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Everything posted by Stefan_W

  1. I use multiple approaches since every way of selling has pros and cons. Facebook - great for selling lower value books to local people. I also list higher end stuff there in an attempt to offset fees but most slabs are slow movers or do not sell at all. Ok for buying if you can get a deal, but there is no protection if books do not come in the condition promised. The marketplace can be good for buying collections which is enough in itself to justify checking in there regularly. Comic Link - Good for selling higher end key issues since their cut is only 10% and a hassle-fee selling experience. If you are trying to sell moderns (aside from a small number that sell well like UF4, Nyx 3, etc) and non-keys expect to get a real low price that is far below GPA. The fact that it is really good for buying is a hint that it is not the best for selling. The only downside to buying there is the hammer prices on the raw lots sold there have increased quite a bit over the past few years. Used to get solid and amazing deals as everyone else focused on the slabs. Their marketplace is largely a waste of time for buying and selling. Ebay - I sell minor keys in the 100-300 price range there. I hate giving money to that site so I cap myself at 10-15k in sales and usually make that in a couple of months, which means I am done for the year pretty early. The 15% fees are not outrageous, but the selling experience can turn terrible as people can do returns for no reason which leaves you on the hook for shipping there and back, plus the whole non-payment thing is really poor. I use it but dont love it. In terms of buying it is ok for slabs and not good at all for raws as you discover how bad people are at grading and shipping. MCS - I have never sold through them but know people who have, and everyone is positive about it. The only complaint is how tough they are when grading raw books, but buyers know this and pay more for a given grade so comes out in the wash. I believe it has a 10% commission which is good. I used to buy raw lots there and found the experience generally good with books coming in looking way better than expected. I only stopped because everything I was after was going for too much, and after a few auctions with nil results it felt like a waste of time. I would not hesitate to try again in the future though. Heritage - Probably the best prices realized for books but ridiculous selling fees. I honestly do not know how people can justify sending all those expensive books to them knowing that a massive cut will be taken out. The customer service is the worst of all of them including Ebay - let that sink in for a moment. In terms of buying, I completely gave up on them and will not be back. I was getting raws that were promised as a 6 coming to me with detached covers, and books I bought and sent to CGC were regularly 2 points below what was promised. It would come as a shock to me if they open and inspect anything aside from a quick peek through the bag. I hope this helps.
  2. It sometimes takes a while before the packages are opened up. My last ME took close to three weeks before they even opened the box. Some submissions are faster. Just luck of the draw.
  3. I am friends with some people in my local community and often give them deals where my cost is their cost. People I am friendly with still get great deals but I do make money on the transaction. Random people who walk up to my booth at the local convention get a solid price but that is it. I try to be friendly to everyone but not everyone who buys a comic from me is my friend. Interesting side note is I get tons of friend requests on Facebook from people who join my comic group but haven't bought anything, or who make a purchase and then want to be friends. I just delete those - although I do regret not making a dedicated FB account for comic selling where I can just friend everyone so that one is my bad.
  4. Yup. I use Greg's posts to gauge roughly how long mine will take, and almost all of mine go through at the same rate. Of course CGC is not completely consistent and some orders go through faster than others, but it has nothing to do with who is making the submission and is likely just how books are queued in the system.
  5. Great topic - thank you for this. I collected comics through the mid-70s into the late 80s and most of my initial collection was made up of Star Wars and Fantastic Four. The comic market crashed right when I was starting university so I left the hobby aside and just kept my books in boxes that were hidden away. This changed 8 or 9 years ago when my daughter found my comics and was interested in them. I found a local comic shop, took her there, and she started collecting My Little Pony and TMNT series. Being around comics got me going again, and I started to buy books that I was never able to afford as a kid to fill out my runs. I bought up old comics for a couple of years. After a purchase I would sit at my table, crack open a beer, and savour ever moment of reading these books that I was previously only able to see up on walls in comic stores that I frequented in my youth. It carried on this this for a bit. Then something odd happened. I picked up an X-Men 94, which was one of my grails when I was younger (it shot up in price a lot in a short time after it was released). When I cracked it open and read it I was shocked to discover the writing and story sucked royally. I had similar experiences with a lot of the single digit Avengers comics. This shocked me away from being stuck in the past and I started buying up more recent comics as well, which I never thought would happen. Another big change is that I used to focus on filling out runs, and now I am ok with buying a comic because I love the cover. For example, I do not know what happens in Tec 880 and I dont care - I just love that Jock cover. TL;DR - Although I got back into it for nostalgia, and to share my love of comics with my daughter, the way I collect really evolved quickly over the past few years. I still OCD over completing runs more than a lot of younger collectors do, but mixed in with all of that I am far more eclectic about what I buy and why I buy it. Makes sense to me when I think about it since I am a very different person now than I was 40 years ago.
