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Posts posted by LordRahl

  1. Don't have a dog in this fight as I'm unlikely to win any of these pedigree books however I was surfing ebay and randomly came across the book below. It is being sold as a raw VF, doubtful this goes much over $50. Funny thing is it looks exactly like what is being represented in this thread as a pressed book. Anyone really think this FF is pressed? hm






    It's a great example of front to back miswrap. With the bending top overhang and the miswrap, it doesn't look like the comic type under discussion.


    As for the Fantuchhio Spideys, as I've posted before they look sweet and I'm sure will do extremely well at auction I won't be winning any, either.

    Yeah, the shrunken books had pages extending beyond the cover along the entire length of the book, not just towards the top.


    Are you talking about the Cole Schave books or the Fantuchhio Spidey's? Because with the exception of the ASM 2, the Fantuchhio Spidey's don't have pages extending beyond the cover for the entire length of the book. The 10,11,39 and 50 extend slightly beyond at the top and taper off to nothing showing at the bottom.

  2. Don't have a dog in this fight as I'm unlikely to win any of these pedigree books however I was surfing ebay and randomly came across the book below. It is being sold as a raw VF, doubtful this goes much over $50. Funny thing is it looks exactly like what is being represented in this thread as a pressed book. Anyone really think this FF is pressed? hm






    It's a great example of front to back miswrap. With the bending top overhang and the miswrap, it doesn't look like the comic type under discussion.


    As for the Fantuchhio Spideys, as I've posted before I think they look sweet. I'm sure they will do extremely well at auction, but I won't be winning any, either.


    This FF looks the same as the ASM 10,11,39 and 50 posted earlier in this thread. Pages showing at the top and not showing at the bottom. Why is the FF being attributed to miswrap and the ASM's being attributed to pressing? The characteristics all look the same to me (shrug)

  3. Don't have a dog in this fight as I'm unlikely to win any of these pedigree books however I was surfing ebay and randomly came across the book below. It is being sold as a raw VF, doubtful this goes much over $50. Funny thing is it looks exactly like what is being represented in this thread as a pressed book. Anyone really think this FF is pressed? hm



  4. Got off the phone with CGC earlier today, Prescreen modern books received on 6/10 and the woman who took the call said "oh these got graded, so I wouldn't expect anything back till November" Yet a few weeks ago i was told they got graded on 7/26. and that 131 out of 155 made 9.8+ 2 different people giving me miles apart answers.


    :o 5 months? :facepalm:

  5. Amazing fantasy 15 in cgc 7.5 goes from $7500 to $75,000 in 15 years


    But when this global economy resets (and it will) based on true real disposable income.... I dunno about this book maintaining its value in the medium term


    I don't think the comic book market has seen a secular bear market ever. Silver and golden age books have been steadily marching only upwards since fandom began.


    Amazing fantasy 15 is such just 1 example. There are so many copies out there. The demand is there today but it's not a rare comic book by any stretch


    Some people will sell out of necessity if the economy turns. And it's not Action 1 or Detective 27- which truly are rare


    Remember price is set on the margin !!! ---->


    Double entendre and pun not intended








    Ummm... you do remember 7-8 years ago, don't you? Recession, bear market, record foreclosures, people out of work for extended periods of time, etc?


    Actually isn't that right around the time when AF 15 took off and made a big jump?


    Yup, I'm totally onboard with your logic that Brexit will cause the demise of the comic market and this book in particular.

  6. Sorry not real sure what the question is. He sold you a restored book that was overgraded. It's Danny D or a clone of Danny D. Everything he sells is overgraded. At least he is now disclosing resto. Rather cheap lesson to stay away from him if you ask me.

  7. My 3 book MFT verified 5/3 is still sitting at Graded, has been for two weeks. I would call and ask about it but I just don't feel like beating my head against the wall right now.


    Their encapsulation phase has slowed wayyyyy down. Probably with good reason given all of the problems with the new case but it seems the days of getting your MFT done in a couple of weeks are now long gone.

  8. I think a lot of people's expectations are outrageous to being with.


    Patience is a virtue. You wanna rush someone? Expect quality to suffer.


    That is a tradeoff some people are willing to accept. Not I. If it takes 6 months, then it takes 6 months, but at least I know I am getting a quality product.


    They are. In today's society of instant gratification on almost every level, individual's expectations have become unreasonable. Which is why proper expectation setting by a business on what it can deliver and when it can deliver it is even more important. You are now combating a societal norm of I want it my way and I want it now.


    CGC and other businesses aren't doing themselves any favors by setting and failing to meet their own set expectations.


    Agreed. If CGC said MFT was 30 business days and you get it in 25 you are :banana: however when they set it at 10 and you get it in 15 you are :( . I still don't understand why they have "estimated" and "current" turn around times. They haven't hit Modern, econ or value slow tracks TAT's for years now.


