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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Funnily enough, in yesterday's paper... @Bronty @PhilipB2k17
  2. Blimey, that is wordy isn't it. I started counting them and gave up on panel four It is a shame about the overseas postage costs now. Pickings are slim enough as it is without such barriers.
  3. Who knows. I purchased it just for the add on. Even the colouring makes it look official somehow. I like these oddities and quirks.
  4. The dual US/UK printed pricing is common enough for Dell UK price variants. On this copy the third 6d price is a separately attached triangle of paper the like of which I've not seen on any other comic. So much more professional than a random hand written price or stamp isn't it.
  5. Here's my thoughts on it Catrick. I think it is possible for personal events to overwhelm a person and keep them from fulfilling obligations. So if the person is of previous good character I think it's reasonable to give them a chance to make things right. In this scenario, they can't make it right, at least as far as honouring the original deal goes. I see that the books had some value, so maybe they could send you a nice bottle of drink to make up for your inconvenience? That would show good faith. But the moment you added the second offence element to your post then that sealed it for me. Repeat offender. A board member for 5 years, but a low particpating one with no feedback thread that I can see to support their purchase history here. So my view is that you have no business with them now, and the resulting scenario is on them. You have no role to play and they stay on the list.
  6. To be honest, if someone said 'hell yes' when I asked if my bum looked big in this I'd smash their house down too.
  7. Exactly. So she doesn't take care of herself and paint her nails. Humans can be so cruel.
  8. There's two actually. And one transvestite. We've got Marion here in the corner: And this is Dave the transvestite: Always looked good in a dress did Dave. And then of course there's Shagg herself: I always thought long hair suited her better but she did like a mop top.
  9. You had to be there KJ! These two didn't even have time to put their pants on!
  10. Afternoon 9d Shagg anyone? Nice isn't it. And look at that whopping great Thorpe & Porter indicia inside: Everybody likes a Type 1 What a cool 9d that is. And my 15th of the top 20: Only five more to go....
  11. Afternoon I got up this morning and thought "I don't half fancy a Shagg". Like you do. Anyway, a quick scout around the usual haunts and all the Shaggs on offer were 10c. Bit much. Then I lucked out with this 9d Shagg: I tell you, it's the best Shagg I've had in ages! I do like a good Shagg. See you next time
  12. It's getting like Noah's Ark in here Another ED, with a pleasing miscut. Pleasing if you like that kind of thing. Which I do. A bit of a brighter Bonomo Turkish Taffy Give-Away area at the bottom there too. Still just a big 'C' on the telly though I see. No, not 'IC', I see. But definitely just 'C' on the telly. I wonder when the A-Team's on? Eh? No, not 'A', eh. You got that? Oh, right. No, not 'O', oh. Are you mad? No, you, not 'U'. Ee bah gum....
  13. Another What If... Nice AUS $2.50 cover (Still Only $1.50!) The 1996 second wave is filling up fast, five of a possible ten confirmed...
  14. Ah, I love MJI's Poor old Darkhawk seems to get left out of everything doesn't he! There's always hope though. In all the years I've been researching comics the one thing I've learned is that patterns can be broken, logic goes out of the window and the unexpected can always be relied upon to become expected, especially when you've staked your reputation on it (I lost mine years ago). What would be cool is an AUS priced Darkhawk with a MJI. Don't bet on it never happening! I'm with AJD on this. I've never seen anything while searching.
  15. Hello Arinya, sorry to hear your plight. Have a read of this thread and you may find your answer:
  16. This post is for @revat who is a big Darkhawk fan and has mentioned that he would like to see an AUS copy of that title. So far, we haven't seen one. Darkhawk ran for 50 issues from (US) March 1991 to April 1995. This means that Darkhawks could only exist in the first wave of AUS books and, given the three month date delay, #1 would be dated AUS June 1991 if it existed. A total of 35 Darkhawk issues could exist as AUS copies on this basis, with #35 being dated AUS April 1994. The remaining copies would fall in the gap between waves, and not reach the second wave. We know that 'newsstand' copies with barcodes but no Curtis Circulation 'CC's do not appear to have AUS variants. This example of Dr Strange shows what I mean: Note that it has the 'newsstand' barcode but no 'CC' in the price / date box as you would expect. In every case that I find this scenario (newsstand barcode / no CC), no AUS variants have been found for that title. If we look at a newsstand Darkhawk we see that the newsstand copy has the 'CC' and is therefore 'eligible' to have an AUS copy: And yet not one of the 35 possible candidates has materialised in my search so far. That doesn't mean that one won't of course - a few of the 99 confirmed titles have one or just a few confirmed copies. But it's highly unlikely that one would not have shown up at this stage. So, alas, it looks like Revat will never get his wish. A huge number of titles, many 'high profile', have yet to yield an AUS copy though, so he's in good company. All good fun
  17. Alas, not one I owned, just saved the image years back. I think I'll try an experiment and stick a comparable book in a window. See what happens.
  18. I don't think so, no. We had a pence priced version of that over here and if it was an imported stamped US copy I'd expect it to be a Thorpe & Porter one and at 9d. No, I think that's a mystery set of numbers. Maybe the clue to all life and the universe? Lovely book either way, and you're right, the numbers do kind of fit in with the decor don't they!