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Everything posted by csaag

  1. that's a long crease in the URC, but thin. I think pressing will get you to the 6-6.5 range
  2. I would've thought they'd borrow from Apocalypto and booby trap around Bran. Instead it seems they were just protecting him with 20 or so men and nothing else.
  3. CGC damaged the book and didn't cover the damages they made to it?
  4. Question: Did Cap "come back" via time travel, or did he just "live it out" knowing where to be to hand off the shield to Falcon? That time line above suggests he time travels back, but I think he lives 70 years in the main timeline and then just strolls on upto the bench and sits down at that moment. Shouldn't Cap staying in the past create an alternative time line such that he simply couldn't wait 70 years to meet them like that?
  5. I should've asked that first. I certainly think u have a shot but you need a risk/reward analysis. If u were submitting enough to meet pre screen requirements, then u could ask if they can prescreen if it's in a slab already. Since they're advertising converting competitors slabs, may be worth calling them and asking if they can prescreen it w/o submitting a bunch.
  6. Totally agree about how much character interaction And sentiment was in this film. I thought it worked great with a 3 hour run time. Big round of applause for Stan's cameo
  7. It's amazing how many people are devouring large tubs of buttered popcorn before 9am....
  8. Sitting in the theater waiting for it to start. Didn't realize movies were so cheap in the morning, will have to make this a habit. Stayed spoiler free, other than reading the original comics back in the day !
  9. Who on earth is Bill Hackett?? I'll go a little higher and call it a 4.0
  10. marks at 2 corners and a couple of creases on the lower half of the spine 9.2 as is.
  11. I can only blow the pic up so much before it gets too fuzzy, but there may be very small marks on the front left side corners. The LLC could just be the black ink not making a perfect corner when I enlarge the 5th pic. The close up of the front right side by venom leg, is that a light reflection cause it doesn't look smooth. If that is something real, plus a corner issue could keep it from a 9.8 Always hard to tell about 9.8 without the book in hand. Good luck with it
  12. My wife has been talking about getting that. Haven't looked into it yet Other than1 specific extreme case, I don't think I've had a fever in 30 years. But nothing lasts forever so I'll have to look into his further. Currently 55 until Memorial Day
  13. Or the Lord of Light raises all those dead Starks to fight for the good guys. Sounds like a new band - The Dead Starks
  14. Maybe he realizes they're going to try and kill him, so he's flying straight to Kings Landing for some strafing runs to build up recruits down there
  15. yeah, I believe they did send him back to Winterfell. W/O an attached head, I don't see him getting raised - assuming it's possible for people not directly killed by them to get raised
  16. I wonder if it has to do with whether or not they use a TAT associated with the higher tier. For ex if you submit a pre 1975 book with a declared value of $100, there's a TAT of ~60 business days. if it turns out to be a 9.6 with a FMV of $1000 but it still took 60 business days then you didn't get the TAT associated with 'Standard' so they're not going to upcharge you.
  17. I agree with the 3.0 crowd What did you pay for it? Press/Grade/shipping could run you ~ $50 (though if you're submitting a bunch of books, shipping cost per book can go way down & not sure if a press would even help the grade with those defects) I see it for sale in the $200-$300 range. Pretty straightforward to get an idea of your min/max profit potential. Then it's just a matter if you're willing to go thru with it for those numbers. There's no such thing as 'too little profit' - it's all subjective (My father could sit at a flea market all day and come back even and he'd have a great time) Welcome to the boards!
  18. We actually do check the dryer exhaust and I have oil heat rather than gas, so I don't have to worry about the house exploding - flooding seems to be my destiny. Though my neighbors very nearby 100 foot tree keeps giving me dirty looks. I have about 1500 comics. I had moved 500 or so with the most perceived $$$ value upstairs (like my kids, I love them all equally) for new bags& boxes. Of those about 50 are at CGC. They'll stay out of the basement. Don't have room for the others to come up so thanks to all for to the various suggestions!
  19. still something glued there. It has the feel of a small piece of cardboard. Maybe some type of label where the paper surface of it wore/peeled off?
  20. the worst thing that happened down there was a scene out of that 'Dirty Jobs' show. About 10 years ago we noticed a smell coming out of the kitchen sink. Poured bleach/lemon etc solutions down there to try & deodorize it. Did several dishwasher loads with a cleaner solution. I swapped out the dishwasher hose in case it was moldy. Nothing helped. Then we noticed a small drip down the basement wall underneath it. The basement joists extend about 4 feet beyond the basement wall, covered by an addition we had built. The joists aren't thick enough to properly support the weight of the back house wall extending that far out. So they slightly bend backwards (later supported to address that) The kitchen waste pipe drops down into the space between the joists, turns 90 degress to come out into the basement and eventually ties into the sewer line. Well that copper pipe had a defect (obviously not 9.8 copper!) so water leaked out every time the water was on. Over a couple month period it turned the pink fiberglass insulation which filled that space into sludge and eventually leaked out when it filled enough to overcome the backwards pitch. When I climbed up the shelves to poke my head in there I almost passed out from the smell. I had to scrape all that sludge out of there (filled a few kitchen trash bags) , sprayed a bleach solution all over the wood. Next day we had to knock out cinder blocks so we could access the space better. Then I had to put my 6' 4" frame into the crawl space (with just 2' clearance) to cut away the plywood under the joists. Ugh. took all day to fix. Thankfully the comic boxes weren't on those shelves getting sludge dripped on them
  21. Front presents a lot better than the back cover. I'll guess 6.5 though I imagine a press would help a good deal.
  22. bought this ages ago. Not sure what that is on bottom of page 1. Seems like a piece of cardboard glued on. You can see the imprint it caused on the inside front cover. Not that I;mplaiing to, but I'd imagine that would cause a problem if it were to be pressed.