through and others didn’t. We know that happens from my other research strands, and I’ll be looking out for date stamps in future to see if I can pin point the changeover / production sequence. As far as scarcity goes, I’ve been looking for them for a bit now, and have yet to see a second example of either variant – there are bound to be more examples, but they do appear uncommon at this stage. So there we go - a lovely little error strewn month, resulting in at least two new price variants. I say new, as I have not seen any mention of them anywhere else. Comics are great, aren’t they. Here’s one last observation – guess what month the Harvey Canadian 35c variants ended? April 1974. It was all going on in ‘74, wasn’t it
  8. I managed to pick up a 15c copy of Richie #114 finally, so now have the full set: I wonder how many people on the planet would be able to replicate that photo
  9. I was wondering that myself. The way the title page is in that book almost suggests a reprint, and that there may be an original out there somewhere. The title looks added on to me:
  10. I noticed that this Streamline Pictorial Western has two cover prices in circulation - a 6d copy and a shilling one (with differing back covers, too): I wonder if any of our Romance copies will turn up that way? Perhaps True Love, unusually priced at one shilling, will have a 6d copy out there:
  11. No, they were banned from doing that by the Iger Sanction. I'll put a table together at some point to show the story sources in each book, so we can see at a glance the overall source inventory. You know I like tables, don't you Eric
  12. Where's Jimmers when you need him This looks a bit like a snake though: @JEFFROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO