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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I've got 27 posts pre-written so far and one of them may win a prize for the longest ever single post if I can pull it off (there's a lot of pictures). The latest parcel is going to add another ten at least. Prepare to be bored senseless everyone!
  2. I still have this problem when accessing the census: https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/topic/480933-census-search-function-not-working/ Is that a my computer thing or a your computer thing Shane?
  3. Great post Reggie It's a testament to his work that people like you can go to the lengths you have here to assess his contribution which, as you already know, I think is woefully underrated. I've said it elsewhere, but I think the man himself would get a kick out of seeing this kind of analysis and attention. So much good stuff goes unnoticed in life. And death's a bastard isn't it. Nicely done mate. Here's my old copy (with nice arrival date):
  4. Talking of raw low grade fun copies I got a parcel today with 70 old comics in it and I'm in heaven. The first task was to wipe them all down as they had years of dirt accumulation. Hiding underneath was some really great stuff - new stamps that I've never seen before, new examples of known quirks and some (Charlton) pence copies I've been looking for for ever, including a personal holy grail. It never ceases to amaze me how many new things old comics can tell you, if you pay attention and make the links. It's a rainy dull old day outside but the sun is shining here inside. I've been focussing on research this last few months during lock down and I've got so many things built up to post now I don't know where to start. Just waiting for admin to move that damn side bar so that the formatting doesn't corrupt when the page widens. I wish they'd get on with it....
  5. Evening Still waiting for the Monolith to sod off so I can flood the joint with pence blathery: Do you think it will ever go? I don't think I've mentioned Red Circle Comics at all in the thread so far, probably due to the fact that this is the only book I've seen to date that gives a hint of UK participation: I tell you, if I sit on my backside in front of the computer much longer looking for other copies, I'll have a red circle myself, ah ha ha ha ha ha Anyroad, the later Red Circle efforts from 1983 have three issues with UK printed prices on them. Here's The Mighty Crusaders #1 and 2 with '50p in the UK' prices: The remaining issues are US/Canadian only. And here is the sole UK priced Fly: Whoops, sorry, wrong fly. Here it is: Just those three as far as I can see. Not a Comet, Thunder Bunny or Blue Ribbon in sight. Blue Ribbon always sounded a bit tame to me for a comic title. Now Lancelot Strong, that's a name to strike fear. But Blue Ribbon? "Mum, I'm just popping to the corner shop to pick up the latest issue of Blue Ribbon" "Ok Dear. I worry about that boy....."
  6. I added that one to the list of issues - Dena has seen it so it might return if the upgrade allows it Issues list
  7. I was being kind - I should have said "as long as I can remember"
  8. Putting the board tweaks aside for one minute, is anyone else getting constant slow loading, unavailability and 504 error messages? The boards were down for 15 minutes just now for me - the absence of posts in the 'All Activity' stream seems to indicate that that may be user-wide: It's been happening for me for weeks - anyone else?
  9. "Thank you for contacting the CGC Chat Forum Admin Team. All our staff are busy at the moment but please hold and one of our agents will be with you shortly" "Your call is important to us....."
  10. Yes Mucheeeeeee. It's symbolism. The whole cover is giving us the missing middle finger, if you know what I mean...
  11. Yes. I spent many years looking for the pence copy (before discovering the US font link) and grew to dislike it
  12. A notable book for me for two reasons. Firstly, no pence copy exists for JIM #61. That's by design though, as it only has a single bold font 10c cover price version: #61 To have a pence copy, an alternative US font would need to exist: #60 #62 #63 #64 #65 Secondly, it has a ridiculously child like cover image of Gomdulla. Imagine if the cover had the more menacing splash page image instead of the big footed google-eyed cover one: Now that would look cool wouldn't it.
  13. https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m67325537542/
  14. That's excellent Captain. I love it when a book bucks a trend or has something unexpected. It happened to me this morning with a pile of Miller stamped Charltons. Comics are brilliant aren't they
  15. It's annoying isn't it, when you see sellers trying to pass 8.5's off as NM
  16. It would be nice for the denizens of Londonville, but I can't see it ever happening as then you would have two CGC grading camps which the public could then compare. Imagine if the perception grew, rightly or wrongly, that one side was less strict than the other...
  17. I believe the large hollow eyes are meant to symbolise the empty sockets of the many readers who had no choice but to gouge theirs out to ensure that they could never again look at it.