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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. The opposite seems more likely to me. The video was - to my eyes at least - a further attempt to normalise the phenomenon (which, let's face it, seems to have always been the strategy). Why produce such a video if a fix is on the horizon? There's no point flagging them about it anymore. We're wasting our time. It's one of life's mysteries isn't it, why seemingly decent people try to ignore the elephant in the room rather than just communicate honestly about a problem they are responsible for creating. Deal with your problem. Own it. Don't try to pass off wrong as right. Don't send your customer a faulty product and then make him jump through hoops when he - rightly - is unhappy. Don't try to tell him it's normal. Or acceptable. It's a poor show and makes me question whether I should continue to support them by posting here. I say again, for the last time. If Nic Cage pulled a 9.9 AF#15 out of his man bag, and CGC used the graded book in all their publicity, is there any chance - any chance - that that book would have rings on it?
  2. My summary post here was pulled along with the posts which included the now deleted video. Not sure why mine was singled out, as references to the video remain here. I've only ever invited CGC to respond reasonably to the valid concerns of the majority about the newton ring situation. Sure, I've made a few mocking posts too, but you should expect that in business when you fly in the face of popular opinion. Removing posts is a petty move. I'd have preferred an explanation myself.
  3. Not silly at all, I'm the same. I don't like any of the 'minuses'. Every 9.2 slab I have ever owned irrationally irked me. I suppose it's a symmetry thing. A 9.2 is better than a 9.0 as a comic grade. But a 9.0 is itself. Whereas a 9.2 is not quite a NM. A 7.5 is not quite an 8.0. Or VFN. I know what I mean, if you don't. I'm with AJD on this. Too many numbers, causing too many price spikes. And not enough love to go around.
  4. Hello DC, I was waiting to see if you would post again. I take it you are referring to Marvel pence copies here. I've dabbled a little in this area and I can tell you that there is near zero interest in the pence variants produced by Archie, Charlton, DC, Dell Gold Key and King Comics. The only publisher that attracts any meaningful interest is, surprise surprise, Marvel. As a general rule, historically, pence copies have commanded much lower prices than their cents counterparts. This is entirely understandable as the comics are US creations. We have always loved the medium in the UK, hence the books coming to our shores first as stamped copies and then with our currency applied for a time. But even the majority of UK based collectors prefer the cents copies as they represent 'purity'. There are many other influencing factors. Because of the notorious shipping issues there are hardly any headline titles for which you can collect a full set of pence copies. Amazing Spider-Man stops at issue 17 and doesn't start again until issue 28. That can put collectors off. There has been much speculation as to printing order. Are pence copies later reprints or true first printings. The history is plagued with misinformation which can put people off. I have spent well over ten years documenting what pence copies exist, three of them here, and you will not find a bigger appreciator of them. But I understand completely why they have been, are, and likely always will play second fiddle to the US priced copies. That said, I see the keys are starting to gain traction as you yourself note. That is also entirely understandable. As more is known about them, collectors will see opportunities to own key books in pence which may be out of reach in cents. One personal view I hold is that there are a hardcore of serious collectors who are excited by any variants. I am one of them. So pence copies are a natural progression for those who have completed their cents collections. Scarcity will always play a part. I live in England. Many early Marvel titles - especially pre-hero, romance and western - are virtually non existent now as pence copies. If they exist, they are squirrelled away in collections and rarely see the light of day. There are books for which I have only ever seen one or two copies in all my years. So the prices on these are starting to rise (especially titles like JIM, TTA, TOS). On the flip, no one is interested in 'My Girl Pearl' #7 as a pence copy. The title commands zero interest. So it could be the only pence copy in the world and wouldn't be worth much. There has to be something in the title that attracts collector interest in the first place. As a parallel, there has been a near explosion in the prices seen for Australian price variants. It appals me personally, but it is rooted I think in the growing understanding that they exist, their comparative scarcity, and the desire to 'clean up' the keys while they are available. And the fact that many collectors love variants, especially first printings. Anyway, I could go on, but I hope this helps. It would be nice to hear your thoughts having raised the question and now that you have received a few replies.
  5. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/409027-enhanced-joined-date/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-2799470 See September 11 onwards.
  6. Yes, probably. If you follow the link to the pence thread we talk about it a little more. The woman's leg is in the original US cover art.
  7. Change your location to "Joined: Tuesday at 05:12 PM"
  8. I was kiddin Gary. Cool comic, regardless of currency
  9. Nice to see a reference to The Man Who Haunted Himself in the article. I had a small infatuation with that film a few years back. You know how it is, you see it, get the book, CD etc. Here's a post from an old thread which includes our Pelham. Looks like one of my coded 87 FDQ posts too...
  10. We'll never know. I can still see her in that tin bath now.... It's easy to look back with rose tinted spectacles but I feel we'll not see their like again. They existed in simpler times, when everything was done by people, not on some whizz's computer screen.
  11. Yes, he had a natural air about him on screen that left you feeling that he was likely a decent chap off it. Hmmmm. I'm not so sure...
  12. They can take away our joined date, but they'll never take away our post count!
  13. ....and back to pre-hero Marvels (have I posted this already?), here's a 9d Rro: I wonder what our discoverer was doing in a bottomless pit anyway. A bottomless pit is quite a thing in itself really, when you think about it. I wonder how he knew it was bottomless? Did he drop a stone and wait for ages? Maybe it was the stone that woke Rro up. I'd imagine a stone travelling at 100mph hitting you on the head would wake even the hardiest sleeper. No wonder he had the hump and started throwing trains about. That would be some headache he'd have. Assuming Rro is a he of course? And how do you pronounce Rro anyway? Is it the same as Ro, just with another 'r' ? How do you pronounce two 'R's'? Roll them? Rrrrrrrro...
  14. Lot's of examples out there Frisco - not pre-hero, but here's a good example from my Marvel pence thread: