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Everything posted by shadroch

  1. If you clean and press this, then slab it, you'll have $100 invested in it. You can buy a 7.5 for half of that and still have your original copy. I dont understand your game plan here.
  2. I have a few catalogs from Marcs Comic Room, circa 1974, and some Max Seely brochures. I'd have to dig them out as I have no iea where they are. The Marcs Comic Room ones are illustrated by a very young Gene Day. Ordering usually went like this- send money and a list of comics, with some alternatives. Wait six to eight weeks and get a box of mostly the alternatives. I think dealers figured if they sent you mostly alternatives, you'd have to order again to get the books you really wanted. I reckoned two could play that game so I listed the books I really wanted as alternatives and got a deal deal of them. In the summer of 1974, I studied Marcs catalog and worked all summer as a caddy. I saved up a princely sum and sent them a big order. I remember I ordered JIM 83, Conan 1, Cap 100, Strange Tales 110 and TTA 35. In one swoop I was going to get a good chunk of Marvels heavy hitters. About three weeks later, I got a postcard saying Marcs was no longer doing mail order. No check or money order, just a post card. I quickly wrote back demanding my money be returned. It took a few more letters but about eight months later I did get my money back and he sent me a few Avengers on the house for my troubles. I suspect it was a young kid who got in over his head. In 1977(?), my friend advertised in CBG that we had copies of SpiderWoman 1 for sale. Maybe $1 each. I think we had 50 copies , give or take a few. I honestly forget the details. Orders dribbled in for a few days, then one day we got 15 orders for almost 100 books. I think we ended up getting ten orders for every book we had. In some cases, we recieved an envelope with a dollar bill or two inside, with no ordering information. It was a complete fiasco, and I'm sure some people sent money and never got anything for it. For months afterward we'd get an angry letter from someone who sent money and never got a book. The strange thing was many of these letters also contained no information such as an address or how many they ordered. I was very concerned we would get in trouble with either CBG or the postal police but nothing came of it.
  3. It is the first Marvel Age appearence of the Captain America of the the 1950s. It might be the first Jack Monroe, as well. After Steve Rogers was "killed" at the end of WW2, a new Captain America briefly appeared in the early 1950s. This arc explained how that was possible. It is a semi-key issue of Captain America.
  4. Take the book to a convention and trade it and $25 for a nicer copy. Almost any dealer would make the trade and you wouln't have to wait six months and spend $80 to end up very disappointed. I understand you are new to this, but if you think this book is a 9, post some books you think are 7s, or even 6s.
  5. Freddy Freeman has the same problem. He can't tell anyone his name or that of his partner. I have not read much modern DC but I thought they called him Captain Marvel, or The Captain.
  6. That bug chew is a killer. I wouldn't go above a 2.0 on that alone.
  7. I'm going to a concert next week. Don't know which or where but this seems like a good place to make my intentions known.
  8. A wise man speaks because he has something to say. A fool speaks because he has to say something.
  9. It's mold when you are buying the book. It is dirt when you are selling the book. EZPZ.
  10. For many people, it comes down to is the book trimmed or not. Many people simply avoid trimming all together and won't bid on or buy a trimmed book.
  11. People forget, or maybe they never knew, that Batman, pre-DK, was a very slow selling book. The powers that be wanted to cancel Detective Comics, evidently not knowing the company was named after the title. Batman, Detective, Action, Superman, Worlds Finest and Brave and the Bold were among the worst selling super hero titles being published. Miller, and to a less extent Jim Starlin was able to breath new life into Batman while Byrnes attempt to revive Superman fell pretty flat. I didn't care for Byrnes' Superman, or any of the new Supermen that emerged after his death. I found the whole Superboy Prime storyline ludicrous, but then I also found Knightfall to be never-ending garbage, as well. Alan Moore showed he could handle Superman with his three issue run, and his year long tribute in Images Supreme might be my favorite "Superman" arc of all time.
  12. Anyone could end up bitten by a radioactive spider, or be a mutant, or a volunteer in a secret government supersoldier project. People can identify with those things. However, none of us were born on a foreign planet with god like powers. That ship has already sailed.
  13. I sold almost all my original collection to buy a car the summer before college. I figured I was 17 and outgrowing comics. I went almost a year without reading a comic , but while heading to Daytona for Spring Break we stopped in a gas station that had a comic rack and I saw an Avengers that had Wonder Man back from the dead, and fighting The Vision.
  14. When I had my first shop, a kid who was a regular customer returned a book he had just purchased. I forget the issue numbers but it was a Hulk cover with a Marvel Team-up issue inside. I'd never seen anything like this so the first thing I did was check all the other Hulks to see if they were like that. Since they weren't, I gave the kid a new copy, called my distributor and got a forty cent credit, and threw the book away. It was a few years before I learned there was value to misprints and double covers. While I have about 100 multiple cover books, and a dozen or so books with major printing errors, I have found very fw in the wild and paid premiums for the rest.
  15. One of the better done 3D books. Some of the pages really pop!
  16. You can ask for a blue label on a book with a signature. CGC will hit the grade fairly hard so you'll won't see a 9.8 blue label with a signature but I've seen plenty of midgrade examples. If you go the green label route, the book will usually grde much higher.
  17. CGC is the kindest, bravest,warmest, most wonderful grading company I've ever known in my life. To those of you who joined this year but didn't submit any books. I salute you. Maybe next year you can buy multiple memberships and not submit any books. That way your protest will be twice as effective. Who can forget that old protest song- We got even with the circus. We bought tickets but we didn't go in. It might have taken a generation or two, but there are no more circus's. The arc of the universe moves slowly, but always in the right direction.
  18. Wth that much spine roll, I can't go over a 6.0
  19. One benefit of shutting down would be they could devote the resources to hire and train more people. Working fulltime, each grader could teach a small group of trainees in a few weeks. Same thing for other departments.
  20. One benefit of shutting down would be they could devote the resources to hire and train more people. Working fulltime, each grader could teach a small group of trainees in a few weeks. Same thing for other departments.