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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Hello everybodypeeps. It's a rainy Monday afternoon in Englandville. Summer? What, here? You must be joking Sir! We don't do summer here! Shut up Marwood you cretin or I'll increase the dosage. Fortunately, Postman 'Post me picture twice since the boards upgrade' Pat has a delivery for me in the form of a beaten up Gunsmoke Western #58: While we're at it, do you know what they'll call Postman pat when he retires? Back to Gunsmoke Western #58. As those in the know will know, GW #58 is one of a handful of books to claim the status of being the first Marvel imports with 9d printed prices on them. Whoopee! Currently, my new addition makes 3: What a rotten lot. All are L Miller distributed copies of course.... .....and those in the know of the knowing know all knowledge will know that L Miller copies were usually priced at 6d courtesy of a big ugly cover stamp. But looking at these 3 copies, one is clean, one has the 9d crossed through and replaced with a hand written '5' and the other, my latest lovely, has this 3d stamp: I can't quite make out the writing, because I'm as blind as a bat on a mat with a cat in a hat, but if you look closely at the stamp inside... ...it looks like you could exchange this book for something as long as it was in 'good condition'. I wonder if that is good as in 4.0 or good as in the kind of good that everything else is measured by (this car is in good condition rarely means 4 out of 10 in Englandville you know)? I wonder if the seller, 'Bobbies' something or other, would honour the deal if he was still around? Are you still out there Bobby? Unfortunately, and this can happen on the Bay of the E, this copy smells so strongly of smoke that, when I opened it, I immediately contracted emphysema and was hospitalised for a month. I'm joking of course, as that wouldn't be possible! It was 3 weeks. The keen eyed among you will see that the cover month is intact on all 3 copies. It was a good few months before our 9d imported friends lost their cover month. Poor cover months. Anyway, I think you've had more than enough information from me today and, besides, Marwood is telling me that I have transcended boringness and have crossed over into another complete realm of tedium with these shockingly dull ramblings on the theme of I have no life pence copies. So all that is left for 'I' to say, is Chin-chin!
  2. Yup. I found #2 and 3 online but no sign of #1 anywhere.
  3. A little more info here: http://atomicavenue.com/title/30515/32-Pages
  4. I can relate to both points here. If I had a fiver for every comic shop I've visited where the guy on the desk doesn't acknowledge you as you walk in I'd have at least thirty pounds. I spent a few days on the east coast of England the other weekend and checked out two comic shops in the area. In both, the owner just sat at the counter scrolling on their mobile and ignored me. In one, I spent 15 minutes browsing and just left saying "thanks" as I walked out. The only response was a brief look up from the phone to grunt "thanks" back. In the second, I tried to drum up a conversation with the owner who, miraculously, advised me that he had "only just sold all the things I was looking for" (old western titles) to a guy the previous week. But he floundered when I pressed him for title details and glazed over when I mentioned pence variants. Funny that. On the flip side, when I moved to my current location 20 years ago I was delighted to find it had a comic shop 15 minutes walk from me. They are actually quite rare in Englandville. I started buying all the Spidey books each week and then one day struck up a conversation with the owner which led to me asking him if he would save a copy of every Spidey title, variant and printing. He did, and from that point I spent between 50 and 100 pounds a week there, picking up all the variants (including ASM 667 and 678 for under 10 pounds each) for over 10 years. As well as the books, I'd get a discount and we'd chat about everything from comics to films to Doctor Who. I loved it. So I think the point is that you have to work to build a relationship with your LCS. I'm sure if I went to the aforementioned shops every week and spent money we'd develop a similar rapport. It would be great if you could get great service everywhere, but the world isn't like that. When I go into a pub I've never been to before, I'm not surprised that the barman serves his regulars before me, even though I was first up there. It's not professional, but it seems to happen everywhere. I was in one of the main London shops some months back. A young girl came in and tried to strike up a conversation with the owner. She wanted some cheap comics for a project and was concerned that if she cut them up it would be wrong. Bless her I thought. The owner was patronising and indifferent, which annoyed me, so I stepped in to help her. On that day, the owner lost her as a potential customer and me as a potential big spending customer. But here's the thing. When you've made enough money, you don't have to be nice. It's a choice. And many just can't be bothered I'm afraid. If you persist, you can get somewhere. But it would be nice if some of these guys could remember to be nice when you walk in to their otherwise empty shops. I mean, what else have they got to do if not strike up a chat with someone new about the things that put food on their tables? Well, that passed a few minutes. Still waiting for the wife to get ready so we can go out. Why do they take so flipping long!