    Exactly. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for CGC to grasp (shrug)

  9. I think a lot of people's expectations are outrageous to being with.


    Patience is a virtue. You wanna rush someone? Expect quality to suffer.


    That is a tradeoff some people are willing to accept. Not I. If it takes 6 months, then it takes 6 months, but at least I know I am getting a quality product.


    They are. In today's society of instant gratification on almost every level, individual's expectations have become unreasonable. Which is why proper expectation setting by a business on what it can deliver and when it can deliver it is even more important. You are now combating a societal norm of I want it my way and I want it now.


    CGC and other businesses aren't doing themselves any favors by setting and failing to meet their own set expectations.

  10. My single biggest issue is that they(CGC) sent an email stating they were caught up on TAT's and that the new case should cut TAT's even further. The exact opposite seems to be the case.


    I'm from the school of "If they'd of said nothing, I'd of thought nothing.." but to send an email stating the above really kind of bugs me 2c


    Proper expectation setting. It's something most people and businesses suck at. Set a lower expectation and beat it even if the initial expectation is a disappointment because all people will remember is that you beat it. Set a high initial expectation and fail to meet it because people get excited by the initial expectation will just result in negative sentiment because again... all people will remember is that you failed to meet your set expectation.

  11. I called CGC to see the amount of time between graded and quality control and they told me a week for MFT.


    Sam told me the MFT total turn around time is about a month, and the website is wrong.


    Hmmm... this is inconsistent with what people are actually experiencing based on dates in this thread. Seems that 2-3 weeks is what people have been posting unless of course they have slowed down again. Hell, John had a MFT get graded and shipped in 3 days and it was a prescreen. Although I'm having doubts about that one unless he's paying someone off to prioritize his books.

  12. 411%20001_zps5grqydry.jpg





    I swear the grades on the new slabs look photo shopped


    Was thinking the same thing. hm


    Yes, they do. New labels aren't my favorite from I've seen so far. I'd go so far as to say that they suck but I want to see one in person first.

  13. Tinder date results:


    Modern female (ages 18-22 Pre-screen) swipe submission: 30 matches


    RCVD: 3-28-16


    Scheduled for their apartment: 3-29-16


    Graded: 3-30-16


    *Only 10 rejects! :banana:


    Shipped Safe: Test Results Negative! 3-31-16





    Wait hold on... is this accurate? Modern prescreen went from received to shipped in 3 days :o:o That's insanely fast

  14. Warner Bros. Respond To BATMAN v SUPERMAN's Success; "There's A Disconnect Between Critics And Audiences"


    "There is no question this is an extraordinary achievement," the studio's domestic distribution chief Jeff Goldstein said today. "Clearly, audiences have embraced it and we are already seeing repeat business. It's just fun. Often, there's a disconnect between critics and audiences. It doesn’t take itself seriously. It’s just an enjoyable afternoon at the movies."


    One thing which now seems clear is that these numbers have just further cemented Warnr Bros.' plans to create a shared DC Films Universe, whether critics like it or not. "When you swing for the bleachers and connect, it’s a tremendous feeling. This felt like we were launching several films, so to come through like this makes all of us very proud."


    Come on Bosco. These tickets were presold. The opening weekend was critic proof, tickets were already sold before the first review came out. The important question is what the fall off is next week. 50% you have a winner (and yes, critic reviews don't matter) 80% and it might be a tremendous bomb. Next Sunday will be what matters (we were all expecting it to hit 160-180 before the reviews came out.)


    It won't drop 80%. Probably drop somewhere in the 60% range give or take a couple of points. Which is to be expected given how big it opened, the negative reviews scare off a few people and the fact that it is not a holiday weekend and last weekend was (kind of). It will still be considered a hit by any monetary measure once all is said and done. As I said earlier, doesn't matter what the critics have to say, this is a critic proof type of movie.

  15. They look strictly graded, Barton. Sweet copies of really tough issues.


    Yeah, there has to be something going on with that My Love that isn't apparent in the scan for it to get an 8.0 because from what I can see in the scan there is no way that book is an 8.0


    The main thing is lower right corner. There's a bend that breaks color just to the right of the exclamation mark. It's hard to see in the scan of the slab. And there's some light tanning on the inside covers. (That's hard to see in the slab!) I don't disagree with the grade thoughI wish I would have subbed the book last year.


    CGC's notes:


    Interior Cover Tanning

    Right Bottom Front Cover Bend Breaks Color

    Spine Multiple Bend Breaks Color


    You can see more in the raw scan:




    Ah yes, I did not notice that vertical crease in the slabbed scan but it's much clearer in the raw scan. Still a sharp copy though