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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I'd like to get back into the HBO watchmen. I watched the first few episodes, but it was a bit slow. i liked it, but i needed a lot of coffee.
  2. I admit I looked into all of this while I was waiting in a car for my wife for an hour, so I was a bit bored.
  3. Again, months after HOS 92! I understand, HOS 92's "Swamp Thing" winds up having a different back story than Swamp Thing 1s Alec Holland, and then Moore brings him back a generation later.... HOM 195 has a killer Wrightson cover though, so that is a chunk of the $
  4. I feel that in the 60s and 70s it was fairly easy to keep track of what was going on in comics. But DC confused matters in the 70s / early 80s by making the whole "two earths" thing a bigger deal and clearly DC felt like they needed to clean things up with Crisis. I was never a big DC guy, but I do like to read up on various characters and so on and I was thinking it would be cool if they figured out how to get Powergirl into the Supergirl TV show (she is supposed to be Kara, but she clearly is not the same person in the DC comics, so I dunno about that, being a couple of years older doesn't explain looking different and the 38 DDD...), which i think they'd need a different actress, but one who looks a lot like her, preferably with the body for the character... Anyway, reading up on Powergirl and her whole post-crisis false memories stuff, mystical, blah, blah, and what do you know, I didn't know she was in the pages of Warlord for like 8 issues after Warlord's world got sucked into the DCU. Admittedly, I've never read Warlord, just liked the covers, but then in box diving I came across this issue of Warlord (122) with Power Girl on the cover (ok, not THIS one, but I have my own copy) and as I tend to buy any early Powergirl if it cheap enough, I did that (I probably have 10 copies of All Star 59...) and then did some research. It turns out Power Girl had been among the Warlord crowd since issue 116 and didn't make a cover appearance until 122! and that's the only one and then she leaves in 124. So it makes me wonder, what the heck was going on at DC? Now I understand Powergirl was not the popular character she is now back then, but was she foisted on Warlord by management and the creative team was so ticked off they refused to acknowledge her on the covers? (Grell was very much against Warlord being sucked into the DCU via Crisis, but he was gone by then). The book was slowly dying (Kudos, it had a 133 issue run, not bad), I assume they were trying to blend it with mainstream DCU somehow (they dragged some of the Third World/New Gods baddies in), yet they did nothing to advertise this fact? Anyway, just a weird tangent for a series to go off on, barely acknowledged in any of the covers, etc.... If I see them cheap enough I'll probably get the other issues one day, and I guess her whole magical story thing got written out of the DCU story eventually... )
  5. OK, I am more than happy if Phantom Stranger 14 heats up as I have a few copies and no copies of HOS 92 anymore, but what is all this "prototype" stuff? Isn't is a month after HOS 92 in 1971?? When a character is already introduced, can we still be talking about later prototypes?>?> https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=phantom+stranger+14+swamp&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=phantom+stranger+14&LH_Complete=1&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1 Of course, the Phantom stranger monster looks more like Man Thing... which came out before HOS 92 and PS 14! (Which, of course, was a rip off of The Heap from 20 years earlier, which had just started appearing again (with a different story, etc.) in Skywald horror mags earlier in 1971...) So, it is kind of refreshing to see DC doing the ripping off for a change and getting the better character out of it.
  6. Doing more Luke is expensive CGI. I think they will minimize it. If Grogu gets to Jedi training camp he is either slaughtered by Ben Solo a few years later when he is like 8-10 in Yoda years or sneaks out into hiding (maybe a heart warming reunion with his adoptive daddy Mando who is now like 50 by then). Wouldn't he be like 11 or 12 in Yoda years in Rise of Skywalker. Not to mention, in the comics/Legends, Darth Vadaar has apprentices and other dark side force wielders under is tutelage who try to run the Empire after Battle of Endor, so it is unclear whether they would have been killed off by the time of the Mandalorian (in the comics I think they were, but there's no reason that has to be the case)
  7. I feel like the Vampi is too manga. those are not remotely human heads/eyes. I like seeing "something different" though, it doesn't need to be "realistic" per se, I like Ash Wood, Sam Kieth, etc. Anyway, back to my earlier question, how many covers a month do you think she is producing? Are these all this week? Or this month?