  5. And me again @Scott =) ! The search button doesn't work on my mobile. Lot's to look into this morning! Have fun ?
  6. Welcome @JackFish ? Everyone will have a different opinion on that. Mine is, if investment isn't the driving motivation, keep what you love and sell what you don't. Happy reading ?
  7. I agree. Eye appeal is great, but corners mean an 8.0
  8. We don't have many pics, though it could achieve a six?
  9. Get Marwood & I

    Hi there

    An enjoyable struggle it will be, I'm sure. Good luck Steve
  10. More on wayward emoticons here Bababooey: I mean, it's the 21st Century, they've got their own movie now and everything, but........
  11. An overcast Sunday afternoon in Englandville and all is quiet on the Pence front. No new finds, no responses to my 'do these exist' pontifications and no comic fairs due for ages. Harrumph! Still, I suppose we can always take out our Spidey #1 and gaze in admiration at the three pence distinctions (over the inferior US of A version that is )? Why not. The first, and most obvious distinction is the price of '9d', which stands of course for '9 donkeys'. Or it could be denarius, I forget which So much nicer than cents I feel. I mean, who in their right mind would want to talk cents! Next up, we have the 'missing date in the number box'. Always better to keep them guessing I feel, though I vaguely recall it being down to how long it took to ship things. Could be confusing I suppose, a March dated comic arriving in May ("Hey, Mum, this comic is out of date! No fair!" "Just buy it Timothy, it will be worth a fortune in 60 years time and you'll be able to swap it for a car." "Oh. OK Mum"). Our third and final difference is the indicia page, with its additional line of distribution date: Thorpe & Porter! (can we fix it) Thorpe & Porter! (yes we can!) So, a pretty thing. Enjoy.
  12. I love it when them two get going. Brightens the place up no end
  13. Hello @Baltimore Lauren, you are indeed on here twice - here's your other you: https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/profile/12192-baltimorelauren/ If you follow the info here you can get merged and your old history back. Good luck
  14. Me again @Scott =), sorry. If you scroll back 3 posts you'll see that I posted a moving gif of Benny Hill - as well as the gif itself, a second photo of it appeared which I did not add. It happens again here: A picture of the gif appears as well as the moving gif. Is this a system error or something I'm doing wrong? Another thing I have noticed since the upgrade is that peoples profile pictures have all dropped down an inch or so when viewing on a desktop PC. In my case it cuts out the pictures I wanted to show and - unlike with the pre-upgrade model - you aren't given the option to move / reset the picture how you want it when you upload it: Arch used to have a picture of 3 people boating on his profile and that seems to have dropped to show just the white sky above it (they show on a mobile device): Still on profiles, if you look at the picture of Spikes profile below you'll see he has 3 tabs: The first one is 'activity' but the second two ('about me' and 'journals') are not headed up in any way so could easily be missed. The layout is not intuitive and the existence of the tabs could be missed by many. If the other two tabs were titled say, in grey, you would see there is something there to click on. Hope this helps Cheers
  15. I'll say! Of course, we're all preservation experts and know how to handle comics. Years of experience means that accidental tape pulls will never happen to us. I still think of that fact when I recall pulling a full square inch of cover colour off the centre of my otherwise NM ASM #33. I got over it though. It's only a comic after all, isn't it. Heh heh...
  16. There's definitely more going on in that picture than at first meets the eye liz.... I think you may have nailed it with 'kinky'
  17. I knew that.... Got me years wrong Lazyboy. Wonder why they didn't use their loaf, and put the barcode on the back...
  18. I think Wilbur knows this, and the flowers are for the red head And is it me, or is there a big lump missing from the right side of her torso?