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Everything posted by Jeffro.

  1. Was it good? Not bad. Kirby is usually a fun read. Kirby is the man. I have #3, if I can find a few more in the $1 bins then I'll reread them all in one sitting, get the full Kirby affect. Kirby is the man. I loved his energy and creativity. His ideas could be hit and miss but they were never boring
  2. I'm sure your intentions are honorable but the topic of pressing service recommendations is in poor taste to discuss here. The topic always ends badly. Please consider dropping the discussion. It's not about violating rules per se but simply being polite to our host. Pressing services create a direct pipeline for downstream submissions to CGC. In other words, CGC benefits from all pressing services. Discussing them helps CGC, it doesn't harm them. [Devil's Advocate] Doesn't help CGC/CCS if the prospective submitter uses a different slabbing company and/or different presser. [/Devil's Advocate] Depends. The more people that submit for slabbing, regardless of the company, the more CGC benefits. At any point slabbing could stop being of interest to collectors and then no slabbing companies benefit. It's like TGI Friday's and Chili's opening in the same plaza. Both restaurants benefit from the other's overflow traffic. Or dealers who set up at conventions. They don't get mad at other competing dealers having booths in the same building. They all revel in having a destination place for people to spend their money. A healthy market, which includes competition, is good for business. I don't disagree but we're talking about CGC here and they have chosen to do things differently. Whether or not that approach is hurting or helping their business is the real question.
  3. I haven't seen it and not sure that I will but why does Thanos look like not unlike a bald retired WWE wrestler? Am I the only one who thinks he looks too human? (despite the chin) Note - This would not keep me from seeing the movie. I'm just musing.
  4. I'm sure your intentions are honorable but the topic of pressing service recommendations is in poor taste to discuss here. The topic always ends badly. Please consider dropping the discussion. It's not about violating rules per se but simply being polite to our host. Pressing services create a direct pipeline for downstream submissions to CGC. In other words, CGC benefits from all pressing services. Discussing them helps CGC, it doesn't harm them. [Devil's Advocate] Doesn't help CGC/CCS if the prospective submitter uses a different slabbing company and/or different presser. [/Devil's Advocate]
  5. Was it good? Not bad. Kirby is usually a fun read.
  6. Although, I already had a few copies, I grabbed the whole series (to read because I'd never read the whole thing before) for a buck a piece at a VCC a couple years ago.
  7. So someone is selling a comic at a highly inflated rate? I'm shocked. Shocked I tells ya!
  8. I will love this.... and my kid, too Oh yeah! Teen Titans Go rules. Booyah!
  9. I wasn't able to attend but I heard from someone who was in attendance that the turnout was gangbusters. Can anyone here confirm? I also heard (negatively so) that the venue was incredibly cold. I'm wishing now that I could have gone.
  10. I think Bob's questions above regarding overstreet advisers are valid and fair. For me, a recent issue is the watering down of the adviser base. You can fairly question why some of the dealers are still advisers but now the adviser group is being opened widely to non-dealers. A couple years ago, after not having bought a OPG for several years, I bought one and when I read through the market reports, I saw a bunch of names I'd never heard of. I was saying to myself, who are these people? I suppose it adds diversity and other voices to what was predominantly a dealer only club in the old days but I have to seriously question how and why some of these people are qualified to be advisers? And don't even get me started on people who write market reports and then don't even report on the market or write something so brief and generic as to not be of any use whatsoever.
  11. See what happens when you make the right choice I embrace my faults. I don't get defensive and petulant
  12. The following aren't comic related in any way but all of these were very entertaining things I've found on youtube recently. Watch this first https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXVJ4JQ3SUw And then go to the link below and listen to more actual calls. Hysterical https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3OxCWLEmoIhNMm-hnvBm9Q/videos
  13. As you are proving about yourself right now. If you're equating what I've posted in this thread today with your months long crusade to right all the board deficiencies then it's not only me who's missing the point by a country mile.
  14. That's probably because you don't bombard Arch with stuff like Sparky does. Again, given the frequency with which he pesters, I am not at all surprised that he gets little to no response. He should probably dial it back but of course never will because that's the antithesis of obsessive behavior. Just can't let anything go.
  15. Ok Blowie. You're a tool. x 20. Wow, you are defensive. If you're going to constantly and continuously infect the boards with everything that the powers that be are not doing (according to you) then maybe you should expect some people to call you on it. Either that or grow a thicker skin.
  16. But it is a lot less deaderer than it was about two hours ago, right?
  17. @Architecht @Scott =) Please drop everything regardless of importance and put yourselves on 24 hour stand by so that you can address Sparky's obsessive concerns whenever he pings you.
  18. I will. And you carry on being boring. You're very good at it. Ouch. With an insult like that I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight. Such rapier wit
  19. And this from the man who had the avatar "what's wrong with Jerkfro?"? Poor Jerkfro / Jeffro / Whateverfro - always sour, always boring, always missing the point by a country mile. Sure, Sparky sure. You just keep titling at those windmills. Gives you something to do I suppose.