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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. They think it's All In the Mind Jim.
  2. I think you're being just a little harsh here @1Cool, they can be reasonable for some comic titles. There's currently a 40% codeword sale on so I might see if I can snag ROM Space Knight #36. What is 60% of 40 million dollars by the way?
  3. When Meeley Man started this thread, do you think he ever conceived that his campaign would end with pictures of marmots and elephant shrews?
  4. Marmot this, marmot that. Well keep it up suckers. When Elephant Shrew strikes, the whole world will know who Captain America is. Just as soon as I've finished me dinner that is.
  5. The only example I can find of you directly criticising the 'gaming' of likes involved two Seasoned Veterans. Shill accounts who join just to troll are identified and removed by design. Any likes generated by them should also be removed by design. I've promised @comicquant to try to be more positive, and he's right, I should, so let's leave it. Whatever you decide to do Arch I'll go along with.
  6. Yes, that's well reasoned, thank you @comicquant, you've given me food for thought. I'll try to do better in future.
  7. I admire your generosity of spirit @comicquant, but Arch is paid to do this job, and he appears to be the only one we can speak to about anything so will always be in the 'firing line' for everything. That's how CGC have set this up. It would be great to see some other admin staff chipping in and sharing the load, if load there be, but that doesn't seem to be the model here. He's managing a comic chat forum at the end of the day, not operating on life threatening illnesses. I just think the decision to set different like levels creates a division. To my knowledge (I'm on neither) Facebook and Twitter users all are on the same page whether they joined yesterday or when the things first started. They don't give out special feature privileges for long term users. I think that's how it should be here. The only thing that should matter is the quality of your post. But please don't judge me too harshly for being 'critical', it's just an alternative opinion on a chat forum.
  8. Is that because Seasoned Veterans can be trusted to use them 'properly' and us mere Members can't? Or is the additional 15 a day for the SV's some kind of loyalty / longevity reward? Either way, I am at a total loss as to why you would introduce this tweak. We've had April fools day already haven't we?
  9. I'll stick my neck out and say that the majority of active members like liking posts @Architecht. Not in the way you intended them to work, but they do like liking just to show appreciation. It spreads good will. The 10 per day cap annoys people. A system set up for liking that annoys people has surely failed somehow, no? 'Gaming' likes only has a purpose if you can see the results of that gaming. So if you can't head it off with a single member cap, switching off the Leaderboard would be the next best thing. Maybe you should poll the members to see what they want. Maybe 99% of members are totally ambivalent. A poll set by you will likely garner many more responses though, as you are the 'guvnor' and people take note when you speak. I've lost a bit of interest in the subject now if I'm honest Arch so this will be my last bang of the "sort the likes out"drum.
  10. Yup. Trouble is, the Ultimate line coexisted with regular continuity titles so, as good as it was in the early days, I could never take it as the long term 'proper' universe. I always felt I was reading a take on Spider-Man, not the Spider-Man. Maybe if they stopped all titles (some great winding up the universe death stories) and then relaunched our trusted loved heroes and villains in a new fresh take we would have no choice but to take them on as the new and only continuity. Starting fresh would make movie tie ins easier too - new young readers would more or less get Spidey and the Avengers as they are on screen now. If the writers of Dr Who can make the "it's bigger in the inside" situation new and fresh, I'd like to see the same for Spider-Man etc. Let's face it, how can you keep 60 years of continuity going when the heroes involved are supposed to be in their twenties. It's nonsense. I'd prefer a new Peter Parker from age 16 and a 15 year arc of well plotted stories and continuity in one well drawn title. New readers would grow up with them. Then do it all again with the future movie remakes. It works for Dr Who, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes. Imagine an advert for the new Amazing Spider-Man comic alongside the new movie trailer. New comic, relevant stories, great art. Available in your newsstand every month with no tinkering. And a letters page that played on brand loyalty like the old days to make you feel like you were part of a group. No variants. Just one crackingly good Spidey / Hulk etc comic every week. Probably wouldn't increase sales though!
  11. I watched the first episode of the new Dr Who season on Saturday. It introduced the new assistant and we therefore had to do the new companion meets Doctor / TARDIS is bigger on the inside etc routine for what must be the 99th time in the shows history. It was the most refreshing take I had seen in many years. It proved to me that it is possible to reinvent and retell an old story in a fresh, new and exciting way. If Marvel did that - retell the old tried and tested tales but in a new, fresh, relevant way, we might be OK. But I still maintain that even if they did this, sorted out the price and availability (newsstands), and stuck with a lower number of titles with some long term continuity we still wouldn't see sales recover through youngsters. Only we would buy them more. I could be wrong of course...
  12. Tricky one. I used to collect printing errors (see 'CELEBRATE THE MANUFACTURING ERRORS' for a few of them). I've seen printing errors where one colour is missing from only part of the book but usually because either something got in the way, or the ink run low. It's really difficult without having the book in hand, but my instinct is saying colour fade. The book has probably been displayed somewhere where the light has struck only the lower part of the book, hence no distinctly visible red colour interruption line. Either way, a cracking book
  13. Splendid, thanks Arch. Is my idea of unlimited likes but with a cap per individual technically viable?
  14. @HarveySwick, one of my friends on the boards just told me who GIJOEISAWESOME was. We've been having fun on here tonight between ourselves and your sole contribution has been a sour one, accusing me of being a shill. Incorrectly. I was civil and helpful to you not so long ago with a genuine offer to help you through your new boards issues. You ignored me. Anyone with an ounce of insight can see that I'm trying to brighten this place up a bit. If it's not to your taste, put me on ignore or something. If you or anyone else accuses me of being a shill again I will notify the Mods. I got a mod warning just now within seconds of your post, so I'm putting two and two together on that. So thanks for spoiling my fun tonight. Guys, thanks for the laugh tonight. I'll leave you now in the safe hands of the 'Swick'.
  15. Where's @lizards2 and his gaydom otter thing now then!
  16. Explain immediately. I don't want to miss any porn.