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Everything posted by grapeape

  1. Los Bros by far have the most post it notes. Great pics of all the art. FF Annual 2 page where Doom has the burning mask placed on his face got my attention, which hereto fore had been fixated solely on BM 251. History
  2. Ron first off congratulations ol buddy. Chatter be hanged and quartered. Your knowledge of comic history served you well here. You explained so well why these pages have meaning. Its great you were able to pull the trigger this time when given the chance. Thanks for the history lesson. Thanks for sharing the art.
  3. That’s amazing you have that special moment to reflect on. No matter what you guys loved each other. Never forget that.....
  4. Lost my brother Chris 13 years, 30 days and 21 hours ago. Comics were part of our lives and we spent many hours reading together. it makes me happy you got hold of the important cover. God bless you and your brother. Cheers
  5. Happy birthday Alex. Your ability and beautiful artistry remains the gold standard.
  6. It happens all the time. Ramos has respect and buzz and no doubt the future will bring deeper understanding of his contributions.
  7. I think this is a sharp piece and will find a happy home. Not a record breaker but definitely will earn for-the consignor.
  8. Still amazes me how there were hardcore hardheads that didn’t recognize Romita as a great artist. That was maybe one factor that worked in your favor Mike.
  9. Bingo. That’s the part that money can’t buy. It buys the art yes. But the work to gather funds and pull off a deal, or to find what you’ve been looking for (needle in a haystack) is what stays with you. The war stories you share with yourself and other collectors. I’ve had people logically explain why I should take an amount they are offering me for a piece. You can always buy something else they say. I’m giving you way more then you paid for it. The potential buyer rarely cares what you had to do to obtain it. i once placed a winning bid on an auction from the dentist chair while getting a root canal. i once paid $4500 for a piece of art in 1997 which was all the money I had in a savings account as a young family man with two young children. Still have it and those who laughed are applauding my foresight today. i once outworked the cocky Los Bros and the charming Glennru and bought a Kirby Captain America cover from Jacks friend that had never come up for sale publicly. its those stories, those experiences that are worth more then money.
  10. Yeah I think it’s a bit of a test. The artist is challenging your loyalty. He dedicates to shady64 he thinks that’s a real fan. your refusal no matter how polite means your a mercenary flipper. Not asking you seems unprofessional although I could see where an artist might assume you would appreciate a personalized dedication. To my biggest fan shady64, best Michelangelo.
  11. Agreed. Tempting to sell your best stuff but if you don’t need the money hold the art. How many friends have sold a “grail” because the money was too good to pass up. over time they felt sick as they realized they could never replace something they really had cherished. Or as they realized the money they received was nothing in comparison to what it’s worth some time later. Oh I saw them buy a big piece to erase the pain. You can’t do it. Certain pieces took blood and tears to obtain. Hell maybe none of that. Maybe we were just in the right place at the right time. Though some of the art has appreciated outrageously, consider holding on. Money isn’t everything. Selling gold at the right price is a no brainer. Art is trickier as it’s more then a commodity. It has intrinsic personal value that money alone can’t equate for.
  12. Some years back I started noticing the few Ditko pages listed on CAF disappearing. I know there was a page with Spidey where he falls in the ocean? the guy had NFS but said he’d take 20 K maybe 8 years ago? Within a week it was gone and two months later sold at HA for $43,000. i always wondered if someone bought from CAF member and listed or if the CAF member sold it through HA and thanked his lucky stars. I’d love to know. If I took 20 K I’d feel happy until 2 months later seeing I left too much money on the table.
  13. I met Harry Lampert (Golden Age Flash) in 1996 and had him personalize a word bubble above a speeding Flash’s head that said “ I’m catching this bullet especially for grape ape.” )he wrote my first and last name) not my board name obviously. i love it and never intend to sell it. If I ever did I think the art would matter most to a buyer and the personalization would not matter. Harry has passed away and so has his lovely wife. I’ll always cherish the piece. Now.....Steve Rude....I bought a beautiful page from him but dealt exclusively with his lovely and kind wife on the phone. She asked me if I would like Steve to personalize the page but I declined. He’s eccentric (understatement) and I feared he might write across the art. All original art has the potential to have a higher future value should you decide to sell. I can understand if you’re concerned that a personalization ”To my biggest fans Los Bros, best wishes, Neal Adams.” might limit desirability to anyone not named “Los Bros.” it depends: I’m more forgiving of personalization on art gained second hand pre 1990. Scarcity. The quality of the art will always rule my response to a page regardless of how it’s dedicated.
  14. I get what your saying. Ditko Amazing Spider-Man however is one of the few high end blue chips where buying at $100 K could still look like a bargain ten years from now. Theres risk in everything.
  15. I personally like the Beetle. Comics were meant to be fun. Hope you find a page.
  16. That’s great insight. Thank you I’m not privy to the private sales so that’s excellent info to consider. I would be curious to know how much trade factored into the $100-$200 K ? Still legit but cash is what makes me take notice. On the strength of 1) quality action SPIDEY panels 2) Steve Ditko passing away 3) lack of publicly offered examples I believe we can see $100 K Is it November yet ?
  17. I have mentioned the fatigue factor as ASM 10 pages seem to have recirculated for sale repeatedly since the break up of that issue. The 1/3 splash has taken pages over the threshold but I think this one with no splash has arrived at the right time. Well see.....
  18. My gut is that page is going to get there. Just seems like the right time. It’s going to be an outstanding auction.