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Everything posted by TheEyeSees

  1. Hey Bill, Those are some great pix... man, you can't go wrong with Everett and Mills. And look at the interior cover... !! Looks like an absolutely perfect book.
  2. That's OK - it takes my mind off the time that the book was dropped into the bathtub, or when that bottle of Lime Away was accidentally spilled on it. STEVE Whew, thanks Steve!! That takes a load off... now, I wish i could figure out why my #2 is three inches shorter than my #1 . ps. name-dropper!!
  3. WOW, CENTAURMAN, WOW. looks like it was a banner month for you!! That is a KILLER!! What a beautiful looking book. The man is unstoppable!!!
  4. Its trimmed, i offer you 10% of guide HARDY har har
  5. yes, YOU CAN!! really, whats the point of just having one centaur?? REALLY?
  6. A FOX question about Mystery Men #1 and 2... My restored #1 seems to be a good 1/4" shorter in width than my unrestored #2 ... is this consistant with anyone elses #1 and 2? Or, (choke), could my #1 have been trimmed? I don't want to think about that possibility... it doesn't look trimmed, or seem to be missing any art. Maybe Jon Berk can help out here... S.O.S. --- S.O.S. ----
  7. Oh yeah, BTW CentaurMan, I think you should unload your grubby FUNNY PAGES #35 on me, and buy the much nicer VF off Metro! Just a thought...
  8. And lastly, I must pay tribute to CentaurMan, whose Arrow covers are throwing me into convulsive fits (esp. after all the other incredible material)... Too much good stuff on the boards, and a whole batch of new A-MAN church copies up on the Metro site... its a good day to love Centaurs! But a bad day to be poor...
  9. I hope you guys don't mind seeing a little more Guardineer. I know I saw some early Burgos also somewhere but can't find it right now - Hey Scrooge, This is wonderful stuff... which comic does this originate from?? Its not ringing a bell! What a great strip... thanks for posting.
  10. Hey Stephen, MIND-BLOWING. Absolutely. Did this one come in with the other A-MAN's on the Metro site? They look like new additons. Is it for sale, and do I dare ask how much this Church will go for??? Ryan
  11. Hi Steve, You guys just keep feeding my enthusiasm... more great books!! I had no idea STAR COMICS had such great stuff inside... I wondered where the SPEED SILVERS strip (reprinted in AMAZING ADVENTURE FUNNIES #1) came from. Great seeing the Burgos pirate strip too... is the last pirate an android by any chance? And Fuelman, nice pick up on the KDF #18 ... one of my fav's of course. Seems tough to find. What next??? WHAT NEXT???
  12. CentaurMan and Steve never cease to amaze me... Great books from both of you. The caliber of Centaurs being represented here is just phenomenal!
  13. Bill, I'd really like to collect those early Heroics but they are notorious for being brown/brittle on the inside. I know you're a "paper" guy like me, so how do the insides measure up on these copies? STEVE The Mile High #11 is blinding white. The others are not white, but far from brown or brittle. Kind of a light tan, some are cream colored. Hi Bill, Those HERIOC's are incredible!!! Love the Everett covers... maybe not my favorite cover work from him in that period, but still, they are Everett covers!! Besides, they all contain Hydroman Everett stories, which are worth the price of admission. Gorgeous condition too. The only HERIOC I own is a beater #6 I got for $45, which has an incredible "alligator wrestling" cover by Everett! Great interior art. Are you aware of the painted Everett covers from that run (#62 to 64)? Does anyone own those? Would love to see a painted Everett cover (larger than the Gerber postage stamp size)!! Nice work Bill!
  14. Steve, WOW, that is a serious book. Does anyone but you and Jon Berk own that book?? CONGRATULATIONS on re-obtaining that book... its just incredible (both in condition and rarity)!! Also, thanks for sharing the condensed story of Christman ... I love hearing the story of the artists behind these amazing books. I would give anything to have been a fly on the wall at Funnies, Inc.!! That book is worthy of one more What ELSE did you score over the weekend??
  15. Thanks, Bill, for sharing that, er, encounter!! Awesome story, even better pictures!!!
  16. Thats the beauty of these boards!! I have learned so much, my brain is now so crammed full of knowledge of comics that I can't function in the real world! But I could tell you lots about THE EYE, or Amazing Man...
  17. Well, I don't think I have posted this panel before... This has got to be my favorite EYE SEES! panel... its worthy of framing. THE EYE had a real, um, eye for the ladies!! There are a few stories where THE EYE just appears in a lady's room, unvited! Me thinks Frank Thomas had a case of the "peeping toms", or "peeping Thomas' " as it were!
  18. OMG, Scrooge... what great pages. Thanks for posting!! A tough to get issue, if i understand correctly!! The covers of AMAN #25 and #26 do nothing for me, but are obviously worth it if only for the Wolverton art!! SO cool!! Haven't seen any of the "METEOR MARTIN" work before, , although I have a few TARGET "Spacehwaks" and the first "PLANET PATROL" in AMF. Its all great stuff. Well done!
  19. Whoa... if these are your discards, Filter81, I'd love to see your "keepers"!!
  20. WOW, what a stunner!!! In keeping with all your other incredible books Steve! Well DONE!! Re: Guardineer, I have always really liked the tightness of his work. Very sharp and stylized. I would love to track down some of his work for Centaur, as well as his MOON MAN strip for Timely (MYSTIC). Thanks for posting those pages Scrooge and Steve! wow, a lot of good material today... Steve must be locked in the house with the phone unplugged today...
  21. Full Disclosure is a HUGE issue, and in this case the seller was a good friend so it was word-of-mouth (and I had no concerns as I would with some of the Big Name dealers who try to "slip one by" you). Marnin Rosenberg of CollectorsAssemble does a good thing for his raw Detroit Trolley books - every one is examined and certified by Susan C., which works for me. STEVE Steve, these are just wonderful books... congratulations on these. Whatever you had to give up for the #31, I'm sure it was worth it. These two covers are my top three TEC picks, the other being #29 (#27 isn't an option for me). I am totally with you on the restoration ... its nice when it still maintains the natural appearance. Now, about those Centaurs! I can't wait to see those ... actually, maybe I don't want to see them ... my heart breaks a little more everytime you post a book!!! Feel free to PM me if any undercopies got free'd up!
  22. the other octopus cover I have, FUNNY PAGES #36: ps. great All-American , CentaurMan!!
  23. As a lover of octopi, I try to pick up any covers within the 1939 to 1940 range featuring the slippery little devils. These have been posted in the Centaur thread: DETECTIVE EYE #2
  24. Very "1939"... Everettt evidently loved his india ink in this period!! Very heavy ! Hard to believe a few months later he developed such a fine line and shading technique (as in A-MAN , or Submariner).