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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Glad to see the old guy is back senormac! Much more your style. This is an intriguing thread and raises many questions. I wonder how the owner of the 9.4 feels when he or she sees that his or her book used to be a lower grade copy with inferior page quality? Something of the original purity of the book is lost whenever it is artificially enhanced I feel. Subjective grading differences aside, can yesterdays 9.0 really be todays 9.4? And would you be happy to own it and then discover this history? If you were offered this book, and a freshly graded, untouched 9.4, which would you prefer? Would you care? And who won the FA Cup in 1964? And how comical that a book that was graded as a 9.0 and placed in a lovely case is then upgraded to a 9.4 and then ruined by a new improved case. You couldn't make it up. But you could make a whole lotta money in the process, as your bump observation neatly indicates. Thank The Lord for the gift of laughter!
  2. Hulk like Porcupine journal anger. Porcupine journal anger is pure. But if Porcupine should later change his tune, and suddenly say he is 'getting used' to new journals, then Hulk will smash!
  3. @Architecht @Scott =) @dena Meesah call admin! Any chance of a response to our concerns? And Ditch's request to turn the old ones back on? Come on guys, don't ignore us. It's really rude
  4. The boards are an unappealing place lately. It's all arguments and nasty one upmanship. And no body listens. Your journal shows what the boards can be. Fun, informative, intelligent. And they've killed it just to use new available functionally. No one listens to the members here or tailors functions for our benefit. It's a poor show.
  5. Must....not....post...dwarf jokes. Must....resist...
  6. I'll do it later Gnash. It's all deliberate you know, to get people to post
  7. And that concludes tonight's presentation folks. I've been Marwood & I, Sparky's been medicated and this has been a waste of time. Thank you and goodnight!
  8. That flag has failed Henry. You cannot flag if there isn't a black oblong round it. This one will do it @Bomber-Bob Bob? Listen next time, alright.
  9. Yes. Try my journal instead: Comic Shops I've Farted In.
  10. Don't worry guys. Tonight, something wonderful is going to happen. For the first time since the year 2002, common sense will prevail, the decision will be reversed and the old journals will be restored. You see if I'm wrong. Also, the CGC management team will acknowledge the concerns of the 128 people who voted in the Newton Ring poll, RMA will acknowledge the loss of an argument and likes abuse will be outlawed. Probably.
  11. I start the thread. Ditch is next to post, so I like his post. Miraclemet is next to post, so Ditch likes his. Three posters, two likes - one each for the last two. Think once, think twice, think: don't start threads. No one will like you for it.
  12. Niiiice. Spotted on fLeabay the same time as you I'll bet Already in the figures, but ta anyway Missed that one! Actually looked at it and missed the price. Flippin eyes. Flippin Silveracre pictures!
  13. Is there any truth in the rumour that Newton Rings caused the journals to migrate?
  14. Hi all, Some of you may have noticed that the long promised journals migration has finally taken place. Unless I have missed it, there has been no announcement to that effect - the onus has been on the user to discover the change. The old journals are now locked. The old journals were very easy to use and, crucially, to browse. From the main topics page you could see easily: The latest post The journal title, owner The number of replies and views All very simple, being in the same format as regular posting. In addition: You could create as many journals as you liked The new journals format is quite different. Firstly, they do not appear on the forums list, but have to be selected from the top menu: The 'My Journal' option does indeed now take you to your own journal if you have one. Here's mine: A key difference is that you can only have one journal now, under which 'entries' sit. We think of entries as posts, but in this case the 'entry' is the journal. It sits under an umbrella title which itself can be a journal. See that all my 'journals' (entries) sit under the overarching heading of 'Comic Shops I've Farted In'. People may have thought this was me mucking about but I was actually trying to draw out what I knew was coming from the first time I posted that the new and old journals were 'incompatible' and that people would not like the change if and when it ever happened. Back to the menu, the two other options are 'Latest Entries' and 'By Author'. Both take you to the same thing - a list of entries in the order they were created: 'Latest Entries': 'By Author': So, if no one else creates a journal, Jon Ivic, Paradox Tremors etc will be at the top every time - the creation of a new post / response does not drive the entry to the top of the list. So we have a scenario where we cannot see the latest responses anymore, as we could with the old journals from the topics page. To be fair, we have the 'Recent Journal Entries & Replies' box: My CSIFI journal was designed to show how I could fill that entire box on my own, which I did with 13 entries. So once this box is full, how do you know which journals have been responded to? If I just start scrolling and, say, come to Bazingas journal I click on it and it takes me to his opening page, not the latest entry: So more scrolling. However, we do have the 'dot' thing to click on - that friendly little dot that will take you to the latest unread post: And if we go back to the overarching heading, we can see the, in this case, 13 entries under it but have to look at each to get a feel for whats going on: In out, in out. So in summary, the format is clumsy, it is less easy to navigate, you are limited to one overarching journal. And that is before we consider the sheer lunacy of locking decade running journals and then transferring only one post over. That's like glueing your kids 10 year diary shut and giving him a new one saying 'yes, but look how pretty it looks'. I put a poll up a while ago and guess what - it got virtually zero traffic (and yet wasn't about pence books oddly). That is partly because the new journals are a dead zone. This to me looks like yet another change that no one asked for, no one wanted, to fix a problem that didn't exist. It will drive people away as once again the needs of available new functionality have trumped the users preferences. Well that's how I see it anyway. You may disagree. But remember, the site is offered by CGC for free, so we have no right to complain do we. If anything I have said here is technically incorrect, I'm sure someone in admin will drop by and correct it or perhaps clarify in the announcement that they have inexplicably failed to make.
  15. Cheers Gnash. I'm taking a break for a while. Hold the fort would you?
  16. I've had confirmation from the admin team that they have brought this poll to the attention of the management team so we can rest assured now that they are aware of it. That's my last input into the matter - the ball is now in their court.