  8. So on facebook they are trying to get $30 for the book that has $15-18 BINs all over ebay? typical. Mass delusion on facebook. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=spiderman+55&_sacat=900&LH_TitleDesc=0&_osacat=900&_odkw=spiderman+55 Or are you talking about the virgin cover version?
  9. An academic colleague I co-teach a law school class with told me to buy zoom stock in January. He said the mess in China was going to be here. Should have listened.
  10. It is worth about 40 copies of Thor 339
  11. No politics, just kav bragging about his john wick ninja skills in his 50s and me remembering the good old days when I could walk without my knees hurting
  12. the problem is when 5 or 6 bum rushers knock you off your feet and you are on your back and they are kicking you and stomping your head..... don't underestimate the power of a bum rush. i once sat in on a jury and this crew was being prosecuted...basically they would bum rush armed drug dealers and rob them. they didn't carry weapons (because in NYC carrying the weapon would get you time, particularly 15 years ago when the cops searched everyone who they deemed "suspicious"), they never got hurt doing it, and they'd rob them over and over. kind of funny if you thnk about it.
  13. my hair was much poofier and more luscious. i also spent more time pumping iron back then.
  14. Getting bum rushed in a tight space makes this hard. I've never actually been touched by one of those flailing limbs, but they get awfully close. Anyway, I haven't had to worry about that for almost 9 months, what a joy!
  15. Thing is, there are usually 5 or 6 guys in these subway dance crews....
  16. hey, nobody f-ed with this young buck on the subway back in the 80s...:
  17. My wife made the same observation, although minerva wasn't really about being pretty,
  18. Is that from a preview or the comic itself? Is it a silent issue like GI Joe 21? Does she do words?
  19. yes, you get "entertained" whether you want it or not. some of these guys are pretty acrobatic, but yeah, the flying feet come awfully close way too often. and then after terrifying and irritating you for five minutes they pass a hat around expecting to get paid for it. On the other hand, this is wayyyyyyyyyyy preferable to the dangers of subways of the 80s and early 90s. I much prefer kids putting on a show to kids trying to mug me.
  20. Yeah, a lot of money was just thrown out there, the problem is it would be very costly to have people imposing true "needs" assessments on every person or every business asking for the loans or whatever. So you spend $200 of administrative time to determine someone really "needs" a $1200 check? Their goal was to help those in need, but to also keep the economy juiced. so for the juicing it did not matter as much exactly how they money got out there.
  21. can you show what those interiors look like? just curious. is there a drop off from the covers? i always respect when an artist puts the same care into the interiors as the covers. I feel like Byrne was like that, at least up until maybe his first year or two on FF, he might have gotten a little lazier later in the run. While I understand the emphasis on covers, it is sad that the incredible work and hours of effort that go into the insides is seemingly ignored.
  22. We did get like a $800 ebt card for groceries. This is due to a weird quirk that all kids in NYC public schools get free lunch regardless of income because (I think) such a high % qualify anyway, and both my kids are "in" public school (or whatever this on line fiasco is), so we got the alleged value (or close to) of all the free lunches (and breakfasts) they didn't get (of course, they could have actually walked over to their schools and picked up the food at the door apparently, but i guess the city did not want to force that to happen). I certainly did not "need" the "free" groceries, but I was happy to get them. So, yes, not directly from the feds, but even my family got some money. Basically groceries for a month. (I am using "quotes" a lot because I am quite aware nothing is magically free.. how "free" it is to me is yet to be determined)
  23. No. We did not get one. Two professional income house. That's fine. I like "free" money, but I did not "need" it like some people did.
  24. I like some of these. The less anime-ish, the better. She's not going to completely remove that influence, I get it. Hey, Campbell does some stinkers too, even Hughes.