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Get Marwood & I

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  1. Theatrical? Theatrical! Annoying wasn't it. Yes, Colin's tenure was largely poor. But I could watch it. I can't watch this current season.
  2. I didn't mind McCoy. Bit of a superficial clown on the surface, yes, but there were undercurrents that I thought could have been developed well had he continued. We'll never know now. Colin started OK. He was the first to introduce full on cranky superiority for me, but I found there to be a warm side hiding there. It wasn't developed. When he was angular in the early days, I liked him more. Less so when he got a bit 'corpulent', and not just in body. But it's not really fair to compare the original run to the current I feel. The current run has advanced everything ten fold, so the original Doctors struggle to match their later incarnations for depth. Especially Tennant, Smith and Capaldi. Tom Baker is a classic 'old' Doctor. Whitaker is a huge step backwards, and hasn't advanced the canon one jot. I'm hoping she does leave soon, along with the production team, and they're replaced by a team more akin to Moffat / Davies who understand the character.
  3. I gnu you were going to say that. Leave the elks alone liz! Here's one I spotted on ebay: Doesn't look or feel right to me, but who knows when it's in a tomb. I've posted a few Charlie mishaps in the Brent thread liz, if you ever get bored shooting things...
  4. That's really nice. Books with internal printing errors are hard to find for obvious reasons. My ASM #5 has a similar error - the colours are the wrong way around. Very cool book to find and a new one on me. Well done
  5. Fun With Marvel Pence Variant Indicias Chapter One: The Thorpe & Porter Years - Epilogue Another exception to the above is that wayward gunslinger, Kid Colt Outlaw. If we look at this summary of the L Miller variants, you can see how KCO 98, 99 and 100 all have non-variant indicias, at odds with the other Marvel pence books (the '9d Blank' of the chart meaning no L Miller or T&P variant details): So the Kid is odd because he wasn't picked up by L Miller when Gunsmoke Western, Two Gun Kid and (TBC) Wyatt Earp was. He doesn't have pence variants for 90, 92-94 where other titles do and he now has indicias at odds with other titles content. It's like they didn't know what to do with him. Still, there's always one isn't there...
  6. "STOP HIM! IF COLOSSUS RISES, ALL MANKIND IS DOOMED!" No, never mind all that. Look at this instead: Fun With Marvel Pence Variant Indicias Chapter One: The Thorpe & Porter Years Hello As promised, here's the first in an occasional series on variant indicias. I thought I'd summarise the various types that can be found in the early Marvel pence variants, having already summarised the cover changes - price, date, banner variations etc - in earlier posts in the thread. We already know that, aside from a handful of western titles, all Marvel pence variants were solicited and distributed by Thorpe and Porter (henceforth to be referred to as T&P) in the UK. In this post I'll just concentrate on those for now, and leave the Miller westerns for another day (they have their own variant indicias of course). T&P started importing pence priced Marvels from May 1960 with indicias that differed to their cents priced counterparts. There are three types as follows. Type 1 The first type appears in issues cover dated May 1960 to December 1960 inclusive. There are 12 titles within this date range with known pence variants and every copy that I've owned / seen (excluding the Miller westerns) has an indicia as shown above, characterised by the absence of the regular cents details, duly replaced with large font T&P wording. Type 2 The second type appears in issues cover dated January 1961 to July 1961 and, as you can see, has the full cents indicia but with an additional line of T&P data immediately after it. Type 3 The third and final variant type appears in issues cover dated September 1961 to November 1964. Type 3 mirrors the type 2 version, but this time with the T&P wording separated from the cents text. In all cases the cover price for all three types is 9d and the end of the variant indicias coincides with the November/December 1964 to July/August 1965 gap in which no pence copies were produced. On their return from August/September 1965 the cover price becomes 10d and the variant indicias cease forever - all copies from this point carry the same uniform cents indicias. As is often the case though, their are exceptions. It's rare you get one consistent pattern with comics and, sure enough, all pence copies cover dated August 1961 do not have variant indicias. There are only four Marvel pence variants indicia dated August 1961 - JIM #71, TOS #20, TTA #22 and ST #87. Here's the indicia of the aforeposted TOS #20 which I own: No T&P wording. And here is an image of JIM #71's indicia - again - no T&P wording: I'm reliably informed that TTA #22 doesn't have a variant indicia either so will hang my hat on ST #87 being without a T&P variation too. I'll let you know if that changes of course. So, in summary, three T&P variant pence indicia 'types' across the May 1960 to November 1964 inclusive period. In pence honoured fashion, we end with a pretty summary picture: In future posts I'll cover the Miller Westerns, and the presence of T&P indicias in cents priced books (which links to the font variations research, which links to the existence of pence copies research ). Such a fertile time, the early 60's, for comic nuances and variations! Have fun
  7. What an amazing 50 books. Very eclectic. Given that 'comics are fun' is your board name, what prompted you to downsize so drastically if you don't mind me asking?
  8. In the right hands, it could be a great episode.
  9. What a great thread, well worth reviving. I was hoping the dates might cross with the Archie pence variants so we could get a shot of all three copies of one issue, but they were 1960 only. Did anyone ever manage to get a full 15c set? Great fun
  10. Give him my best if you talk again would you Mike. Tell him Foley and me are planning a fart sack kidnap
  11. Now come on Ken, I expect you of all people to be more effusive with your disdain. Try something like this; "It's the quintessence of horsesh*t". 'Terrible' just doesn't cut the mustard, even with a 'really, really' precursor. Try harder please. This is Chibnall / Whittaker we're talking about here after all.
  12. Never mind Sutekh - Eldrad must live!
  13. Zero hour contracts anyone? Oh come on! A ten year old would be insulted by it. I know, I listened to two of them discussing it on the train to work. This is the worst season ever for writing, plotting, acting, everything. It's like a sixth form production. And Whittaker has no depth at all. She is given nothing to work with and does nothing with it. Zero hours contracts! What's next week? The Doctoress takes on the terror of the 'Tory', a terrifying new set of villains in suits. A bit like the Silence, but less left wing. Sorry, my mistake, they'd be called the 'Tori' with an I, not y. So clever! .
  14. Capaldi: "Kidneys! I've got new kidneys! I don't like the colour." Whittaker: "Brilliant!" Capaldi: "Who frowned this face?" Whittaker "Ah see summat needs fixin. Ah do what I can."
  15. Yes, it can. Any Chibnall / Whittaker episode. They make the worst McCoy seem like Marlon Brando at the height of his powers in a Hitchcock film.
  16. Yes. Let us all pray, hope, cross our fingers, sacrifice a small goat whilst chanting 'Eldrad must live!' - anything to hasten the demise of this universally shocking, piddle poor production.
  17. Now that's a quality post Buzz, even though it fails the Belgium test. Thank you. Although, thinking about it, I did get through two bottles of Stella in the time it took to read it