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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Lovely Jim, lovely! A 1.5 15. Nice symmetry to it
  2. No cheating @Agent 007! Sad news about Roger today. Your avatar reminded me. I purchased this issue during my crazy Spidey completist years (yes, I even had to have 'appearances' in other publishers comics!). I've sold it since - scroll down to see if you can see anyone familiar (and also to see Batman being slightly un-PC, by today's standards anyway) Hmmmmmm
  3. I wonder what we'd all be saying now if the Ditko was the original, and the Kirby had just been unearthed....
  4. Back to Amazing Fantasy #15, I found this scan in my files of an old Alan Class British reprint that I used to own before the clear out. I'm sure it's been noted here before many times, but it had a B&W reprint of Amazing Fantasy #15 in it. I sold it quite cheaply as I recall and only recently saw that it was selling quite well. Wish I'd kept it now!
  5. What OA Pages do you have? Good spot @piper ! And look, the boards truncation software has cropped them for us! Three Ross Andru pieces, ASM #137, ASM #179 and a MTU #3 page. Andru was always my favourite growing up and it was my main ambition to get a Spidey page. As is often the case with buses, three came along at once.
  6. Ah, thought so, thanks. Have to say, they look kind of cool. I wonder how many boys bought these to school back in the day
  7. And just a little tamer than the stuff in you private inbox Karl
  8. They are so cool What's next for you? If you thought 35cv's were hard to get....
  9. Now I can! From the mind of a troubled 14 year old, I bring you.... The good news for you guys is there's another 3 of these I could post!
  10. Always nice to meet a new friend in the post I'd have preferred 'L Miller & Co', but Thorpe & Porter will do.....
  11. That is excellent @Aman619 and really shows how good Ditko's version actually was. Like Spike, I also prefer it to the Kirby version. Iconic as that now is, I think the Ditko version better suits the Spidey as he was depicted in the early issues. A little scrawny and quirky. The Kirby version is more serious and masculine somehow. Anyway, now this thread is back to talking about AF 15 again, here is my copy, hanging out with a few friends (basically, the only comics I kept after the Great 8,000 ASM Completist Clear Out). Can you see her?: There she is!
  12. You want to try getting pence copies @marvelmaniac! Good luck finishing the sets. And why no Gunsmoke Western?
  13. That is a fantastic achievement @Ghostzapper, well done I've still got my 5 raw ASM 35cv's, so I have a small clue how hard it is to get these. The less popular titles must have been very difficult to track down. I noticed the Cap 212 is missing the Marvel Comics Group banner wording - were they all like that or is yours a double rarity?
  14. Ha! That would be one of our Englandville shillings @Aman619 You can read all about our lovely currency (in relation to comics) here: and here: and here! But only if you're bored.
  15. As a fully paid up member of the city of Londinium, Englandville, I must take issue (95) with the geographical accuracy of this cover!
  16. With four of my five results in I don't think I'll be troubling the winning post at the close. 1.65 average so far if I've got my maths right.
  17. Would it have the typed bit in the third panel if it was original?