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Everything posted by pkveronese

  1. Well, you will never know. Unless you call HA and ask directly. But if you call I would be prepared to return the piece should you hear something that concerns you. This is the new normal. Call. I'd love to hear what they say.
  2. Sub-Mariner #33 is the one you want for Namora. 1st appearance since the Golden Age. Excellent Sub-Mariner 33 reccomendation. This issue was a minor silver/bronze key in the early 1990s, no reason it shouldn't be regarded much higher.
  3. Got this page in a couple weeks ago; remembered to pop it in b/c of the Walking Dead TV news. It's a bit of a stretch, but Jesus/Paul Monroe is on this page *sorta* (in his first appearance).
  4. Liefeld used Cougar in Youngblood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cougar_%28comics%29
  5. The Marvel Age 82 case is really neat. It's definitely them, will be interesting to see what people think.
  6. Not sure if it will be I saw just a ton of $1-5 BINS on eBay the day of the announcement on Lyria. I knew something was up when that many comics of a particular issue just all but disappears in one day. One sold for a BIN of 20 Wednesday, a lot with a #1 in F/VF is up to 20 that finishes today, and there's a bid up to 10.50 on the other copy listed with three days to go. http://www.ebay.com/itm/JUSTICE-SOCIETY-OF-AMERICA-1-10-COMPLETE-1992-SERIES-F-VF-FLASH-WILDCAT-FATE-/121737962083?hash=item1c5825e263 http://www.ebay.com/itm/151790602270?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 It's going to be interesting to see if this keeps up. I could see this being similar to Livewire, but with Quick being a lot more established in DC Continuity. As a Flash fan, I'm stoked about her showing up in season 2.
  7. You've gotta think Justice Society of America vol. 2 #1 gets a nice bump with the casting of Jesse Quick for season 2 of Flash.
  8. It will be come December I've been thinking about this. Will the general Star Wars fans care about first appearances? Sure, I imagine more interest in the comics when the new movie hits, but will a specific issue (other than #1) command any sort of premium for that crowd? Assuming there's no character or theme carried over into the new movies, I don't see any one issue rising above the rest. This would be a true 1st appearance, even before they show up on film. And with the flood of Star Wars media Disney is about to unleash on us for the rest of our lives, sooner or later these characters will pop up on screen. its hard to believe there would be ZERO impact on the comics. That's what I'm saying though. If the Star Wars community at large is to create an impact on a specific issue, that character would need to appear outside of the comics. Absolutely, it's a coin flip, they either appear in a movie or they don't. But, If they do though, look out. 3 First appearances with an 85K run. Even if just the droids show up unnamed, I think there's a winner here. I think even without a tv/movie appearance, 1st prints of #3 are an insta-buy at 10 bucks (at least for me they are). Low print run (comparably), day one scarcity with allocations, start of the main Vader story (the best story of all the Marvel SW titles going), and three first appearances? Count me in. The comic sold for $15 the day it was released due to the Aphra news, now is just the cooler period where fewer people are looking.
  9. Had the same thought when I got the release yesterday - glad I'm not missing out.
  10. What do you guys think of the Southern Bastards 10 Charity variant that comes out today? Pretty great cover, makes a political statement (Alabama based book with a Alabama-born author condemning the Confederate flag), and it's for a great cause. I could see the cover getting some national coverage.
  11. I could see the charity cover getting some national attention in the next couple of days.
  12. cause they're whooped. Maybe because their Wife is their partner? This guy gets it.
  13. Sold a few WD 127s 1st prints offline the past couple of days. Seems like demand is up with the events of 144.
  14. Not a comic, but most of you guys know I'm a Miracleman geek from way back. Picked up Simone Bianchi's OA to the variant cover from issue one of this Fall's reboot/restart of the series for the Gaiman/Buckingham run. http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1240341
  15. Wouldn't it be interesting if the new characters from WD #127 were somehow a part of the Fear the Walking Dead spinoff? The issue did come out about the time the series was being brainstormed - WD 127 was released in April 2014, with the -script maybe written around October/November of 2013 (just a guess), while AMC made the first developmental announcement in September of 2013 and noted the characters would be created by Kirkman.
  16. All of them or are some better than others? They're all good. 127 first new people 132 first alpha 138 first alpha revealed name 144 I think Dante is in there but I forgot his first app. Cool, which book had the first appearance of Alpha's daughter? 135 1st Full appearance of Lydia I really think issues 131 (1st Darius), 133 (1st Lydia cameo (unnamed)) and 135 (1st full Lydia) have legs. That's funny - midtown had several 133 and 135s in stock when I posted this, now all sold out.
  17. All of them or are some better than others? They're all good. 127 first new people 132 first alpha 138 first alpha revealed name 144 I think Dante is in there but I forgot his first app. Cool, which book had the first appearance of Alpha's daughter? 135 1st Full appearance of Lydia I really think issues 131 (1st Darius), 133 (1st Lydia cameo (unnamed)) and 135 (1st full Lydia) have legs.
