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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. it is a different kazar, apparently. zabu is mutated apparently, by radiation, and has human intelligence or something. bobbi morse is his love interest for like a year in astonishing tales and shows up on 2 covers (one you can't even see her face). weird.
  2. i don't think she is on a cover until 12, unless she is hiding behind zabu
  3. MTU 95 seems to be a bit hyped...as the Huntress she practically looks the same, except I don't think she uses her whacking sticks. And then there's this... and this: and this:
  4. they're good clean fun. it isn't like DC can't do it. shazam worked. suicide squad was a very flawed movie, but made money. i think birds of prey was silly, but fun, and would have probably made some money if it did not get released when people were starting to worry about covid and if it wasn't marketed so poorly. but warner sees that ho hum box office and has probably decided they are done with HQ.
  5. seriously, marvel makes money on ant man. ant man!!!! they're going to have THREE ant man movies. this is a character that could never survive in his own title. but three frigging movies?? (yes, they are very well cast and, heck, even my wife was willing to watch them and she hates super hero movies other than wonder woman)
  6. she went by "the huntress" for a bit. I am guessing they changed her because DC's Huntress became more popular, even though introduced later (not to be confused with the GA Huntress). granted, DC had a mockingbird too, but it was a totally different thing... with that said, why is amanda waller's 1st app worthless? i know they printed a lot of them, but she is a huge character in DC. then again, so are SHIELD Agents' Hill and Coulson...bias against non super heroes!
  7. i love odenkirk, but really, i am used to him getting the snot kicked out of him, i have a tough time seeing him as a somewhat older john wick
  8. snyder cut was a lot better. I certainly didn't walk away thinking this was a bad movie. the last 45 minutes or so were really dark... as in hard to see on my TV... like the GOT episode everyone complained about. it was a little rough watching it, particularly at 2:30 a.m. and the martian manhunter stuff, although i'm happy to see him, was weird. they could have used him before superman was resurrected. i found the first version so forgettable it was hard to remember what is new. other than the fight scenes, it feels like a lot of this is new. i did find an interesting reference .. this world has "no lanterns and no kryptonians" does this mean Darkseid has also held off attacking other multiverse earths because they have kryptonians? are there other kryptonians on other planets (not versions of earth) with the right suns who also protect them? i am not familiar enough with everything darkseid to know this.
  9. seriously. marvel has frigging timelines and charts and fans eagerly awaiting the next thing. DC had some hiccups and is giving up. never mind joker cost $55 million and grossed over a billion. they should definitely give up on movies.
  10. oy vey. make good movies and once covid is over you will make money on them. what did the snyder cut show them? they could have made this into TWO movies rather than trying to jam everything in. good lordy, marvel hasn't lost money on a movie in decades, have they?
  11. it's a newsstand! and maybe stan lee scribbed something on it?
  12. yes, but a $50 book can quickly become a $75 book and more
  13. So guess who had these for $9 after a codeword sale? I ordered 10, but they only shipped me one. They might have only had one in stock because they have no updated the price and they don't have any available for sale now. This is what happened when I ordered as many NM Black Lightening 1s as I could for $7 each. I didn't get them all, but I got some, and then they were out of stock. Now I'm wondering if I had just ordered 2 or 3 if my order might have slipped through? I got greedy I guess.
  14. the complete run of lestat 1-12 sometimes sells ok, but that is a PITA. yeah, i was religiously pulling these out of the dollar box in 2004 or 2005, whenever I was seeing them, thinking for sure these would bounce back.
  15. I try to use CGC slabs I own as exemplars.
  16. yup. i have a lot of those anne rice comics, fished out of dollar boxes. the lestat series all had $15-$20 price tags on them. But dead now and they're not going to remake that movie, it was already practically perfectly done. when i bought them in the early 2000s they were still worth something, but i never got around to selling them. oh well. maybe there will be an anne rice comeback, but i doubt it. there hasn't been much buzz about her recent vampire books. i guess i'll have to file those away with my true blood comics.
  17. thor 374 ... $8! mid grade marvel tales! most of the x-men in the 200s ASM 285 and 289 being expensive books (ok, 289 is in the middle of making a comeback) a lot of those prices are more than what you can get most of this stuff for now. of course, you probably paid a lot less than that. it's just a reminder of how fragile the whole hobby was in terms of lack of liquidity for the average collector. to actually sell your stuff you had to lay out big money for an ad like this or pay for tables at shows. most comic shops would pay pennies on the dollar. it's one of the things that turned me off to collecting circa 1985 or so. how the heck was I ever going to sell this stuff? the guide told me something was worth $10. the local shop would offer 5 cents. when I started up again in the 90s I was an adult and had a longer term view and knew I could rent a table at a show... and then ebay
  18. 75% of those prices are current prices or more. But the keys and semi-keys have appreciated a lot.
  19. the market is moving so quickly. recent sales could have jacked up, or cooled down, something.
  20. Had to work on cleaning out my deceased mother's house and affairs. So many medical bill statements.
  21. Being charged $10 for media mail and waiting forever and being impatient is a bit different than freaking over USPS being slow with scanning. I don't send media normally because I don't want emails cfor 3 weeks. Although that happened to me with a slab sent priority 10 miles away too. Those emails made sense, the buyer was worried, not mad atme.complaining
  22. A lot of kvetching about crazy prices.. But the fact is, the vast bulk of it is still worth $3-4 or less. I'm saying this because I am doing a big reorganization of my inventory and doing a lot of flipping through boxes. It is great that there are more "popped" books worth listing on ebay, but still plenty that are not. You can go through years of x books, for example, for the last 25 years, and maybe 1-2 a year meet the easy sale at $10+ criteria. Of course, if all my long boxes of dollar box books were worth $2k each that would be ridiculous as well.