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Everything posted by theCapraAegagrus

  1. Reprint of Action Comics #1 (1st appearance of reprinted Superman). Reprint of Detective Comics #27 (1st appearance of reprinted Batman).
  2. Just stop. Your posts are giving me diarrhea.
  3. Is it profitable enough to produce an Aquaman sequel, though?
  4. Uh... What? Despite (the last I checked) an 80% RT audience score, I didn't see it more than a couple of times because it was 'meh'. You don't think good movies bring it larger box office revenues? You think that one guy saw Infinity War 50 times in theaters despite how good or bad it is? No. A Snyder Cut would have grossed more. "Fanboys", or whatever you wanna call them, will see great comic movies tons of times more than mediocre movies. That includes myself. I would've spent another couple hundred dollars seeing the BvS Snyder Cut in theaters, because that is a great movie. I know tons of people who go to see these films in theaters based on the word-of-mouth of comic book fans. Otherwise? The Red Box it or see it on TV. You're delusional if you think that a better movie (completed by Snyder) wouldn't positively impact the BO numbers for Justice League. I really thought that Joss Whedon taking over would've been good for JL. I didn't think he'd ruin it. I also didn't know that he think Steppenwolf is one of "the worst comic book villains ever" until after I saw the movie. Also, critics still don't like Aquaman. If you seriously think that Aquaman deviates from the Snydervision, then Idk what movie you watched. Aquaman had, maybe, a couple more jokes than Man of Steel and BvS. It had vibrant colors. The style of directing is so similar to Snyder. As fans, you're seriously mistaken if you think that every movie should be an MCU flick. You really want hero fatigue to set in that fast? I love the MCU and I love Snyder's Worlds of DC. I don't want 2 cinematic universes with the same blueprint. That's freaking boring. I need to get away from the lack-of-stakes MCU a lot. Snyder took the correct approach and you're just flat-out incorrect.
  5. The opening scene with the Parademon exploding to show us the Mother Boxes!? 100% Whedon. Snyder's Steppenwolf looked very, very, similar to what was in the Ultimate Edition of BvS. Whedon made him look humanoid (that's why his CG was so bad). There are tons of lists out there with confirmed changes to what Snyder had envisioned. The amount of items is staggering. Vulko cut. Cyborg's backstory cut. Flash's girlfriend cut. All of the heart of the Justice League coming-together story was cut, so that Whedon could put in Flash landing on top of Wonder Woman for some dumb@$$ sex joke, and Steppenwolf talking to some "mother" instead of doing Darkseid's bidding. We could spend hours just mulling over the original story to Justice League. It's a serious tragedy. I waited my whole life to see these heroes come together on the big screen in live action. The fact that it wasn't the best it could be leaves me heartbroken. We need the Snyder Cut.
  6. You mean just Whedon. The hour of Zack's footage that Whedon Cut, and replaced with 30 mins of drek, turned a possibly monumental movie into 100+ minutes of 'meh'. Despite whether or not people like Zack Snyder's 'style', you can't deny that his films are visually stunning. The purple in Russia, Superman's face, Steppenwolf's head, etc, all clearly shows us that Whedon is responsible for this lukewarn hero team-up.
  7. James Wan did a great job of directing Aquaman. His style fits the Worlds of DC that Snyder set up. It's smart of him to avoid self-humiliation by demanding a good -script before signing on, though.
  8. S/he needs to understand that I'm not claiming 100% of my removed posts are unworthy of warning. They should worry about their own misdeeds of shilling, first, though.
  9. The only intel that I have, is that the majority of "removed" and/or reported posts do not violate the board guidelines, and the poster will never receive a legitimate correspondence as to why they are removed (and warning awarded). The lack of transparency is disturbing. The amount of unnecessary sensitivity is also disturbing. I once received a warning and suspension for posting a joke. Not a dark joke. Not a tasteless joke. Someone reported it. I told moderation and customer service that it is a joke. They claimed otherwise (despite the fact that it was a joke - no room for interpretation when it's purely based on intent).