  18. It's got to IMO. One of of the top 10 (5?) most important issues in the series and it has a relatively low print run compared to some of the surrounding issues.
  19. Had to skip San Diego this year, so I treated myself. Here's Simone Bianchi's variant cover to the upcoming Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham #1: Marvel is restarting the numbering to Miracleman with #1 this September for the Gaiman/Buckingham run, as they will be completing "Golden Age", which was left unfinished due to the folding of Eclipse. This Bianchi piece is the only cover from the Marvel run I feel approaches any of the artistic heights seen in the 1980s series, drawing on an intricate depiction of Miracleman's Mount Olympus and what looks to be a nod to Moebius along the way. http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1240341
  20. I really don't understand why people are comparing a Preview newspaper like DC Spotlight with Gobbledygook 1, which is an actual comic book with actual stories and art inside by Eastman and Laird. The fact that TMNT fans have grabbed onto Gobbledygook 1 due to its full-page ad has no impact on its viability as a real live comic book with stories and art. No debating that its a comic book with art and stories The debate is why anyone cares about it. The comparison is the ad/preview driving the demand, that's what the two books have in common. For me, the only reason people care about gobbledygook 1 is that TMNT ad. It has had a stigma of the being the first appearance ( it was called this in every single price guide for quite some time ) until the last decade or so. Its been counterfeited because of its value, and its low print run. People want it, because its been in the spotlight for decades for all those reasons. If you increase the print run to 1,000+ copies its still a $100+ book ,if not more ,because of that ad. Increase the print run to 1,000+ copies, but remove the ad, it becoms a comic ( no argument there ) that no one cares about. Sort of like Fugitoid # 1 Nobody cares, even though its an extremely early Eastman & laird book. Why? No turtles, and no scarcity = $1 bin fodder. The Turtles are in Fugitoid, so is R2D2! The problem is that people just don't know it. Better get back to that dollar bin I have never read the book, Is that a manifestation ( some kind of light show) from fugitoid or did they actually appear? Still, the fact is, nobody cares, and its Eastman and lairds 7th published book ( printed between tmnt 4 and 5 ). No they appear on the following page and it's a pretty sick splash that any Turtles Collector would want if they read comics. You say people don't care but maybe that's because people do not know. And that's my point really. Some comics do better than others because they are discussed more by fans or maybe pushed more by those with agendas. I was very happy to see Fugitoid referenced because it's yet another Turtles comic that gets little light placed upon it, like these: Grimjack 26 Pre-Teen Dirty Gene Kung-Fu Kangaroos 1, Extremely Silly 1 New Age Comics 1 Thanks, I own that splash . It's on my office wall. Not a framed pic, but here's the piece from my CAF gallery. I'll see if I can get a pic of the splash on the wall uploaded later today. http://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=939562
  21. I really don't understand why people are comparing a Preview newspaper like DC Spotlight with Gobbledygook 1, which is an actual comic book with actual stories and art inside by Eastman and Laird. The fact that TMNT fans have grabbed onto Gobbledygook 1 due to its full-page ad has no impact on its viability as a real live comic book with stories and art. No debating that its a comic book with art and stories The debate is why anyone cares about it. The comparison is the ad/preview driving the demand, that's what the two books have in common. For me, the only reason people care about gobbledygook 1 is that TMNT ad. It has had a stigma of the being the first appearance ( it was called this in every single price guide for quite some time ) until the last decade or so. Its been counterfeited because of its value, and its low print run. People want it, because its been in the spotlight for decades for all those reasons. If you increase the print run to 1,000+ copies its still a $100+ book ,if not more ,because of that ad. Increase the print run to 1,000+ copies, but remove the ad, it becoms a comic ( no argument there ) that no one cares about. Sort of like Fugitoid # 1 Nobody cares, even though its an extremely early Eastman & laird book. Why? No turtles, and no scarcity = $1 bin fodder. The Turtles are in Fugitoid, so is R2D2! The problem is that people just don't know it. Better get back to that dollar bin I have never read the book, Is that a manifestation ( some kind of light show) from fugitoid or did they actually appear? Still, the fact is, nobody cares, and its Eastman and lairds 7th published book ( printed between tmnt 4 and 5 ). No they appear on the following page and it's a pretty sick splash that any Turtles Collector would want if they read comics. You say people don't care but maybe that's because people do not know. And that's my point really. Some comics do better than others because they are discussed more by fans or maybe pushed more by those with agendas. I was very happy to see Fugitoid referenced because it's yet another Turtles comic that gets little light placed upon it, like these: Grimjack 26 Pre-Teen Dirty Gene Kung-Fu Kangaroos 1, Extremely Silly 1 New Age Comics 1 Thanks, I own that splash . It's on my office wall.
  22. What do you guys think of the of the Abraham/Zombies OA from Walking Dead 53 which ended last night? A first app. and a nice zombie page.
  23. From what I can tell from my research, it's just wal-mart. The story is titled "Security Measures."
  24. Somebody was - the other eBay copy popped this morning. I don't have one; would love to get one.