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Everything posted by pmpknface

  1. As far as "affordable" Mask #2's go, this should be interesting... https://www.ebay.com/itm/266868209127?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=EEZrlqFXRzC&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=BN7Dc_4BTJO&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. I tend to only track a few grades that are near what I have, but I don't often get the exact dates. My copy is a 5.0, so the last few I had were: 5.5 on CC / $6,200 | 5.0 on CC / $9200. Hope that helps!
  3. That one is kinda funny! And totally Goblin-centric, back and front! They usually share the love with other characters.
  4. Wow. Just found your registry set. Impressive! Why stop at #100? Still looking to expand? Thanks for sharing!
  5. Took my daughter to my LCS, her 1st trip to a comic store. She got this WW book for FREE! It pays to be cute.
  6. When are you gonna post something good? Jeez! J/k, we'll done sir!
  7. Congrats @october! I hope this lived up to your expectations!
  8. Another for the Hobgoblin set! This one a virgin variant, with the Green Goblin too! Venom '21 #25 (#225):
  9. Damn gypsies... And with all due respect to the artist, that figure on the left doesn't quite fit the bill of a woman 5'7" & 225....
  10. Quick recap of the day so far with more to come, including one KILLER romance cover!!!
  11. My ST #115. Always really liked this one! Fills my Spidey and my Dr. Strange fix!
  12. In order to feel better about missing out on that Hobbies book I busted out these...
  13. Thought I'd post this here, my cel. I have the sketch that goes with it too.
  14. Now another one I gotta dig out! THANKS! I know Tales to Astonish #57 is along with #14 and that's deep in the archives too. And I think we'll allow the ASM #31! Sweet pickup! Feel free to post it again in a few weeks too!
  15. I got lucky, as I picked up a whole Venom run in NM or so including variants for like $40 a while back. I still haven't even read it, but I know I have that issue (and I think 1 variant of it) tucked away. I wasn't sure if grading it was worth it, it seems 9.8's are currently getting $200 but I can see that going up.
  16. Another day, another Spidey! I had a 7.0 I graded, but it came back trimmed. Sold that one, picked up this guy. Suits me ok!
  17. You can have Miss Torso, I can't take my eyes off Grace Kelly! I think have a full sheet of Topaz, and another for Torn Curtain. I've seen some odd / oversized ones for other Hitchcock flicks I wouldn't mind. I also have a re-release 1-sheet of Notorious framed (in another room). If you have anything you'd like to PM me about feel free!
  18. It's my preferred size because they are more affordable and I can display more, but I'm open. Here's one, and by chance Rear Window is on right now... and also baseball...