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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I keep on saying the same thing because i am in the process of going through my collection/inventory, 25K or so books and it is a reminder of how many of those books ARE NOT hot and have not been impacted (in any significant way) lately ... and I am not all that heavy loaded with moderns. I went through three captain america boxes and three iron man boxes and pulled out maybe 15-25 books from each group that seem to have been impacted lately, and some of those are on the fringe. true, maybe that is oversimplifying it. if 2% of the books are just stupid now when it used to be .5%, maybe that's enough.
  2. why on earth would 600K of any book outside of some big star wars release be ordered? that is just insane. that's like 2 million in 1993 when there were 3-4X as many shops. at a time when fewer folks are wandering into shops? what the heck? copies of the regular cover are under $3 on ebay. did shops really order so many just to get variants? because keanu reeves had some role? even if he does the movie one day, 600K!!! 600k!!!
  3. Most of what I am buying (and it has not been a ton of stuff) has not been impacted and these are somewhat semi keys. Just nothing that has gotten excited in this market.
  4. "I'm thinking this may be a perfect time to move a ton of personal collection stuff that I have been sitting on a long time. Not to "liquidate" mind you, but sell at nutty inflated prices." Does the bulk of your collection consist of keys, semi-keys, and semi-keys of the moment? For the most part your run filler books have not done much.
  5. nobody sells anything on etsy unless they already have clientelle
  6. These are folks who did not pay taxes on this stuff before, why do you think they wouldn't have a problem claiming $9500 in costs on $10K in sales and paying taxes on $500 of profit? I understand the paperwork is going to scare some people, but I wonder how many casual sellers turned into $20K sellers last year alone?
  7. The books in question had already crashed by the time ebay was in vogue. 1996-1999 were great buying times. If anything, ebay getting popular in 1999/2000 helped create liquidity and prop up prices. I could sell any kind of junk comics for $1-2 a pop on ebay then, bunches at a time, and shipping was so cheap.
  8. at the current levels it seems that $20K is a number that is going to get hit by a lot of flippers/collectors, particularly anyone selling 9.8 slabs regularly. i am on pace for $12K and I have barely done any work listing stuff ... I have listed a short box of hot raw books and sold maybe half of them. I didn't think the $600 reporting # had actually been passed yet, just proposed. I'd hope ebay and maybe amazon give a bit of pushback on that, though probably it is more on ebay's shoulders. Ebay likely realizes that a collectibles seller selling $10K of stuff is likely spending $5-10K on ebay themselves they might not without those sales, thus ebay gets fees in both directions. amazon not as much.
  9. the collapse of the 90s did not happen because of back issues popping. it happened because of million copy print runs and such...vast inventories... the realization that collectibles are not collectibles at that scale, etc... in other words, it is different. comic shops were structured on selling 3-4X as many new books as they were selling by 1998 or so. today we have relatively low print runs. We're not running into a glut scenario.
  10. referring to RR. Folks have been predicting a bubble bursting for a while. as i like to repeat here often, 97% of the books out there have not gotten inflated. no "heat" so to speak. but yes, some of the 9.8 prices are a bit nuts and we are seeing a lot of $75-100+ raw books that a couple of years ago probably would have been $25-30 due to some TV/movie hype. it seems any hype is more inflated right now. But let's look at a title like West Coast Avengers. For years I am not sure if any issues in the run were really better than $1-2 book material. And now there are 4 or 5 books in the run worth something... out of 102 + the mini. Still a pretty small %. A title like Defenders, Marvel Two In One...a few books popped, the early issues are worth something, but a lot of wasteland, still. VAST chunks of DC from the 70s on up are all still bargain bin books.
  11. can you please stop it with the doom and gloom? I have a lot of comics that are suddenly worth something that need to get sold
  12. I have never tried these platforms, but can't one just scan in existing images and play around with them using the software?
  13. I need to go clean my cauliflower. I'm going to pull some pork. I love stretching canvas.
  14. these lots you have been putting up are really a little bit of everything. that doesn't fit in a medium flat rate box?
  15. I know a lot of folks here make digital art, but I just feel like it is cheating. I understand it is a learned skill in terms of using the software, but I've always been interested in art as some sort of product of someone's talent, both innate and practiced. Yes, I know many painters use projected images and all that, but still, you need to create the image with your hands, medium, etc. If comics can just be generated by folks using computers and no pen/pencil/brush to paper we're losing that human element.
  16. yeah, it's not a real phrase as being portrayed here, but almost anything can be turned into this sort of thing by a sufficiently puerile mind.
  17. How come I still get vast quantities of shiney junk mail catalogues and what not? they don't seem to have printing cost issues. IF these were 64 page comics I think it would make sense at least in terms of product being delivered in terms of reading enjoyment. But to the collector, a non-key/hot back issue is going to be "worth" 50 cents - $2 as a back issue regardless of the cover price, so you really need to be buying these for reading value. why is it that image can afford to sell $2.99 comics? they used to be the expensive ones.
  18. It wasn't until 2 minutes ago. I need to yank my stack. I bought anything BA/CA deathlok
  19. "Avengers" as a group. Heck, only one x-man was A list. Deadpool became A list in the years before the movie, at least for the 50 and under crowd.
  20. I am going to disagree. In the few years leading up to the Avengers movie at any given time there were 3-5+ different Avengers titles in publication and the avengers books were among the top sellers. https://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales/2010/2010-03.html and the cartoon was very popular. Sure, in 1991-1993 Avengers were a second fiddle title.
  21. Before the movie came out they had many avengers titles running concurrently and a very popular cartoon series (and other avengers cartoons). I think you are misremembering. There is room on the A list for a decent number of folks. Iron Man having had some cartoons (outside the 1966 one) in the past probably made the movie an easier sell. Cap and Thor were always stiff in the cartoons.
  22. the current version of PP looks 15 (even if he is 24), so I think he has a while to go so long as he remains liked. but at some point he can't be a dumb kid anymore. especially given that he is supposed to be a genius (a point the movies don't really stress lately)
  23. The Avengers weren't B list, even if individually some of the stars might be such. As a group they were A list. Hulk was sort of A-list and he can't carry a movie.
  24. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hbo-max-subscriber-update i wonder what the bump was in mid-march? i dunno, if a hollywood calibre movie every 2-3 months and some other decent shows in between (HBO clearly needs its next Game of Thrones) is enough to gain them, let's say, an extra 50 million subscribers (globally), at $15 a month.. that is $9 billion. That budgets a lot of movies. $180 a year for HBO Max is more than I ever spend on going to DC movies in a year, including 2 kids, and they only keep like 1/3 - 1/2 of that.
  25. iron man made a lot of money though. thor a bit less. There are RDJ fans, and hemsworth is hot and good folks in the supporting cast. Evans is not as much of a hottie i suppose and his supporting cast wasn't selling tickets. Regardless of whether they were B listers, by the time cap and thor came along the MCU established credibility with Iron Man, so I dunno. with that said, all of those earlier movies were before the chinese market for this stuff exploded. ant man took in $100+ million from china (do the chinese think paul rudd is particularly handsome?). Cap 1 and Thor 1 (and even IM 1) barely took in anything. that has been huge.