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Everything posted by Hepcat

  1. I wonder if Mae and Carol ended up tag-teaming Jack in the dressing room after the match?
  2. Who says Lana isn't a lot hotter than Lois?
  3. Another one from the days of yore when people actually read.
  4. My dad brought it home in 1963 (I think) but the issue could also have been from earlier than 1963. What kind of finishing move did you apply once you caught them? Suplex? Piledriver? Figure four leg lock?
  5. DC couldn't decide whether the superhero's name was J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter or Manhunter from Mars. Therefore cover and splash page titles and blurbs alternated among the three. But in his secret identity he was always police detective John Jones.
  6. Here now are three of my House of Mystery comics:
  7. My father brought a Wrestling Revue magazine home from someplace in 1963. It had a centrefold pinup of NWA and WWWF champion Buddy "Nature Boy" Rogers and I remember it to this very day!
  8. Even Lindberg released a line of figure kits in 1964: I remember finding a Satan's Crate kit at my local Les' Variety store sometime in 1965: I also recall seeing a Road Hog at Coles Books downtown some months later: Despite the affordable price point, I passed on buying them. Quite simply I could see that as models they were even tackier/flimsier than the Hawk Sling Rave Curvette or Wade A. Minut kits. Moreover I just didn't find them nearly as charming as the Hawk Weird-Ohs. I actually find the Lindy Loonys somewhat repellant these days. Therefore acquiring any of the Lindy Loonys is a very low priority for me despite the fact that I clearly remember seeing two of them back in the day.
  9. I also clearly remember being terribly excited when I found this issue of Green Lantern on the comic stand at Les' Variety in October: But my comic collecting in 1963 came to another crashing halt when my sister convinced my mother to confiscate my comics and hide them from me. Don't ask me why. I've asked my sister several times over the decades what she was thinking but she doesn't have a good explanation either. In any event I still have a very clear memory shortly thereafter of a dark dreary evening in October when I was being taken by my mother to see a new dentist on the other side of town. My parents wanted to support a young Latvian girl who had started up a practice on distant Oxford Street East. The bus that stopped a half block from our house should have enabled us to get there non-stop but for whatever reason - probably to shop at Kresge, Metropolitan or Woolworth - we had stopped at London's main downtown intersection. There on the magazine stand at the United Cigar Store on that corner was this Flash comic: I stared at the cover featuring the mysterious Top with longing but there was no point in buying it. Now of course I have a copy.
  10. Here's another Green Lantern cover I don't like: Not surprising since Jack Sparling is way down on my list of favourite DC artists.
  11. Are you going to release the unjustly imprisoned Leaguers from that plastic prison?
  12. Here's the house ad for Brave and the Bold 50: Meanwhile the splash page for Brave and the Bold 50 was actually a house ad for a new concept for the title: I still recall how tremendously excited I was when I saw Brave and the Bold 50 on the bottom shelf of the magazine stand at Les' Variety. Up to that point Silver Age team-ups between heroes other than the Superman and Batman ones in World's Finest Comics were a rare thing in DC comics. There had only been one team-up between Aquaman and Green Arrow in Adventure Comics 267 way back in 1959, three team-ups between the Flash and Green Lantern and one between the Atom and Hawkman. And this team-up featured the very two Justice League heroes who didn't have their own titles and sorely needed more appearances! Here's my present day copy:
  13. Is that the Fabulous Moolah?
  14. To the origin of the Fantastical Four!
  15. More of my Tom and Jerry comics: 208 209 210 Random House 212
  16. Good history! Since about February I've been watching one Tom and Jerry cartoon every evening starting with the first theatrical release "Puss Gets the Boot" from 1940. One of these evenings I'm going to tackle the full length movie from 2021:
  17. Cheetah is an over-the-top wild DC redhead that I neglected to mention in my opening post:
  18. Oh I agree! But will somebody explain to me then how or why Captain America is more popular with many/most posters on this board than is Patsy Walker? But if we're doing hot redheads now, I present to you Shayera Hol:
  19. Nice! From the days when artists knew how to draw natural breasts. But who is that?
  20. I mislabelled my Cave Carsons in my April 5th post. It's the #32 and not the #33 that's from the Mohawk Valley collection. I've now corrected the error I made in my post.
  21. Patsy is definitely hotter than Hedy!
  22. Those four Silver covers you posted are excellent! They're dynamic and put the placid, pastoral Four Color Silver cover I posted to shame.
  23. I don't know when I first saw this other Brave and the Bold Hawkman ad: As soon as I saw it though, Brave and the Bold 36 leaped to the top tier of my Want List! Here's my present day copy: CGC 8.5