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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. My problem when organizing is I am constantly looking stuff up to see if it is worth anything.
  2. I was looking for that too in my "misc old" boxes. No luck. It is a book I would have bought in a dollar box had I seen it just because of a 12 cent cover.
  3. Haters, did you like wonder woman or ms. Marvel? Does all the feminist stuff in supergirl drive you insane? And if you liked wonder woman was it because of Steve Trevor and his buddies, not WW? I am just wondering if any chick centric film is not going to get the wrath of guy fans? What else was this going to be? I get it, the production values are like 15% above the TV shows.
  4. Watched it last night with the 9 year old. He loved it. I thought it was fun. A little miscast. Huntress needs to be hotter, Rosie is too old to be believable as a bare knuckled bad and unless Kane has repressed memories of her ninja training then that casting doesn't make sense. Otherwise it was a fun movie that was marketed badly and had bad timing right as covid was becoming a concern. If they're smart zazz is not dead and he is brought back as the guy who played him on Gotham. Dunno why they'd change the casting. He was great. They should do a re-cut, remove some filler, and give us 5 - 10 minutes on how she became this lunatic. Clearly the persona here was not the PhD who met joker. His influence turned her into this.
  5. If your daughter liked the first one she might like this. It is not a movie for a jaded middle aged man. I thought it was fine. Vastly better than jla or suicide squad
  6. I thought the movie was fine. The plot was a bit convoluted, but not JLA stupid. If I had spend $100 on tickets and popcorn/snacks to see this on IMAX I would probably not be thrilled. But I have HBO max so it was a fun Christmas night movie all 4 of us enjoyed while eating Christmas desert. I think a lot of the 80s fashion and references go over your head unless you are an old fart like me, but stranger things might help youngers understand
  7. Cash in. Some goes to my bank account, some goes to other books. Yes, I am in the middle of organizing. It is a project. But I have the comics in about 400 square feet of space, so it is a challenge moving around. Plus my wife inevitably screams at me to stop organizing in order to do endless household chores. To be clear, 98% of the Batman themed books are separated in boxes. I still find a stray batman in unsorted boxes, but Batman was pulled a long time ago. Ditto with most big marvel characters.
  8. Was 880 a sell out? I fished 3 copies out of my lcs $1 box. Were it immediately hot they would have Sold out. Sold them all for under $50. Genius.
  9. What is the point of all this? What I don't like is this childish "own an action 1" sales pitch. It is childish like marketing REITs as "become a real estate mogul". If the pitch is a basket of high end keys has and will outperform the S&p 500, fine. These sorts of things exist for wine, fine art, etc. But it's just an investment vehicle, stop touting it as collectible ownership.
  10. While some stuff is expensive there is a lot of vintage stuff that is not. Just peruse completed sales on ebay. I am constantly seeing sales I would have paid the final price on. Yes, condition is always an issue. I just went hot and heavy on a bunch of horror mags that looked gorgeous. We shall see. I won one auction. I wished I had put in higher bids on a few others.
  11. Every adult size human in my house has a pistol crossbow and we have two hatchets (and a huge assortment of baseball bats, shovels, and a small sledge hammer) to finish the job if the bolt doesn't.
  12. 87 was like a $75-100 book at the height of cable mania in the early 90s. I am not sure what 98 ever got to. The guides did not break it out from the other liefield issues and was $5 for a long time, which was weird because it stayed there even after the mini series, etc. I remember it starting to perk up somewhere around 2005/6. My 34th overstreet makes no mention, but I believe the 35th or 36th talks about cgc 9.8 copies approaching $100, which was a big deal then. And I do remember some buzz here or on the old ebay chat boards on it then.
  13. I personally never found a nm 98 in a dollar box. And I would buy all the liefield issues when I saw the. I thought they'd bounce back. I have 3 copies of 87 and I can't imagine they were $1 or I would have bought them for any real money. Maybe $2-3 boxes. The BA 12 was stupedously under the radar. Overstreet did not even say what it was, yet an inch down on the same page in the 34th edition (2004) for example Batman Adventures: Mad Love is broken out as HQ origin and is $12 (real money for a modern then)... So they busted out the origin, but not her first app! Negligence! Harley was popular at that point and it would have made sense to bust out her first. (Harley was popular enough that nerd friends almost named their daughter Harley Quinn in early 2000)
  14. I probaly have 1000 Batman comics (all related titles) spread out over several boxes and I have everything around this. Multiples! But not this (I am halfway through looking)
  15. Don't they make glass that protects against light damage? Pretty sure folks don't want their Picasso drawing or expensive water color painting faded either. Or rare prints.
  16. Because comics are art. And people hang art on their walls.
  17. . Been digging my boxes for a Batman 313, found a 322 and a 181... By the time I find it it will be a $5 book again
  18. Ok, here's 1995, and I feel a little better because I know I paid half the marked price
  19. No and no. At some point both were overlooked for a decade, but they went off well before any movies. Many years.
  20. FF 48 was a book that didn't sell for guide before the movie. It was a " toss in" book whenever I would buy a stack of SA books in the 90s. It is very plentiful. I owned 10 copies over the years and it was never a book I hunted for. When I say didn't sell for guide I mean 1/3-1/2 guide. When the movie came and suddenly my copies sold for guide or more I unloaded all of them. Little did I know those $150-200 vg to fine copies (unslabbed) would be $1500-2000+ now! So yeah, the increases since the movie have been about the market's emphasis on key chasing, but the movie did lift the book initially. If you collected in the 90s you knew that was one of those books with a bloated opg divorced from reality. (I am talking about not high grade copies. Genuine high grade copies probably were more in tune with guide)
  21. I picked up a lot of the detective and actions leading up to and after 1000. I figured I can't miss bad at $1 on those. I wish I had a better idea of which minor key Batman's have popped. He has a long box from the 90s to present. I have a basic idea, but probably don't know a lot of $8-15 ones.
  22. Just bought 180 dollar books. I will show the cherry picked best ones here to make it look like I did great. Not thrilled that after I counted them out loud he counted half of them and was a bit rough as most had no bags or boards. I was careful to pick sharp ones. We shall see if they still are.
  23. Actually, maybe more on restaurants as I forgot about what my wife and teen would spend for lunch at work/school
  24. I have the same income, but now save $700 a month on childcare (afterschoo), $300-500 a month on commuting, $500 on take out/restaurants, $25-50 on dry cleaning... So, if you kept your job..