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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Why thank you @Tony S ☺ If I thought for one minute that the OP was genuine, I would have tried to help them. I don't believe in gratuitous newbie bashing, but we should always support the entertainers. As for the likes, you can always come back tomorrow and drop one off. You might find a glimmer of amusement here on the subject if you're ever bored enough: Toodle-pip ?
  2. I'm often crushed when I read modern comics, but to be literally crushed by comics would be quite a thing ?
  3. Truley scrumptious, your book is Truley scrumptious, Scrumptious as a cherry on a cake. I wouldn't fret unduly, at flecks that look uncooley, Honest Truley, I wouldn't.
  4. Hi @Steve Evans, it depends on the size of the boot, but you can generally get at least 3 monkeys and a pig on most commercial flights nowadays.
  5. Indeed. They'll probably cancel at 990, run 9 new issues and then revert to legacy when the time comes....
  6. Hello @Steve Evans ! I confess much understand of your plight. Even the hardest newton rings cause upwards to price reflection. If the press was in twice tandem, I would incline to agree but without appraisal the opposite can imply. Best that your take to CGC and hope that he can overcome the ten presses by action intent? Luck to your! ? P.E. WTTFB!
  7. Cheers. I did refer to that site a few times during my research. I'm surprised I missed it. So far, I'm not finding any books alongside it so it could be a one off. These things always pop up when you have the least time to investigate! I'm glad it did pop up though. I love it when your research leads you to a perfectly reasonable conclusion, and then a book turns up to contradict it. Never say never I always say. I still live in hope that a pence ASM 42 or 43 will appear one day. All good fun. Talking of Marvel, I've found a new pence copy on the 'missing list'. Will post the details later this week. It's also an L Miller copy, so I'll be updating two threads (see links below in my signature line) ?
  8. Well, it's real! 839! It's a good day in Penceville
  9. Oh my, I've just pooped myself! Thank you @quicksilver, THANK YOU! This is why I post on these boards! I will be back when I have looked into this. Not only does it break the 'July 1971' one off rule, it also bucks the trend that no double sized issues exist. I take it you lifted the picture from the ebay sale - it looks the same? Hopefully someone hasn't been playing silly buggers with photo-shop. I salute you! Now to try and find another, and others that month....
  10. Do us a favour Jim and let me know if you're planning to have a poop at any point. If you give me enough time to sidestep, Oak gets the lot.
  11. Well you can't look back on it, as it hasn't happened yet ? Just in from work on a sunny day in Blighty. Looks like my last post killed the thread? I'm getting quite good at that. A sense of humour shared by a field of one Anyway, I was going to go into more detail on the LazyRockMyBoy inverse ripostes, but, having reflected, I'm going to respectfully withdraw instead. Chin chin.
  12. Aha! Another custom labeller! Well done @jcjames, I like it I used ComiCare backing boards. The inner Mylite2 was cut at the top and right hand side. The comics never slipped in the second Mylite2 as they're too snug. Here's a few more pictures I just took:
  13. Hence the old adage, "always choose high grade to avoid the rear abrade".
  14. Well you can't look back on it, as it hasn't happened yet ?
  15. I've taken it one step further by removing the covers whilst reading books on the loo. The covers double for toilet paper which helps to reduce the weekly shopping bill. Be warned though, the ink can transfer. This morning I'm going to work with the Green Goblin on my left cheek and Spidey on my right. I kind of like it. Let battle commence!
  16. I'll respond fully tomorrow Rock, as I disagree with everything you've said. It's late over here and I need my beauty sleep ?
  17. During my completist years I attempted to get a full set of ASM newsstands up to issue 700. I had a friend in the US to help me from ASM issue 690, and he got me the Superior Spideys up to issue 20 when the newsstands then stopped. My experience was that the later issues (500-700) were nigh on impossible to find. I searched for years and never managed to get certain issues (e.g. ASM #694 for which some on these boards have offered $500 bounties). I spent a lot of time gathering info on newsstands and found that, whilst it was clear that the print run reduced significantly year by year up to the point of cancelltion, I never found that key expert who had the figures. Many of Chucks claims seem to be generalisations, but the spirit of his argument is sound in my experience, i.e. newsstands become harder to find as you move up the years. Because he is a business man, Chuck knows that a late modern newsstand exists in comparably tiny quantities. He knows that if you look up ebay for, say, ASM #694 or 559, you will not find it. He also knows that the mad collector will pay a ridiculous premium for it. This is why, right or wrong, his newsstand prices are eye watering. One day, people (e.g. mad completists) probably will start to pay $100 or more for a newsstand copy of an ASM book on which the direct sells for $5. I know nothing about Spawn. But the newsstand position interests me, so I have dived in here. I looked up Spawn #1 on Ebay. 346 results and I counted over 100 directs before I hit a newsstand. At the London Fair on Sunday, multiples of Spawn #1 directs. No newsstands. So whether Chuck is right or wrong, the actual process of trying to find the book bears out his overall position. Yes, you will find a Spawn newsstand. But will you in 5 or 10 years time? I challenge anyone reading this to put together an ASM newsstand run of 600-700. See you in 10 years time. I personally put information out on these boards to try to draw out experts who have the answers to my questions (see my threads on Pence, L Miller, 1999 Newsstand Price Variants, Early Marvel Font Variants etc). I never say I have the definitive answers. Only that my research has shown X and that ties in with Y so unless anyone knows better....and I end with 'happy to be proven wrong'. Too many people on these boards talk in certainties. Chuck is a recognised industry figure with an amazing comic history behind him. Lazyboy is a bloke on a chat forum. If I had to put my money on who knows the most, I would probably pick Lazyboy. I have spoken to countless dealers over 30 years. I mention a comic thing that interests me and they start to lecture me. I fire a question or two back - civil and friendly - and they clam up, when they realise you know more than them. It's natural for dealers to do that - they want to impress you. Chuck has ventured a set of % data for newsstand print runs. My collecting experience generally bears out his position. Does anyone have actual industry data to disprove his general position? I don't, which is why I try to avoid pounding everyone into submission who poses an alternative position.
  18. They look cool @oakman29 I dabbled with toploaders for a spell but I didn't like the fact that you had to put the book in a boarded sleeve first, to stop it going 'wavy' in the loader. Also, I found the toploaders gathered dust no matter how well you stored them. When you hold them up to the light, there can be all manner of things in them! But I have to say they look great in your picture.
  19. I think so, I'll try and find them tonight and explain further. Off out now. Back again @jcjames ! Here are some pictures to bring it to life. I used 'regular' backing boards - 3 of them together made the finished product look and feel slab like and offered great protection. The two Mylite2's rationale was to ensure the comic only touched inert mylar. I stored many comics against a backing board within a Mylite2 once and a few years later found the boards had some yellowing, even on moderns. So I decided for my good stuff (i.e. my ASM run 1-700 plus all variants etc - around 2,000 comics) to go the extra mile. The additional Mylite2 inner meant I could add customised stickers when I wanted to show a particular variant type. Examples below. The sticker was on the inner Mylite2 so never touched the book, and never collected dust as it was then encased in the second Mylite2. I would place each book in a full Mylite2 then carefully trim the Mylite so it covered the book with a 2mm overhang. That then went against the 3 boards and into the second Mylite2. When I sold up, the number of buyers who contacted me to ask how I did it, and where I got the sleeves from etc was gratifying. A couple of my regulars adopted it as their favoured storage process. See what you think - pictures don't really bring them to life but hopefully you can see enough to get the idea. Cheers