  6. They are only promising no selling or listing fees for the first undisclosed amount of time. The plan is to include those in the future and we will have to see how they compare to other auction houses. I am sure they will stay pretty reasonable for a while but who knows long term once they start building up a successful model.
  7. Three bullseyes and a total of 3 this round. Would have been a 1 but at the last minute I changed the Avengers grade away from what would have been a bullseye and into a 2. Thanks Mike for running the contest!
  8. Is it still taking a long while for them to open the boxes? My latest shipment arrived at CGC today (after 6 day shipping - thank you FedEx ) and I am wondering if I should be checking up on it over the next while.
  9. I used to go to a small store in Ottawa that has comics along with assorted other things. I bought a lot of stuff there along the way, although most of the books were not really in good enough condition for me so it always took a lot of digging through boxes to find a couple of gems. When the owner found out that I also sell comics he refused to speak to me or sell me any other comics. He was actually visibly angry when I came into his shop. It has been a few years since this happened and I still don't completely get that type of attitude. Most of the people who buy the most stuff for me do it to resell at a profit, and my attitude is more power to them. As long as I am happy with the price I am getting then all is good, and if they manage to also make a few bucks they are more like to come back and buy more.
  10. People are saying this round was really challenging but I found it pretty easy, which of course means that I am completely toast.
  11. Cardy's work in Aquaman has always been a favourite of mine. Jim Aparo took over at the (weak) end of the run so I guess it doesn't qualify wrt multiple artists in the title, but man was Cardy ever on fire in the early part of the run with all of those lovely yellows, blues, and oranges. I don't think I have loved a group of comics more purely for the art than in that run.
  12. 6 for me, not too bad but a couple of books that I changed my mind on just as I was submitting cost me a couple of extra points. Oh well, not completely out of it so onwards and upwards!
  13. This is all true. The one additional thing with newsstands though is a given the way they were initially sold it is often tougher to find them in high grade. I can only speak from personal experience and mileage may vary, but I have found that newsstand only really matters for key books and only if they are in high grade. Once you drop out of the 9 range people who are into these books stop caring (which I define as "willing to pay a bit more for them"), and the sound of crickets chirping is often deafening if you try to charge a bit extra for newsstand run fillers.
  14. Misprints do nothing for me, but I do enjoy a lot of recalled comics. This one is my favourite: https://recalledcomics.com/SwampThing11Recalled.php
  15. Bought a few hundred ASMs last night. The seller was a person I know who tried to fill an ASM run and then realized it is way too $$$ to finish it off. I actually sold him a few of these so some books are coming back home. Some of the bigger issues like 31, 41, and 50 are extremely craptacular but complete so all good. Here are some of the highlights.
  16. Not normally but I have had one or two with new dings that I know weren't there before. The worst one was a reject from a 9.8 pre-screen that came back with small ticks all up and down the spine, and of course I would have spotted that before sending. I would say it happened with approx 1 out of 100 books or so.
  17. The bolded part is the advice everyone gives and I do it too. However, I want to point out that they still cut the books out even when there is painters tape - I know this because when I get rejects back from pre-screen the top of each bag is cut out even though there is no scotch tape at all.
  18. I had a table at a pop culture show today and there were actually two Spider-Men present! It seems to fit the theme of comic collecting this week and the video was so adorable I had to share it. That is me in the background laughing. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CucnD1sAamo/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  19. Just picked up a collection that was mostly mid to lower grade books. Mostly bought it for the ASM 129 but there were a few other goodies in there.
  20. Shipped out today, June 29th. Fingers crossed that the fourth time is the charm with these books!
  21. Kudos to CGC for taking action. One element that makes this complicated is that the scam extends beyond CGC. From what I understand, some people were doing pre-orders on Ebay which has a limited time for refunds. I remember doing a pre-order from a different seller on Ebay and even though he may have been legit (still no idea about this) I cancelled the order when it was pushing up again the max window for a refund. While most people are honest, and just want to get by, there are always people out there trying to scam a quick buck.
  22. 2 book ME marked at arrived at CGC on June 14 and SFG G/E/I - June 27 Q/C - June 28 Super fast for an ME, which is great. These are the books I posted about in another thread that have now gone in for the fourth time with the same issue, and where I was charged for shipping but given a credit for it. Fingers crossed that the spotting on the back is fixed, which required swapping out the inner plastic sheath.
  23. I am not complaining about it, but this is 100% what I use graders notes for. If I can get a 9.2 copy of a book with fixable defects, and there is a big enough price bump for a jump in grade, then I go for it. Crack and re-subs are a bit of an addiction for me.